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Using CONCAT in mysql_query


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I'm looking to extract a dollar value out of a column in mysql table (inventory obviously) the column is set up as a decimal(8,2)

so my numbers are appearing but I can't get them to show a dollar value beforehand.


I have been playing with the following code. If anymore info is needed I can provide it.




$searchSQL = mysql_query("SELECT *, CONCAT('$', low_price) FROM inventory WHERE item_name LIKE '%$searchTermDB%' OR item_desc LIKE '%$searchTermDB%' OR sub_category_b LIKE '%$searchTermDB%'");

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CONCAT('$', low_price) AS low_price


Even better, call that something else. Like "low_pricemoney". Then

$row = mysql_fetch_array($searchSQL);
echo "Number is ", $row["low_price"], "; currency is ", $row["low_pricemoney"];


Excellent I had been reading about using CONCAT but this filled in the missing blank for me... the AS is needed to rename the column.


Thanks for your responses!

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To take this idea one step further, I want to display a price range. I have another decimal column called 'high_price' and if that field is not null I would like for it to output some formatting as well to demonstrate a range of price e.g.


$99.99 - $199.99


Using CONCAT I have only been able to add the extra formatting regardless of whether the field is null or not. I'm assuming that I need a conditional statement to fix this?


My other thought is to scrap the high_price column as a decimal and change it to varchar with formatting inputted directly(kind of sloppy though right?)


Thanks for any advice on this!


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Alright, with a little patience I came up with one solution using a both of the answers you guys gave me. I used CONCAT in the following way to achieve my base price in the desired format


$searchSQL = mysql_query("SELECT  *, CONCAT('$', low_price) AS low_price FROM inventory WHERE item_name LIKE '%$searchTermDB%' OR item_desc LIKE '%$searchTermDB%' OR sub_category_b LIKE '%$searchTermDB%'");	


and I wrote a conditional statement and escaped the $ with \ for my optional high_price to create the range which looks like this.

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($searchResult)){
		if ($row['high_price'] > ($row['low_price'])){
			$high_price =  " - \${$row['high_price']}";
		}else {$high_price = "";


Works for me... if there is any improvements anyone would like to suggest feel free, but for now its doing the job.

Thanks again.

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