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ok, so I have this code and I need to know how to modify it so that the strings display properly............so that it wont display $string but instead whatever value it is.........can you please help:

		$to = "$email";
	// Change this to your site admin email
	$from = "[email protected]";
	$subject = "Complete your registration";
	//Begin HTML Email Message where you need to change the activation URL inside
	$message = '<html>
	<style type="text/css">
#apDiv1 {
#apDiv2 {
#apDiv2 {
text-align: center;

<body><div id="apDiv1">
  <table width="408" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
      <th width="90" scope="col">Event(s):</th>
      <th width="298" scope="col">

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Registration WHERE eventid=".$_GET["eventid"]." LIMIT 1");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
$event = $row["event"];
$startdate = $row["startdate"];
$enddate = $row["enddate"];
$description = $row["description"];
$location = $row["location"];
$subevent1 = $row["subevent1"];
$subevent2 = $row["subevent2"];
$subevent3 = $row["subevent3"];
$subevent4 = $row["subevent4"];
$subevent5 = $row["subevent5"];
$subevent6 = $row["subevent6"];
$subevent7 = $row["subevent7"];
$subevent8 = $row["subevent8"];

//this will echo the contents of each db row as they are iterated in the loop

if (!empty($title1)) { echo "<br/>$title1:"; }
if (!empty($title2)) { echo "<br/>$title2:" ; }
if (!empty($title3)) { echo "<br/>$title3:"; }
if (!empty($title4)) { echo "<br/>$title4:"; }
if (!empty($title5)) { echo "<br/>$title5:"; }
if (!empty($title6)) { echo "<br/>$title6:"; }
if (!empty($title7)) { echo "<br/>$title7:"; }
if (!empty($title8)) { echo "<br/>$title8:"; }
//etc etc

      <th> $total = $price1 + $price2 + $price3 = $price4 + $price5 + $price6 + $price7 + $price8 ; 
      echo $total; 

      <th><?php echo $name; ?></th>
<div id="apDiv2"><?php echo $name; ?>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p><a href="index.php" target="_new"><strong>Troop 78 Home</strong></a></p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
<img name="boyscout" src="button/boyscout.jpg" width="1180" height="700" border="0" id="boyscout" alt="" />
	// end of message
	$headers = "From: $from\r\n";
	$headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
	$to = "$to";
	// Finally send the activation email to the member
	mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
	// Then print a message to the browser for the joiner 
	print "<br /><br /><br /><h4>OK $firstname, one last step to verify your email identity:</h4><br />
	We just sent an Activation link to: $email<br /><br />
	<strong><font color=\"#990000\">Please check your email inbox in a moment</font></strong> to click on the Activation <br />
	Link inside the message. After email activation you can log in.";

	$to = "@gmail.com";
	// Change this to your site admin email
	$from = "[email protected]";
	$subject = "New Registration for $event";
	//Begin HTML Email Message where you need to change the activation URL inside
	$message = '<html>

<body>  Hello, Aaron
$name has registered for $event.  they will owe $total = $price1 + $price2 + $price3 = $price4 + $price5 + $price6 + $price7 + $price8 ; 
      echo $total; 
	// end of message
	$headers = "From: $from\r\n";
	$headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
	$to = "$to";
	// Finally send the activation email to the member
	mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
	// Then print a message to the browser for the joiner 
	print "<br /><br /><br /><h4>OK $firstname, one last step to verify your email identity:</h4><br />
	We just sent an Activation link to: $email<br /><br />
	<strong><font color=\"#990000\">Please check your email inbox in a moment</font></strong> to click on the Activation <br />
	Link inside the message. After email activation you can log in.";

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so now for this code :

$event = $row['event'];
$startdate = $row['startdate'];
$enddate = $row['enddate'];
$description = $row['description'];
$location = $row['location'];
$subevent1 = $row['subevent1'];
$subevent2 = $row['subevent2'];
$subevent3 = $row['subevent3'];
$subevent4 = $row['subevent4'];
$subevent5 = $row['subevent5'];
$subevent6 = $row['subevent6'];
$subevent7 = $row['subevent7'];
$subevent8 = $row['subevent8'];


I am getting Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/a6254834/public_html/eventreg.php

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I think this error usually means you're missing a quote, or mixing them up.  Can you post a few lines above and echo out $sql to see what the actual value is?


