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MySQL/PHP cache problem?


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Hey everyone.  I'm having a bit of an issue, but not sure if it is MySQL or PHP.  Basically, if someone has filled out a form before on the webpage, when they click send (for another instance), it is not posting the new information into the database. Once the send button is pushed, it re-sends the previous entry.  I'm thinking there is some cache issue, but I'm not sure what kind of code to use to clear the cache before/after the send button is pushed.  Sorry if this doesn't make much sense, but it's a little hard to explain. Any ideas?  Thanks!

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Sorry again for the description.  Let me see if this helps:


Someone goes to the page for the first time and submits the form, the info is posted into the db and an email is sent to the admin that shows a link to the form info.  The link ends with the user id which should be different with every post.  ie. http://site.com/forms/form.php?id=152


If the same user goes back to the site and submits a form it should assign the new form a different id number, but instead edits the data for that user in the db (152), and sends email with the same link as above. 


However, if the user hit ctrl f5, or cleared their browser cache it would assign a new id, and everything works fine.


Does that help?



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