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I am trying to run a query and get back all ids in a table that are not in another table.


table: user







table: blockUser

  id -- userID -- blockID

  1 -- Name1 -- Name2

  2 -- Name2 -- Name1



My goal -


When Name1 is logged in and does a search every name should show up except for Name2 because it is in the blockUser table.


$result = mysql_query("
  SELECT user.userID, blockUser.blockID, blockUser.userID
  FROM user inner JOIN blockUser
  ON (user.userID = blockUser.blockID)


Can someone help me out??

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I got it to work in a simply query


$result = mysql_query("
SELECT user.userID
FROM user 
WHERE userID NOT IN (SELECT blockUser.blockID FROM blockUser WHERE blockUser.blockUserID = '$clientID')


and now I need to incorporate it into a much larger one.


I just added it to my WHERE statement, do I need to do more? Because its not working


WHERE zip IN (". $zips_in_range .") AND user.bd_year <= $year1 AND user.bd_year >= $year2 AND user.gender = $genderPref AND user.genderPref = $gender AND user.exp_date >= CURDATE() AND user.userID NOT IN (SELECT blockUser.blockID FROM blockUser WHERE blockUser.blockUserID = '$clientID')


This is the full search


$result = mysql_query("SELECT user.userID, user.gender, user.genderPref, user.city, user.state, photos.photo_1,
  CURDATE(), (YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birth_date)) - (RIGHT(CURDATE(),5)<RIGHT(birth_date,5)) AS age
  FROM user
  LEFT JOIN photos
  ON user.userID = photos.userID
  LEFT JOIN about_me
  ON user.userID = about_me.userID
  AND about_me.smoking = $smoke 
  LEFT JOIN bkgd
  ON user.userID = bkgd.userID
  AND bkgd.relg = $religion
  LEFT JOIN appearance
  ON user.userID = appearance.userID
  AND appearance.height >= $heightMin
  AND appearance.height <= $heightMax
  AND appearance.eye_color = $eyeColor
  WHERE zip IN (". $zips_in_range .") AND user.bd_year <= $year1 AND user.bd_year >= $year2 AND user.gender = $genderPref AND user.genderPref = $gender AND user.exp_date >= CURDATE() AND user.userID NOT IN (SELECT blockUser.blockID FROM blockUser WHERE blockUser.blockUserID = '$clientID')
  LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage")or	die(mysql_error());


$clientID is set

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Means that it is not eliminating the data that is in the blockUser table.


So when Name1 is logged in and does a search it is pulling Name2 up and it should not be.


However in the simple query it doesn't pull Name2 up. So I am guessing that either I can't use the NOT IN with my log WHERE or I need to add something else to the SELECT statement.



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Sorry I screwed up what I am trying to achieve in my last post, at this point I am so twisted and confused! Been working on this part of the query for 2 days now and am more confused then ever  :(


My goal::


Using $clientID='Name1', how do I display a list of all id's in the table "user" that are not in the table "blockUser" under Name1


table: user







table: blockUser

  id -- userID -- blockID

  1 -- Name1 -- Name2

  2 -- Name2 -- Name1


Out put needs to be::





I can achieve this with


$result = mysql_query("
SELECT user.userID
FROM user 
WHERE userID NOT IN (SELECT blockUser.blockID FROM blockUser WHERE blockUser.blockUserID = '$clientID')


But not in my large search.


So trying to use a LEFT JOIN how can I achieve it?


This one displays all in 'user' and also the one being blocked (so it is there 2x)

$result = mysql_query("
SELECT user.userID
FROM user 
LEFT JOIN blockUser
ON (user.userID = blockUser.blockUserID AND blockUser.blockID != user.userID)



This one displays all in 'user'

$result = mysql_query("
SELECT user.userID
FROM user 
LEFT JOIN blockUser
ON (user.userID = blockUser.blockUserID AND blockUser.blockID = user.userID)



I know I am missing something, just can't figure it out.


I think there needs to be a

blockUser.blockID != user.userID

blockUser.blockUserID ='$clientID'

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