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Im creating a quiz script..and this is the scenario, i have a form which contains the following


1 textfield for Question

4 textfields for choices


and each of the choices has 1 radio button on the left..


This is what i need, lets say i have this


Question : 1 + 1


o  A.  1

o  B.  2

o  C.  3

o  D.  4


when i submit this form and selected the radio button of the correct answer the output shows:


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('7922','11860','1','on')


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('6467','11860','2','')


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('23488','11860','3','')


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('16633','11860','4','')


as you can see "on" is in the wrong place it should go to the 2nd line with the correct answer..


Please help me..


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here is my HTML Form:


<form method="post" action="process/insert.php">

<div class="question">QUESTION : <input type="text" name="question" class="txtfield" /></div>

<div class="choices">CHOICES : <br /><br />


<div class="flds"><input type="checkbox" name="radanswers[]"  checked="checked" />A. <input type="text" name="txtanswers[]" class="txtfieldans" /></div>

<div class="flds"><input type="checkbox" name="radanswers[]" checked="checked" />B. <input type="text" name="txtanswers[]" class="txtfieldans" /></div>

<div class="flds"><input type="checkbox" name="radanswers[]"  checked="checked"/>C. <input type="text" name="txtanswers[]" class="txtfieldans" /></div>

<div class="flds"><input type="checkbox" name="radanswers[]"  checked="checked"/>D. <input type="text" name="txtanswers[]" class="txtfieldans" /></div>


<div class="clear"></div>

<div class="buttons"><input type="submit" name="ins_question" value="Insert Question" class="btn" /></div>




here is my php script:



for($a=0; $a<=3; $a++){

$InsChoices = "INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('".rand()."','$questionID','".$_POST['txtanswers'][$a]."','".$_POST['radanswers'][$a]."')";


echo "<pre>";

echo $InsChoices;

echo "</pre>";



Thank you


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i tried that and this is the result:


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('20541','7655','3','B')


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('28722','7655','2','')


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('12675','7655','1','')


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('12032','7655','4','')


The problem is letter B should be on the 2nd line as in:


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('28722','7655','2','B')

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im still getting the same output.. i used the radio button to tell that the certain textfield has the correct answer on the choices which will then be submitted to the MySQL DBASE : INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`)  and set it on the field "isCorrect" if the choice is the correct answer..


Thank you buddy..

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I tried a different approach, but its not tested, might work: changed radio to single value to match against a hard coded array key in answers


<form method="post" action="process/insert.php">
               <div class="question">QUESTION : <input type="text" name="question" class="txtfield" /></div>
               <div class="choices">CHOICES : <br /><br />
               <div class="flds"><input type="radio" name="radanswers"  value="A" checked="checked" />A. <input type="text" name="txtanswers['A']" class="txtfieldans" /></div>
               <div class="flds"><input type="radio" name="radanswers"  value="B"  />B. <input type="text" name="txtanswers['B']" class="txtfieldans" /></div>
               <div class="flds"><input type="radio" name="radanswers"  value="C"  />C. <input type="text" name="txtanswers['C']" class="txtfieldans" /></div>
               <div class="flds"><input type="radio" name="radanswers"  value="D" />D. <input type="text" name="txtanswers['D']" class="txtfieldans" /></div>
               <div class="clear"></div>
            <div class="buttons"><input type="submit" name="ins_question" value="Insert Question" class="btn" /></div>

here is my php script:

foreach($_POST['txtanswers'] as $key =>$value){
if($key == $_POST['radanswers'])
	$InsChoices = "INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('".rand()."','$questionID','".$value."','".$_POST['radanswers']."')";
	$InsChoices = "INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('".rand()."','$questionID','".$value."','')";
echo "<pre>";
echo $InsChoices;
echo "</pre>";


You dont really need to put in A or B for the `iscorrect` column, it could be true or false.

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i tried the code and here is the output:


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('787176855','1198368307','4','')


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('1638744218','1198368307','5','')


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('419012828','1198368307','6','')


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('456773631','1198368307','2','')


as you can see the 'isCorrect' field still doesnt have any value. it should have at least TRUE on the 4th line as in


INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('456773631','1198368307','2','TRUE')


which means this is the correct answer..

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