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Session and utf-8 echo inside html tags


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Hi, i dont know if anyone have this problem:


When i store some value in session and echo that inside <html> tags it wont show utf-8 signs, example:

<?php $_SESSION['name'] = "Duško"; ?>

<?php echo $_SESSION['name']; ?>//outside of html tag it will print Duško
<?php echo $_SESSION['name']; ?>//inside of html it will print: Du?ko


I have tried:

-with utf8_encode(before storing in session) and later utf8_decode() - doesnt help

-i have defined support for utf8 in html(<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />) and defined with header() in php - doesnt help

-i have saved with utf8 DOM, without DOM - not working


PHP version: 5.3.8



i dont have any solution for that, outside html everything is ok, but inside html tags utf-8 support doesnt work..


does anyone have solution for this?



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- Keep that tag and/or a

header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");

- Save without the BOM. Otherwise PHP will incorrectly output that BOM right when it parses the file and you won't be able to use functions like session_start() or header().


Another thing: if you're writing these values inside the PHP file itself (like the code you posted) then the file itself has to be UTF-8 too.

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- Keep that <meta> tag and/or a

header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");

- Save without the BOM. Otherwise PHP will incorrectly output that BOM right when it parses the file and you won't be able to use functions like session_start() or header().


Another thing: if you're writing these values inside the PHP file itself (like the code you posted) then the file itself has to be UTF-8 too.


you didnt read my post... i have try this, no help...


but i have debuged and found problem, its not problem in calling session in another file, but with saving utf in session:

i use this on user login to store name:

$userarray = mysql_fetch_array($result);//$result if from mysql_query
$_SESSION['name'] = $userarray['name'];// lest say that name is Duško

and when i print that later in html (echo $_SESSION['name'];) it will print Du?ko



then i tested to store directly string:

$_SESSION['name'] = "Duško";// lest say that name is Duško

And that will print later if i use this in html Duško...


That is weird, its wrong storing name in arraym, or somehow encode that...


any solution, suggest?

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