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I was just wondering if it was possible to have an external php file that can be included in the head of a web page, like a .js file. If this isn't possible maybe have a .js file containing php code that can be executed regarding the JavaScript around it...



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just make 2 files: index.php and fatmonkeyonthebeach.php


in index.php you put anywhere you like between <body></body> 




And in fatmonkeyonthebeach.php you put:


for ($i=2; $i<100; $i++){
echo "$i fat monkeys sitting on the beach<br />";


you can use the same for headers than place it above <html>



Sure there is ;)


you are looking for 4 function in php, require(), require_once()  include() include_ones()

They are pretty much alike but have some minor differences.


http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_includes.asp small tutorial


require(), require_once()  include() include_once() are not functions, but language constructs (statements). As such, they DO NOT require braces either. eg;


include 'somfile.php';


But for external file you have to give fullpath of URL


like :


if, file is exist on your server then you can use




I'm not sure that is what the OP actually meant as including a file from a remote server doesn't allow you to execute functions within that file, it just includes the output (if any) of that file into the position where include was called. it doesn't import functions, variables or constants into the same scope.



If you include a file from a remote server it will just give you the output of the file (if any, like said above).


However, if you include it from a local server you can call the function like:


//require the class

//calling the class instance
$new = new ClassInstance();

//echoing a specific variable from the class included
echo $new->funcName->varName();

//or if static



Hope this helped.

Best Regards,


Do you have a specific example of what you are trying to accomplish?


Php include files are typically used to include php code and content (settings, function definitions, class definitions, templates...) that are then used by the main php code on a page.

I just want a separate php file containing all the function for the entire web site, this file will be included in every relevant page on the site so that the page is able to call a function from the external file. The idea of this is for an easier way to edit the primary code of the web site without having to run through every page that contains a specific function. There are more obvious benefits in regards to creating the web site also (not having to write the same piece of code ten times over).

I've got to ask, what problem did you have when you tried it? Because you do exactly what you described -


main file -

include 'functions.php';
$var = 'abc';
echo my_function1($var); // call a function that is defined in functions.php and echo the result it returned



function my_function1($var){
    // do some processing on the parameter $var
    return $result; // return the result

I didn't attempt it at all, i just wanted to know if it was possible so i could look into it. I just thought if i started a discussion on it  would give me at least a kick start in a understanding. if you get me lol...

Is a function in php written in the same procedure as a function would be written in JavaScript/actionscript.


for example a function is actionscript would be something on the lines off


function(myFunction) {

//anything that goes here will be executed when this function(myFunction) is called.



I am very new to php so i am sorry if am miss comprehending and sounding retarded. lol


You need to get and read through a php book or a comprehensive php tutorial. You are asking how to do the basics that the php language can do and exptect a comprehensive answer in a couple of hundred of words that would be written in a reply in a forum post. Attempting to learn a programming language that way will leave you with huge gaps.


See this link for examples of writing php functions - http://w3schools.com/php/php_functions.asp

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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