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Hey Guys.


I have the following problem on mysql database:


With php using $time = time(); I receive for example: 1302638294


I need something more accurate than this because sometimes I receive on my DB the same value (2 times) and it generates some conflicts due to the fact I am using this information to know which user sent some information, first, second, etc...


Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can solve this problem?

Thanks a lot in advance!


Yes I already tried that.

Thanks a lot.


The problem is that for example on my DB...the value from $time = time(); is being stored on a field called Raw_Time with Data Type int(32)

And when I use $time = microtime(); I get on DB a 0 value...


And I need the int type on the Raw_Time because I need to: ORDER BY `CLICKING_HISTORY`.`Raw_Time` DESC LIMIT 0 , 10


I apologize for not explaining this before.

Looking forward for any suggestions or ideas.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Thanks a lot for all your help!




I tried your code and I get a 4 value number...


And based on that I tried:


$time = time(); //for Raw_Time
$timeSec = microtime(true)*10000;
$time = $time . $timeSec;


But instead of adding the value with 4 numbers after the time, I think its being added to the time result.


Any ideas on how I can format this better than what I am doing?


You could prefix the timestamp with the user's ID (primary key)?



//pull some user data making sure you include userID

$uniqueTime = $row['userID'] . time();

//insert data into appropriate table



then to find the time



//pull unique time

$timeOfAction = time() - substr($row['uniqueTime'], 1);

echo 'Action made ' . $timeOfAction . ' seconds ago.';




yea maybe, I don't know it would do in php4 off the top of my head. why on earth would you be using php4?

the get as float parameter was added in 5.

best advice is to get the string value and chop it up to get the "unique" int you want

and read this:



This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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