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/* Subject and Email Variables */

$emailSubject = 'Customer Satisfaction Survey';
$webMaster = 'service@cpr-savers.com';

/* Gathering data Variables */

$productField = $_POST['product'];
$companyoverallField = $_POST['companyoverall'];
$repurchaseField = $_POST['repurchase'];
$recommendField = $_POST['recommend'];
$experienceField = $_POST['experience'];
$improvementsField = $_POST['improvements'];
$commentsField = $_POST['comments'];

$body = <<<EOD
How satisfied were you with the products that you ordered: $product <br>
How satisfied were you with our company overall: $companyoverall <br>
How likely are you to purchase from our company again: $repurchase <br>
How likely are you to recommend our company to others: $recommend <br>
Briefly describe why your experience with our company was good bad.: $experience <br>
In your opinion what could we have done to make your experience better: $improvements <br>
Additional Comments: $comments <br>

$headers = "From: $email\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
$success = mail($webMaster, $emailSubject, $body, $headers);

/* Results Rendered as HTML */

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<meta name="keywords" content="first aid, first aid kits, first aid products, first aid supplies, survival kits, emergency kits, disaster preparedness kit, cpr kits, cpr products, cpr supplies, medications, oxygen unit, oxygen tank, bloodborne pathogen protection, first aid burn kits, burn care, eye care, bandages, first aid cabinet, cpr and first aid,">
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    <td width="13%"><div align="center"><a href="Industrials/Cpr%20prod/cprproductsoutline.html"><img src="library-pictures/cpr-supplies.gif" alt="CPR Supplies: cpr kits, cpr masks. oxygen units, cpr keychain, cpr faceshields, cpr rescuebreathers, cpr bag valve masks, stretcher" width="68" height="71" border="0" /></a></div></td>
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          <td><div align="center"><span class="style5">Thank you very much for your feedback!  Your experience, as a customer, is extremely important to us at CPR Savers. We will take your input and continue providing you with the best customer service possible! </span></div></td>
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echo "$theResults";


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--This is the code for the page where the customer would fill it out--

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<meta name="keywords" content="first aid, first aid kits, first aid products, first aid supplies, survival kits, emergency kits, disaster preparedness kit, cpr kits, cpr products, cpr supplies, medications, oxygen unit, oxygen tank, bloodborne pathogen protection, first aid burn kits, burn care, eye care, bandages, first aid cabinet, cpr and first aid,">
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          <td class="style4">Customer Satisfaction Survey </td>
          <td><div align="right" class="style1">Toll Free 1-800-480-1277 </div></td>
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    <td width="10%"><div align="center"><a href="Industrials/Cpr prod/aed/aed.html"><img src="library-pictures/samaritan-aed-icon.png" alt="Automated External Defibrillators from Samaritan, Defibtech, Zoll, Philips and Medtronic." width="68" height="72" border="0" /></a></div></td>
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    <td width="13%"><div align="center"><a href="Industrials/Cpr prod/cprproductsoutline.html"><img src="library-pictures/cpr-supplies.gif" alt="CPR Supplies: cpr kits, cpr masks. oxygen units, cpr keychain, cpr faceshields, cpr rescuebreathers, cpr bag valve masks, stretcher" width="68" height="71" border="0" /></a></div></td>
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    <td width="10%"><div align="center"><a href="principal/industrial.html"><img src="library-pictures/cal-osha-icon.png" alt="Industrial Supplies for businesses, offices, schools. Antiseptics and ointmesnts, aed's, bloodborne pathogen supplies, bandages, cpr supplies, burn care, first aid signs, gloves, first aid cabines, first aid kits, hot and cold products, hearing protection, first aid kits, cpr manikins and more!!!" width="56" height="72" border="0" /></a></div></td>
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Umm...  Let me give you a little hint about coding forums in general, no one is going to go through all that code.  You made no attempt to isolate the problem, provided no information, just a one-liner question and a shit ton of what looks like DW shit code. 


In the future, please place


tags around your code.

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--sorry im not sure where the error is, hopefully this is better--


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