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How to start project


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Hey guys,

pretty wel

Apologies if this is in the wrong section...


Im not looking for 100% php help but more in the way of project prep help. I currently know php rather well but im no expert, if somebody asked me a php related Query id most likley be able to help but what i was hoping of you guys is that maybe you could assist me in designing my new project.


The part that i would like help on is how to get started, for example, which pages need creating and which databases I would need etc. Even just a link or a short checklist to go through when creating my project would help greatly and be appreciated


Could any of you assist me in this matter?


Thanks in advanced



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PM me

I could help you. Sometimes I may be busy, but for the most part I am free to help.


These forums are for open discussion, because open discussion benefits many. I find it quite rude that you would be in a room full of people yet stand in the corner whispering.

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I want a PM because it gets harder to communicate faster in forums.... soo I ask for a PM so I can get a instant messenger screename so when I am not busy we can speak faster and get things done a lot quicker.

Sorry you take offence to that, but thats how I thought it should be done.



Also.. I'm sure he doesn't want everyone knowing his whole db structure and seeing most of his code. Doing that makes it a lot easier for hackers to attack his site by finding security holes in the code which would be provided right in this topic.

Providing some code in the forums I find to be okay, but full db structure and what not.. that just seems too risky to me.

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He wants a starting place for his website, soo thats more that just a "oh just try this.." kinda thing. I answer questions that have to deal with one file or section of code publicly.

This is different.. sorry if you don't like the way I am doing this, but it seems the most logical.

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Also.. I'm sure he doesn't want everyone knowing his whole db structure and seeing most of his code. Doing that makes it a lot easier for hackers to attack his site by finding security holes in the code which would be provided right in this topic.

Providing some code in the forums I find to be okay, but full db structure and what not.. that just seems too risky to me.


This is, of course, bullshit.  Unless the OP is dumb enough to post their db credentials, and does nothing to sanitize incoming data, the risk is minimal, especially as they're merely wondering how to start a project. 


If the OP wanted to hire someone, they could have visited our Freelance sub-forum.  Since they're asking for Application Design tips/advice, and likely wants to hear from more than one person, it makes sense for them to be open and honest about what they want to do and where they're having trouble.


This is the kind of request we get all the time in this sub-forum.  Have you noticed the lot of us saying "Hey, send me a PM?"  Didn't think so.

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