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ok so i have an array which has duplicate values in it.


i used array_unique() to remove duplicate values.


the array had values 1,2,2,3.


after the following code:


$unique = array_unique($suggest);
$size = count($unique);
for ($x=0;$x<=$size;$x++)

     echo $unique[$x];
echo "<br>";


it prints out 1,2 and then gives an error, "Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in E:\wamp\www\Copy of pro2\Classes.php on line 1074" and then finally 3.


any ideas  how i can solve this.


im assuming that array_unique() assigns the index 0,1,3 of the duplicate value array to unique array at the same indexs 0,1,3. since the index 2 of duplicate array is a duplicate value it is ommited but the unique array does not have an array at index 2.

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as an exaple try running this code and see wot happens:


$dirty = array('danish','mukesh','braden1','shadab','bev','braden1','kirsten','john');


$clean = array_unique($dirty);


for($i=0; $i<count($clean); $i++)


        echo $clean[$i] . "<br />";



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Seriously guys. The PHP manual is online, it's free, and it's always available. Don't waste it.



Note that keys are preserved.

$unique = array_values(array_unique($suggest));


PFMaBiSmAdPosted is still right though:

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thanks....dat helped! also tried


for ($x=0;$x<$size;$x++)
				echo $unique[$x];
				echo "<br>";


and worked fine....


Yeah, but that is still a flawed solution. The problem is that your original array looks like this

array (
    0 -> 1,
    1 -> 2,
    2 -> 2,
    3 -> 3


After using array_unique() you are left with

array (
    0 -> 1,
    1 -> 2,
    3 -> 3

... because  the keys are preserved. Therefor there is no element with an index of 2. You can either reset the array indexes as requinix proposed. But, there is an even easier solution - DON'T USE A FOR LOOP. All you want to do is iterate through each element in an array. So, just use foreach() - that's what it is for.


$unique = array_unique($suggest);
foreach($unique as $value)
    echo "{$value}<br>\n";

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