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Multiple Sections in Databases


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I've created an application which stores its data in a MySQL Database, and it has a section to do with Checkboxes, but at the moment every checkbox is stored in a different database so I have 20 odd different databases. I know I can combine them with something like a example_example thing, but the problem is I've got no idea what the thing is called!


The config file is


$user="username"; //username of the MySQL database
$password="password"; //password of the MySQL database
$database="monday1"; //database you want to open in the MySQL database
$host="localhost"; //host to connect to for the MySQL database


Is it as simple as changing the database name so it looks like;


$user="username"; //username of the MySQL database
$password="password"; //password of the MySQL database
$database="bb_monday1"; //database you want to open in the MySQL database
$host="localhost"; //host to connect to for the MySQL database


I might be totally off, but I'm not really sure what to search for. I know in wordpress databases they usually have wp_.



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Actually I've worked out how to create a table, but how would I make it so that the table's name is the directory's name. I've found how to do it in php;

$pass="0"; $long=0;
$tv=strlen($junk); $dvd=$tv-1;
while ($pass=="0")
if ($vhs==chr(47)) {$pass=1;}
if ($vhs==chr(92)) {$pass=1;}
$long=$long+1; $dvd=$dvd-1;
print "$vhs";


and that'll give the directory, and the table creating script is;



include("dbinfo.inc.php"); //get settings
mysql_connect($host,$user,$password); //connect to database
@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); //select a database or give a error
$query="CREATE TABLE [i]TABLE NAME TO BE DIRECTORY[/i] (checkbox TEXT NOT NULL )"; //create the table checkbox, with type TEXT
mysql_query($query);  //execute it
$query2="INSERT INTO checkbox (checkbox) VALUES ('0')"; //add a 0 to field checkbox
mysql_query($query2);  //execute it
mysql_close(); //close the connection
Finished creating table.


How could I do this so that the Table name is that of the directory.


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There will be multiple checkboxes so







I couldn't give them all the same database details as they'd just overwrite eachother, but I don't want to have to enter the details in each separate one. The database info file is in php, so is there anything I can enter that'll get the name of the directory and use that as the name of the table?

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Allow me to suggest you to describe in details what exactly are you trying to accomplish.. what are you trying to design/solve... every post that you have wrote until now is totally confusing and doesn't explain at all what you are trying to do... with a better explanation probably somebody could give you advice.

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