Another thing I mentioned before, is if eventid is not and integer you will need to change it to (added single quotes):

WHERE eventid='".$_GET["eventid"]."' LIMIT 1");

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<body><div id='apDiv1'>
  <table width='408' border='1' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2'>
      <th width='90' scope='col'>Event(s):</th>
      <th width='298' scope='col'>

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Registration WHERE eventid='".$_GET["eventid"]."' LIMIT 1");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
$event = $row['event'];
$startdate = $row['startdate'];
$enddate = $row['enddate'];
$description = $row['description'];
$location = $row['location'];
$subevent1 = $row['subevent1'];
$subevent2 = $row['subevent2'];
$subevent3 = $row['subevent3'];
$subevent4 = $row['subevent4'];
$subevent5 = $row['subevent5'];
$subevent6 = $row['subevent6'];
$subevent7 = $row['subevent7'];
$subevent8 = $row['subevent8'];


(not sure what you meant by echo out $sql?)

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$sql = "SELECT * FROM Registration WHERE eventid='".$_GET["eventid"]."' LIMIT 1";
echo $sql;
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$event = $row['event'];
$startdate = $row['startdate'];
$enddate = $row['enddate'];
$description = $row['description'];
$location = $row['location'];
$subevent1 = $row['subevent1'];
$subevent2 = $row['subevent2'];
$subevent3 = $row['subevent3'];
$subevent4 = $row['subevent4'];
$subevent5 = $row['subevent5'];
$subevent6 = $row['subevent6'];
$subevent7 = $row['subevent7'];
$subevent8 = $row['subevent8'];


still same errors.....

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session_start(); // Must start session first thing
Created By Adam Khoury @ www.flashbuilding.com 
-----------------------June 20, 2008----------------------- 
// Here we run a login check
if (!isset($_SESSION['id'])) { 
   echo 'Please <a href="login.php">log in</a> to access your account';
//Connect to the database through our include 
include_once "connect_to_mysql.php";
// Place Session variable 'id' into local variable
$userid = $_SESSION['id'];
// Query member data from the database and ready it 
// Process the form if it is submitted

// Set error message as blank upon arrival to page
$errorMsg = "";
// First we check to see if the form has been submitted 
if (isset($_POST['eventid'])){
$name = ereg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['name']); // filter everything but numbers and letters
$event = ereg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['event']); // filter everything but spaces, numbers, and letters
$eventid = ereg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['eventid']); // filter everything but spaces, numbers, and letters
$subevent1 = ereg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['subevent1']); // filter everything but spaces, numbers, and letters
$subevent2 = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $_POST['subevent2']); // filter everything but lowercase letters
$subevent3 = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $_POST['subevent3']); // filter everything but lowercase letters
$subevent4 = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $_POST['subevent4']); // filter everything but lowercase letters
$subevent5 = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $_POST['subevent5']); // filter everything but lowercase letters
$subevent6 = ereg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['subevent6']); // filter everything but 
$subevent7 = ereg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['subevent7']); // filter everything but 
$subevent8 = ereg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['subevent8']); // filter everything but 
$userid = ereg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['userid']); // filter everything but 
$email = ereg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9.@]", "", $_POST['email']); // filter everything but 

$sql = "Insert INTO Events (name, event, eventid, userid, subevent1, subevent2, subevent3, subevent4, subevent5, subevent6, subevent7, subevent8, email) 
	VALUES('$name','$event','$eventid','$userid','$subevent1','$subevent2','$subevent3','$subevent4','$subevent5','$subevent6','$subevent7','$subevent8', '$email')";
$rs = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Problem with the query: $sql<br>" . mysql_error());
  $total ="$price1 + $price2 + $price3 = $price4 + $price5 + $price6 + $price7 + $price8"; 
	$to = "$email";
	// Change this to your site admin email
	$from = "[email protected]";
	$subject = "Complete your registration";
	//Begin HTML Email Message where you need to change the activation URL inside
	$message = "<html>
	<style type='text/css'>
#apDiv1 {
#apDiv2 {
#apDiv2 {
text-align: center;

<body><div id='apDiv1'>
  <table width='408' border='1' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2'>
      <th width='90' scope='col'>Event(s):</th>
      <th width='298' scope='col'>

$sql = "SELECT * FROM Registration WHERE eventid='".$_GET["eventid"]."' LIMIT 1";
echo $sql;
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$event = $row['event'];
$startdate = $row['startdate'];
$enddate = $row['enddate'];
$description = $row['description'];
$location = $row['location'];
$subevent1 = $row['subevent1'];
$subevent2 = $row['subevent2'];
$subevent3 = $row['subevent3'];
$subevent4 = $row['subevent4'];
$subevent5 = $row['subevent5'];
$subevent6 = $row['subevent6'];
$subevent7 = $row['subevent7'];
$subevent8 = $row['subevent8'];

