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I have moved some code from one host to another and it just will not work on the new host.. same PHP version etc


Can anyone give me any pointers ?


I replaced any sensitive info with XXXXXXXXXXXXX etc


the error is :-





PHP Error


File: /home/XXXXXXXX/public_html/system/models/PPI_Model_Session.php

errno: 8

line: 47

message: Undefined variable: _SESSION



#0 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/system/models/PPI_Model_Session.php(47): ppi_error_handler(8, 'Undefined varia...', '/home/XXXXXXX/...', 47, Array)

#1 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/application/shared/ApplicationController.php(14): PPI_Model_Session->__construct()

#2 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/application/controllers/HomeController.php(5): ApplicationController->__construct()

#3 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/system/base/classes/PPI_Dispatch.php(89): HomeController->__construct()

#4 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/system/base/framework.php(126): PPI_Dispatch->dispatch()

#5 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/index.php(67): require_once('/home/XXXXXXXX/...')

#6 {main}





The index.php is  :-





* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
* @copyright (c) Digiflex Development Team 2008
* @version 1.0
* @author Paul Dragoonis <[email protected]>
* @since Version 1.0
* @subpackage	Framework

echo 'Current PHP version: ' . phpversion();

// this is to make it Smarty compliant

global $siteTypes;
$siteTypes = array('freelancer-market.com' => 'development','localhost:200' => 'development');

/* initialize the framework */
ini_set('display_errors', true);
error_reporting(E_ALL + E_NOTICE);

function listFiles( $from = '.')

    if(! is_dir($from))
        return false;

    $files = array();
    $dirs = array( $from);
    while( NULL !== ($dir = array_pop( $dirs)))
        if( $dh = opendir($dir))
            while( false !== ($file = readdir($dh)))
                if( $file == '.' || $file == '..')
                $path = $dir . '/' . $file;
                if( is_dir($path))
                    $dirs[] = $path;
                    unlink ($path);
    return $files;

require_once 'system' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'base' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'framework.php';




The general.ini is  :-




db.host = localhost
db.database = XXXXXXXXXXXXX
db.password = XXXXXXXXXXXX
db.username = YYYYYYYYY
db.enabled = true
db.mysql_default_fetch = assoc

system.base_url = http://freelancer-market.com/
system.email_errors = true
system.developer_email = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
system.maintenance = false
system.allow_access[] = http://freelancer-market.com/
system.allow_access[] = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
system.masterController = home
system.usernameField = email
system.roleMapping[] = guest::1
system.roleMapping[] = member::2
system.roleMapping[] = admin::3
system.roleMapping[] = developer::4
system.acl.filename = access.xml
system.acl.enabled = false
system.acl.usePPI = true
system.loginUrl = user/login/

system.enable_caching = false
system.sessionNamespace = __MCSUPPORT
system.autoload_plugins = true

layout.default_view_language = en
layout.captchaPublicKey = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
layout.view_theme = default
layout.languages[] = en::English

db.host = localhost
db.database = XXXXXXXXX
db.password = XXXXXXXXXXX
db.username = XXXXXXXX
db.enabled = true
db.mysql_default_fetch = assoc

system.base_url = http://freelancer-market.com/
system.email_errors = true
system.developer_email = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
system.maintenance = false
system.allow_access[] = http://freelancer-market.com/
system.allow_access[] = XXXXXXXXX
system.allow_access[] = YYYYYYYYYYY
system.allow_access[] = ZZZZZZZZZZZ
system.mastercontroller = user
system.usernameField = email
system.roleMapping[] = guest::1
system.roleMapping[] = member::2
system.roleMapping[] = admin::3
system.roleMapping[] = developer::4

system.ommitAuth[] = User/login
system.ommitAuth[] = User/logout
system.ommitAuth[] = User/register
system.useAuth = true
system.loginUrl = user/login/

system.enable_caching = true
system.session_namespace = __PPI
system.autoload_plugins = true

layout.captchaPublicKey = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 
layout.captchaPrivateKey = YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 
layout.default_view_language = en
layout.view_theme = default



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