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I have the code below displaying images and image names. I want these to display in a table 2 rows high by the needed number of columns to show all the images in the directory. I have no idea what to do. What I am getting now is a single column with each image in its own row.


$path = "./uploaded/";

$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open folder");

while (false != ($file = readdir($dir_handle)))


if($file == "index.php")


if($file == ".")


if($file == "..")


//show in a table 2 rows by required/needed number of columns


echo '<table border="1">';

echo "<img src='$path/$file' alt='$file'>"."<img src='$file' alt='$file'>";


echo '<div>';



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sorry the above code is not what I have it is this:


$path = "./uploaded/";

$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open folder");

while (false != ($file = readdir($dir_handle)))


if($file == "index.php")


if($file == ".")


if($file == "..")


//show in a table 2 rows by required/needed number of columns


echo '<table border="1">';

echo "<td><img src='$path/$file' alt='$file'><br />"

echo "<img src='$file' alt='$file'></td>";


echo '</div>';



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You should do something like this:



Put only images and some table elements in a loop:


echo '<table>';

$counter = 0;


while(count($image) != $counter){

      echo "<tr>";

      echo "<td>". $image[$counter] . "</td>";


      echo "<td>" . $image[$counter] . "</td>";

      echo "</tr>";




echo '</table>';

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My code now looks like what is below. It seems that all of the images are being placed one on top of the other in one cell.



$path = "./uploaded/".$_SESSION['sec'];

$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open folder");

while (false != ($file = readdir($dir_handle)))


if($file == "index.php")


if($file == ".")


if($file == "..")


//show in a table 2 rows by required/needed number of columns


$aaa = ("<td><img src='$path/$file' alt='$file'><br />"."<img src='$file' alt='$file'></td>");



echo '<table border="1">';

echo '<td>'.$aaa.'</td>';


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1. "dynamic" = will vary - for example... 500 images would result in 250 images wide - I am certain you might not like that.


2. Did you notice that Ivan's code puts the echo INSIDE the loop'; whereas your only echoes once OUTSIDE the loop?


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1. "dynamic" = will vary - for example... 500 images would result in 250 images wide - I am certain you might not like that.

    I know what dynamic means. I would be extremely happy with such a result.


2. Did you notice that Ivan's code puts the echo INSIDE the loop'; whereas your only echoes once OUTSIDE the loop?

    With all due respect, did you notice my comment after Ivan's saying I do not understand him?


Anyhow, I have changed the code to look like below, but still there is only one cell appearing. My expectation (although not what I want) from this was to have one row with dynamic columns - I want 2 rows. But, unfortunately that is not even happening.



$path = "./uploaded/";

$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open folder");

while (false != ($file = readdir($dir_handle)))


if($file == "index.php")


if($file == ".")


if($file == "..")


//show in a table 2 rows by required/needed number of columns

echo '<table border="1">';

$aaa = ("<td><img src='$path/$file' alt='$file'><br />"."<img src='$file' alt='$file'></td>");




echo $aaa;



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try (not proof read not tested)...

echo '<table border="1">';
echo "<tr>";
$images = glob("./uploaded/{*.jpg,*.gif,*.png}");
$count = count($images);
$half = ceil($count/2);
$half1 = ($count/2);
<td><img src="<?PHP echo $images[$i]; ?>"></td>
echo "</tr><tr>";

<td><img src="<?PHP echo $images[$i]; ?>"></td>
if($half1 != $half) {
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

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Ok (6 cups of coffee later); tested the glob, can't get it quite right sooooooo....


tested this

$path = "images/";
$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open folder");
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir_handle))) {
if($file == "test898.php" OR $file == "." OR $file == "..")
$images[] = $path . $file;
$count = count($images);
$row1 = ceil($count/2);
$row2 = $count - $row1;
$display1 = "<table border='1'><tr>";
for($i=0;$i<$row1;$i++) {
$display1 = $display1 . "<td><img src='" . $images[$i] . "'</td>";
$display1 = $display1 . "</tr>";
if($count>1) {
$display1 = $display1 . "<tr>";
for($i=$row1;$i<$count;$i++) {
	$display1 = $display1 . "<td><img src='" . $images[$i] . "'</td>";
$display1 = $display1 . "</tr>";
$display1 = $display1 . "</table>";
echo $display1;

example - http://nstoia.com/easy_family_2/easy_tree/test898.php

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Thank you for your help litebearer! It is truly appreciated. Your script does what I wanted.

I am referring to your untested one (I noticed you sent a message while I was typing this.)

Nevertheless, I got out of that mud pit and into another :)

I went ahead and changed and complicated your script (2) above by attempting to add a function to delete files.

But to no surprise, it does not function. Interestingly, it does not give me the error message associated with not deleting either.

I would like some help on getting this sucker to delete selected files. Also, in what way can I get just the file names to show rather than the whole path?

Here is the script:






    foreach($_POST['file[$i]'] as $file)


        unlink($file) or die("Failed to delete file");


    header("location: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); //this should refresh the page leaving only undeleted files



<form name="form1" method="post">


echo '<table border="1">';

echo "<tr>";

$file = glob("./uploaded/*.*");

$count = count($file);

$half = ceil($count/2);

$half1 = ($count/2);



echo ("<td><img src=".$file[$i]."><br />"."<input type='CHECKBOX' name='file' value='$file[$i]'>".$file[$i]."</td>");



echo "</tr><tr>";




echo ("<td><img src=".$file[$i]."><br />"."<input type='CHECKBOX' name='file' value='$file[$i]'>".$file[$i]."</td>");



if($half1 != $half) {

echo "<td></td>";


echo "</tr>";

echo "</table>";


//if directory is empty do not show delete button   

$dirPath = "./uploaded";

$handle = opendir($dirPath);

$c = 0;

while ($file = readdir($handle)&& $c<3) {



if ($c>2) {

echo '<input type="submit" name="Delete" value="Delete">';

} else {



echo '</form>';





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As to file name sans path, review this and see if you can incorporate it (untested)


$path_parts = pathinfo($file[$i]);
$image_name = $path_parts['basename']
<img src="<?PHP echo $file[$i]; ?>">
<br />
<input type='CHECKBOX' name="cbox[<?PHP echo $i; ?>]" value="<? echo $file[$i]; ?>"
<?PHP echo $image_name; ?>

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Yes lightbearer, that did the trick. Thank you.

Here is what that section looks like now.


echo '<table border="1">';
echo "<tr>";
$file = glob("./uploaded/*.*");
$count = count($file);
$half = ceil($count/2);
$half1 = ($count/2);

$path_parts = pathinfo($file[$i]);
    $image_name = $path_parts['basename'];
echo "<td><img src=".$file[$i]."><br />"."<input type='CHECKBOX' name='cbox[$i]' value='$file[$i]'>".$image_name.'</td>';
echo "</tr><tr>";

$path_parts = pathinfo($file[$i]);
    $image_name = $path_parts['basename'];
echo "<td><img src=".$file[$i]."><br />"."<input type='CHECKBOX' name='cbox[$i]' value='$file[$i]'>".$image_name.'</td>';
if($half1 != $half) {
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

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