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i want to put strip tags around this text

// List the hotels
echo "> <div class=\"homebar2\"><h1>".$name."</h1></div><div class=\"hotel\">".$image."</div><div class=\"hotelcontent\">".$description."</div><h3><img src=\"".$star."\" hspace=\"2\"></h3>

this is the full code for the page...

mysql_select_db($database_conTotal, $conTotal);
$query_rsHotels = "SELECT * FROM tabHotel WHERE hotelType = 'hotelType'";
$rsHotels = mysql_query($query_rsHotels, $conTotal) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rsHotels = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsHotels);
$totalRows_rsHotels = mysql_num_rows($rsHotels);

$sql="SELECT * FROM tabHotel WHERE regionId = $id";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if (!$result) {
  die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
  $name = $row['hotelName'];
  $description = $row['hotelDescription'];
  $rating = $row['hotelRating'];
      $image = "<img src=\"../thumb/phpThumb.php?src=../images/hotel_{$row['hotelImage']}&w=100&h=100&zc=1\"  alt=\"Hotel\">"; 
if ($row['hotelRating'] == 3){
$star = "../images/star3.jpg";
else if ($row['hotelRating'] == 4){
$star = "../images/star4.jpg";
else if ($row['hotelRating'] == 5){
$star = "../images/star5.jpg";

// List the hotels
echo "> <div class=\"homebar2\"><h1>".$name."</h1></div><div class=\"hotel\">".$image."</div><div class=\"hotelcontent\">".$description."</div><h3><img src=\"".$star."\" hspace=\"2\"></h3>

can anyone help pleeeeeease.....?
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have you actually tried just putting [url=http://uk2.php.net/strip_tags]strip_tags[/url] around the relevent part?

// List the hotels
echo "> <div class=\"homebar2\"><h1>".$name."</h1></div><div class=\"hotel\">".$image."</div><div class=\"hotelcontent\">".strip_tags($description)."</div><h3><img src=\"".$star."\" hspace=\"2\"></h3>

however, i have a nagging feeling that when you say 'strip tag' and 'more info button', you actually want to limit the amount of text that shows in the description, like just a summary?

if so, have a look at [url=http://uk2.php.net/substr]substr[/url] as it's pretty common to use when showing a summary with a 'more' link/button.

[b]ps:[/b] the open/closing php tags for no reason are caused by Dreamweaver after you've inserted several of their built-in server behaviours. if you see back to back tags, you can safely get rid of them to tidy things up a little.
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apologies for the triple post, i cant delete my posts

i didnt explain my self clear in the post above, when i say the ... bit i mean so it goes like this....

ggrtretertertett.... when it cuts the text off

this is my code at the moment:

[code]echo "> <div class=\"homebar2\"><h1>".$name."</h1></div><div class=\"hotel\">".$image."</div><div class=\"hotelcontent\">".substr($description, 0, 300);"</div><h3><img src=\"".$star."\" hspace=\"2\"></h3>

thanks a lot
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i kinda feel that the way you've presented your code there is gonna make it hard on you to get your head around. if you're gonna open/close php tags, then close PHP and use HTML in this case:

<div class="homebar2"><h1><?php echo $name; ?></h1></div>
<div class="hotel"><?php echo $image; ?></div>
<div class="hotelcontent"><?php echo substr($description, 0, 300); ?>...</div>
<h3><img src="<?php echo $star; ?>" hspace="2"></h3>

... blahblahblah

that'll make it a million times easier to debug/change in the future and you'll see that all i've done is added three dots right after the description is echo'd

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