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Multiple url simplexmlelements


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I'm trying to get some data from mutliple urls using one php file and one user id.  I have been trying a bunch of different ways and can still not get it.  In the below example my first url pulls the data then the second fails.  But if I remove the first url and just do the second it works.  I will also post the error messages I'm getting.


// Desired address 
$url = "http://www.myurl.com/api?user=$userid"; 
// Retrieve the URL contents 
$page = file_get_contents($url); 
// Parse the returned XML file 
$xml = new simplexmlelement($page,null,true); 
// Parse the coordinate string

$image= $xml->image;
$title= $xml->title;

// Desired address 
$url1 = "http://www.mysecondurl.com/apitwo?user=$userid"; 
// Retrieve the URL contents 
$page1 = file_get_contents($url1); 
// Parse the returned XML file 
$xml1 = new simplexmlelement($page,1null,true); 
// Parse the coordinate string

$loc= $xml1->location;
$pos= $xml1->position;


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'String could not be parsed as XML' in

(13): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('', 0, false) #1 {main} thrown
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Your second example is screwed up in a few ways.


Did anybody notice that SimpleXMLElement can take a URL as an argument? Or that the third argument is only true if the $data is a URL?

$url = "http://www.myurl.com/api?user=$userid";
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($url, null, true);

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still can't get it to work correctly.  Is there a way to do arrays with simplexml meaning have an array with multiple urls in it and then process them to get the data I want.


I even tried to do the first url and if there was a result send it to another php file to process the second url but I get the same kind of fatal error message when I do it like that also

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What's your exact code and are you sure that the stuff is real XML?


here are my links if accessing them directly

<? $rootBase = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"];
  include ($rootBase .'/db.php');
  $id = $_GET['id']; ?>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" >

// Desired address 
$url = "http://www.psnapi.com.ar/ps3/api/psn.asmx/getPSNID?sPSNID=$id"; 
$url1 = "http://www.psnapi.com.ar/ps3/api/psn.asmx/getGames?sPSNID=$id";
// Retrieve the URL contents 

$page = file_get_contents($url);
$page1 = file_get_contents($url1);

// Parse the returned XML file 
$xml =  new simplexmlelement($page); 
$xml1 =  new simplexmlelement($page1);

// Parse the coordinate string

$id1 = $xml->ID; 
$avatar = $xml->Avatar;
$level = $xml->Level;
$progress = $xml->Progress;
$ttrophies = $xml->Trophies->Total;
$plat = $xml->Trophies->Platinum;
$gold = $xml->Trophies->Gold;
$silver = $xml->Trophies->Silver;
$bronze = $xml->Trophies->Bronze;
$country = $xml->Country->Descripcion;
$flag = $xml->Country->Bandera;
$tpoints = $xml->LevelData->Points; 
$plus = $xml->Plus; 

//mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8"); 

//$addinfo="INSERT INTO users SET psnid='$id1', avatar ='$avatar', level='$level', progress='$progress', trophies='$ttrophies', plat='$plat', gold='$gold', silver='$silver', bronze='$bronze', country='$country', flag='$flag', points='$tpoints', plus='$plus', da= NOW() "; 


// Output the coordinates 

echo "ID: $id1<br>
Image: <img src=\"$avatar\"><br>
Level: $level<br>
Progress: $progress<br>
Trophies: $ttrophies<br>
Platinum: $plat<br>
Gold: $gold<br>
Silver: $silver<br>
Bronze: $bronze<br>
country: $country<br>
flag: $flag<br>
Points: $tpoints<br>
Plus: $plus<br>



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It looks like there's some kind of throttle in place to limit how frequently you can request the URLs.  When I try in rapid succession, at least one of my requests always gets met with a 403 (Forbidden).


The following seems to work ok so you may need to cache responses if you're planning on working with them a lot:


$xml1 = 'http://www.psnapi.com.ar/ps3/api/psn.asmx/getGames?sPSNID=Lilgezus';
$xml2 = 'http://www.psnapi.com.ar/ps3/api/psn.asmx/getPSNID?sPSNID=Lilgezus';

$xml1 = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($xml1));
sleep(10);  # wait 10 seconds before loading the next URL
$xml2 = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($xml2));

echo "The Game Title from the XML in URL #1 is: {$xml1->Game->Title} <br>";
echo "The ID pulled from the XML at URL #2 is: {$xml2->ID}";

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It looks like there's some kind of throttle in place to limit how frequently you can request the URLs.  When I try in rapid succession, at least one of my requests always gets met with a 403 (Forbidden).


The following seems to work ok so you may need to cache responses if you're planning on working with them a lot:


$xml1 = 'http://www.psnapi.com.ar/ps3/api/psn.asmx/getGames?sPSNID=Lilgezus';
$xml2 = 'http://www.psnapi.com.ar/ps3/api/psn.asmx/getPSNID?sPSNID=Lilgezus';

$xml1 = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($xml1));
sleep(10);  # wait 10 seconds before loading the next URL
$xml2 = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($xml2));

echo "The Game Title from the XML in URL #1 is: {$xml1->Game->Title} <br>";
echo "The ID pulled from the XML at URL #2 is: {$xml2->ID}";


This works good, a little slow but pulls what I want.  Got one other question, the first url pulls multiple games so I tried to to do a foreach  loop but it didnt echo the results


foreach($xml1 as $xml1){  

$title = $xml1->Game->Title;

echo $title;


And what exactly do you mean by cache respones

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This works good, a little slow but pulls what I want...


Well a 10+ second loading time for a page is unreasonable - this was just an example to illustrate the throttling that seems to be in place.


And what exactly do you mean by cache respones.


Caching is basically just storing the result of an expensive (complex/slow) operation so that you can have direct access to the result at a later stage without having to redo the slow/expensive operation. In your XML example, if the data at those URLs doesn't change all that often or your application doesn't require the absolute latest data, you could fetch the data once, and save a copy of it somewhere else (e.g in a database, a file or memcache etc.) along with an expiry of a few minutes/hours.  Then when the data is needed, your application can check your cached copy of the data before resorting to fetching fresh data via the URLs you provided (slow) and updating your cache.

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I am storing the info in my database and using it later, but 1k plus people could be accessing these urls from my site.  Once they do it the first time then the next time it updates it will use a data from the last time they updated so it doesn't pull as many results

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