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Good Way to Secure Up Windows 7?


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I want to reformat my laptop and re-install Win7, and I'm wondering is there any good way to secure up Win7 so tightly that it's hard to make use of any of its holes?


Since I know that if certain organisations can hack themselves through the Win 7 Firewall of a person's computer as long as they have the IP which they usually get through the ISP.



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Though, are you saying the Win7 Firewall is not good enough? I've heard a lot of experts mention, that you simply can leave the Win7 Firewall.


I'd just like to tighten up Win7 when it comes to security, at the same time I don't want to study so much on it until I'm an expert myself haha.

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Though, are you saying the Win7 Firewall is not good enough? I've heard a lot of experts mention, that you simply can leave the Win7 Firewall.


I'd just like to tighten up Win7 when it comes to security, at the same time I don't want to study so much on it until I'm an expert myself haha.


Connect to the internet via a router. Close all incoming ports. this means you will only get data from connections you have made via an outgoing request.

Microsoft firewalls are generally set so all ports are closed and then exceptions added. As long as you dont allow exceptions nothing can start a session from outside.

Lastly, there is a lot of emphasis by antivirus vendors on inspecting outgoing packets as well as incoming. In my opinion if an outgoing packet is virused you are already in the poo.

In short, close incoming ports in your router. Remove all exceptions in the windows firewall and you should be right. Anymore is serious paranoia (IMHO)  Go to GRC.com, find their sheilds up servie and check your firewall. It will let you know if there ar eposrts open.




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Download malwarebytes, hell, it's even worth buying.  Also CCleaner is a great tool for getting bugs out.


Regardless of what you have though, something will always go wrong.. it's Moore's Law.  If you REALLLY want to have a secure computer, go back to 56k as it will take so much longer for the trojans, worms and viruses to attach themselves to your system.  But that's pretty eccentric of a solution.



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I use the free Avast Antivirus, Malwarebytes, Spyware Blaster and Spybot Search and Destroy all together. Better safe than sorry ;D


My motto is do not trust anything Microsoft other than it's OS. If there is an alternative, use it.

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