//this will echo the contents of each db row as they are iterated in the loop

if (!empty($title1)) { echo '<br/>$title1:'; }
if (!empty($title2)) { echo '<br/>$title2:' ; }
if (!empty($title3)) { echo '<br/>$title3:'; }
if (!empty($title4)) { echo '<br/>$title4:'; }
if (!empty($title5)) { echo '<br/>$title5:'; }
if (!empty($title6)) { echo '<br/>$title6:'; }
if (!empty($title7)) { echo '<br/>$title7:'; }
if (!empty($title8)) { echo '<br/>$title8:'; }
//etc etc

      echo '$total'; 

      <th><?php echo $name; ?></th>
<div id='apDiv2'><?php echo $name; ?>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p><a href='index.php' target='_new'><strong>Troop 78 Home</strong></a></p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p><strong><a href='http://www.cornhuskercouncil.org'>Cornhusker Council</a></strong></p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
<img name='boyscout' src='button/boyscout.jpg' width='1180' height='700' border='0' id='boyscout' alt='' />
	// end of message
	$headers = "From: $from\r\n";
	$headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
	$to = "$to";
	// Finally send the activation email to the member
	mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
	// Then print a message to the browser for the joiner 
	print "<br /><br /><br /><h4>OK $firstname, one last step to verify your email identity:</h4><br />
	We just sent an Activation link to: $email<br /><br />
	<strong><font color=\"#990000\">Please check your email inbox in a moment</font></strong> to click on the Activation <br />
	Link inside the message. After email activation you can log in.";

	$to = "[email protected]";
	// Change this to your site admin email
	$from = "[email protected]";
	$subject = "New Registration for $event";
	//Begin HTML Email Message where you need to change the activation URL inside
	$message = '<html>

<body>  Hello, Aaron
$name has registered for $event.  they will owe $total = $price1 + $price2 + $price3 = $price4 + $price5 + $price6 + $price7 + $price8 ; 
      echo $total; 
	// end of message
	$headers = "From: $from\r\n";
	$headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
	$to = "$to";
	// Finally send the activation email to the member
	mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
	// Then print a message to the browser for the joiner 
	print "<br /><br /><br /><h4>OK $firstname, one last step to verify your email identity:</h4><br />
	We just sent an Activation link to: $email<br /><br />
	<strong><font color=\"#990000\">Please check your email inbox in a moment</font></strong> to click on the Activation <br />
	Link inside the message. After email activation you can log in.";
	print "<br /><br /><br /><h4>OK $firstname, one last step to verify your email identity:</h4><br />
	We just sent an Activation link to: $email<br /><br />
	<strong><font color=\"#990000\">Please check your email inbox in a moment</font></strong> to click on the Activation <br />
	Link inside the message. After email activation you can log in.";

	echo mysql_error();

// close if post
	exit(); // Exit so the form and page does not display, just this success message
}// Close else after database duplicate field value checks
   // Close else after missing vars check
//Close if $_POST


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You're missing the terminating quote and semi-colon at the end of this string:


	$message = "<html>
	<style type='text/css'>
#apDiv1 {
#apDiv2 {
#apDiv2 {
text-align: center;

<body><div id='apDiv1'>
  <table width='408' border='1' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2'>
      <th width='90' scope='col'>Event(s):</th>
      <th width='298' scope='col'>



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Yes there is. You have to terminate the string with a "; or else you get the error you're getting.

	$message = "<html>
	<style type='text/css'>
#apDiv1 {
#apDiv2 {
#apDiv2 {
text-align: center;

<body><div id='apDiv1'>
  <table width='408' border='1' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2'>
      <th width='90' scope='col'>Event(s):</th>
      <th width='298' scope='col'>";  // <----- see the added ";



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You have to concatenate anything else onto the $message variable if you want more to appear in the email message.


Where you have:

if (!empty($title1)) { echo '<br/>$title1:'; }
if (!empty($title2)) { echo '<br/>$title2:' ; }
if (!empty($title3)) { echo '<br/>$title3:'; }
if (!empty($title4)) { echo '<br/>$title4:'; }
if (!empty($title5)) { echo '<br/>$title5:'; }
if (!empty($title6)) { echo '<br/>$title6:'; }
if (!empty($title7)) { echo '<br/>$title7:'; }
if (!empty($title8)) { echo '<br/>$title8:'; }

If you want those strings in the message you have to do something like

if (!empty($title1)) { $message .= '<br/>$title1:'; }
if (!empty($title2)) { $message .= '<br/>$title2:' ; }
if (!empty($title3)) { $message .= '<br/>$title3:'; }
if (!empty($title4)) { $message .= '<br/>$title4:'; }
if (!empty($title5)) { $message .= '<br/>$title5:'; }
if (!empty($title6)) { $message .= '<br/>$title6:'; }
if (!empty($title7)) { $message .= '<br/>$title7:'; }
if (!empty($title8)) { $message .= '<br/>$title8:'; }


And then, after the "// etc..."

$message .= "</th>




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