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Printed magazine re: PHP/Web or other Application development/coding.


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Hey. I dunno if I am a unique individual (I probably am), but I often like and prefer printed magazines to read when I can't bear to stare at my PC monitor or if I am out and about.

I have a few books, but they often feel kinda bulky at 1000s of pages (not something you can really bust out when you are on break at work or traveling).


Which brings me to my question:


Are there any printed PHP/web development magazines out there? Heck even a magazine that covers any kind of coding.

Something that has articles with the latest tips and tricks available, new technology, ways to improve your programming,  case studies, success story's. Basically the typical interesting material you usually find in a magazine (such as the current PDF based ones).


I know there are several "PDF" magazines which look great, but I want something printed.


A Google search yielded a few results that seemed to be all web based magazines.

Then there was: http://php.net/links.php which appeared to have some promising options such as:

- PHP Magazine (an English version of a German one called "PHP Magazin")


Unfortunately the link to the English translation of "PHP Magazin" now directs to http://jaxenter.com/ (yet another PDF based magazine)  >:(


What is this mad obsession with PDF/Web based magazines? I mean we have forums and a plethora of online tutorials for that purpose not to mention great references like Php.net and w3schools. Where are the printed magazines and journals?

Does anyone know of any?


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Nevermind. I was excited for a second there, but appears that magazine may have also joined the PDF bandwagon since they have $0 for shipping fees (when ordering a subscription). Doesn't really clearly state either way though so I could be wrong.




I guess I will try find out for sure if they have printed versions available  :shrug:

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I would probably stop reading books if they ever switch to PDF-only.


I'm completely with you on that one.


I guess I will wait and see what the customer service of php|architecture tell me so I know for sure they offer printed/mailed version of their magazine.


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What is this mad obsession with PDF/Web based magazines? I mean we have forums and a plethora of online tutorials for that purpose not to mention great references like Php.net and w3schools. Where are the printed magazines and journals?

Does anyone know of any?


Super cheap to distribute (which gets passed on to the customers) and saving lots of trees in the process is a mad obsession?


Don't get me wrong, I too like to read printed newspapers, magazines or books.  And up until relatively recently, it hasn't really been all that practical to use the electronic versions unless you happened to be sitting in front of a computer.  But as technology progresses, access to them is becoming easier.  That's why products like the Kindle are so popular.  Yeah...still "not the same" and no argument there, but the benefits far outweigh the cost to the point that the "but I like printed..." is little different than a "I am old and set in my ways" argument.



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