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Best way to determine a topic ID


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How does phpBB create ID's for its topics?


eg: www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=335536.0


How is 'topic=335536.0' generated? (i'm guessing the '.0' is the value used to determine the page number)


The post ID is simple a AI field I'm guessing, but then each post needs to link to a topic ID which is in the same table and thus cannot be an auto Increment as there needs to multiple entries using the same topic ID...


My initial thoughts:


Count the DISTINCT topic ID's then +1 for the new one (But what if 1000 people all simultaneously press 'post' at the same time? Would the DISTINCT count therefore be incorrect for some?)


Taking the OP's ID and coupling with the current unix timestamp (this one will only work if a user can only ever be logged into a system once at any one time)



(probably miles off here, but i'm creating a system with a similar concept to topic ID's and kinda stuck as to the best way)

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Simple, for existing ones posts: the parent ID of the topic is located in the same (or table joining the two) row. Every post belongs to a topic.

ID | Topic ID | Post info
1    335536        ...


When creating a new topic, there is a topic table, with some data about the topics, and then an AI ID kicks in.


Try installing a forum and see for yourself :)

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ahhhh... I see. Well that makes sense  ::)


So when a new topic is created, the first step is to create a new entry in the 'topic table' which has its own AI ID field. After inserting this, the topics ID just right there...


Thank you. Can't believe I didn't click on that.

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