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Programming Block-learning php


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I have recently started really geting into programming, learning the basics of php trying to become an expert(yea yea I know it takes years and years I'm shooting for it through). Already I have created a simple calulator, working on a blog, and a user athentication, I've read a lot of books and e-books about php and mysql programming, also I have spent a lot of time and hours from morning to morning(eyes wide O_O) watching videos, reading studying php.net. Here's the problem I know I want to program but I feel like I'm learning to get no where..

Here's what I want to do learn how to create dynamic web applications, but I don't know where to start as far as programming and gettin web pages to look how I want them to look.

I have tried view page source on various web sites tried to code my own website just isn't working out as planned.

Does anybody have any tips or willing to help me?

Or looking for a new beginner php programming friend ?

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Sounds to me like your probably trying to learn too much. In order to build web applications yourself you will need to have a good understanding of client side languages such as html & css first. Javascript will also come in handy on the client side.


From there, to learn to actually program, you are much better off getting a good book and reading it from start to finish (probably two or three times). Most books are written in such a way that they take you on a learning journey, with each chapter building on the previous.


Jumping from site to site, tutorial to tutorial won't really get you anywhere but frustrated (or here asking stupid questions like allot of other lost souls), you need structure. I understand that the idea of reading through a 700 page book a few times cover to cover can seem daunting, but seriously, you need a good grasp of the basics before you can move on. Without them, you'll just keep hitting dead ends and asking questions on forums over and over and over and over and......


Your right, your not going to learn to be an expert programmer overnight. With this in mind, be patient. It's not difficult, you don't need to be any kind of genius. You just need some patience.

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Sounds to me like your probably trying to learn too much. In order to build web applications yourself you will need to have a good understanding of client side languages such as html & css first. Javascript will also come in handy on the client side.


From there, to learn to actually program, you are much better off getting a good book and reading it from start to finish (probably two or three times). Most books are written in such a way that they take you on a learning journey, with each chapter building on the previous.


Jumping from site to site, tutorial to tutorial won't really get you anywhere but frustrated (or here asking stupid questions like allot of other lost souls), you need structure. I understand that the idea of reading through a 700 page book a few times cover to cover can seem daunting, but seriously, you need a good grasp of the basics before you can move on. Without them, you'll just keep hitting dead ends and asking questions on forums over and over and over and over and......


Your right, your not going to learn to be an expert programmer overnight. With this in mind, be patient. It's not difficult, you don't need to be any kind of genius. You just need some patience.


Thank you for your reply i do have knowledge of html and css(studying it in college) but i guess its not enough to actually do what i want to do. That's the thing i can read the book back and front take time out and reread it again and really understand what the book is saying, takes notes reread notes(almost sounds like i have no life lol) but i want to know after im finish reading and understanding 100 times where do i start ?

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Instead of just reading the book, why not follow along and try coding examples / topics that are covered as you read?


Anyways, find a project/idea that interests you and try to make your own version of it. Common first programs are blogs, games, etc.

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Bit of advice I've given countless times: find a community (like this one) and start trying to answer the questions other people post.  Pick a post, read it, research it, come up with a solution. Read other solutions presented.  Ask how/why they work, etc... wash, rinse and repeat.  There is no better teacher than experience.

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Bit of advice I've given countless times: find a community (like this one) and start trying to answer the questions other people post.  Pick a post, read it, research it, come up with a solution. Read other solutions presented.  Ask how/why they work, etc... wash, rinse and repeat.  There is no better teacher than experience.


Thanx Crayon for the advice..I'm going to start doing those things.

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