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add css code inside while loop <tr>


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I have query to display data and I use while loop.


here is my code:

echo "<table id='kanban_list'>";
echo "<tr>
        <th><label>Display Details:</label><input  onclick='showDetails(this);' id='chkDetail'   type='checkbox' checked='checked' value='wip'/></th>
        <th> PCODE </th>
        <th> LOT CODE </th>
        <th> CHEMICAL WEIGHING </th>
        <th> COMPOUNDING </th>
        <th> EXTRUSION </th>
        <th> FORMING </th>
        <th> DEFLASHING </th>
        <th> KANBAN </th>
        <th> VIRTUAL </th>
        <th> TOTAL </th>
        <!--<th> MIN LOT </th>-->
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT kd.PCODE, kc.count_wip_chemical_weighing, kc.count_wip_compounding, kc.count_wip_extrusion, 
kc.count_wip_forming, kc.count_wip_deflashing, kc.kanban, kc.virtual, kc.total FROM kanban_checker kc JOIN kanban_data kd ON kc.PCODE = kd.PCODE
$result = mysql_query($sql, $con); 
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){            
    echo "<tr>
        <td>Total Lot ID (Lot)</td>
        <td> $row[PCODE]</td>  
        <td> </td>
        <td> $row[count_wip_chemical_weighing]</td>                                          
        <td> $row[count_wip_compounding]</td>
        <td> $row[count_wip_extrusion]</td>
        <td> $row[count_wip_forming]</td>
        <td> $row[count_wip_deflashing]</td>
        <td> $row[kanban]</td>
        <td> $row[virtual]</td>
        <td> $row[total]</td>
       <!-- <td> $row[min_lot]</td>  -->

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT kd.PCODE, kdc.count_doz_chemical_weighing, kdc.count_doz_compounding, kdc.count_doz_extrusion, 
kdc.count_doz_forming, kdc.count_doz_deflashing, kdc.kanban_doz, kdc.virtual_doz, kdc.total_doz FROM kanban_checker_doz kdc JOIN kanban_data kd ON kdc.PCODE = kd.PCODE
WHERE kd.PCODE = '$row[PCODE]'
$result_qty = mysql_query($sql, $con);

while ($row_doz = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_qty)){
     echo "<tr>
        <td>Total Qty (Doz)</td>
        <!--<td> </td>  -->
        <td> $row_doz[PCODE]</td> 
        <td> </td>
        <td> $row_doz[count_doz_chemical_weighing]</td>                                          
        <td> $row_doz[count_doz_compounding]</td>
        <td> $row_doz[count_doz_extrusion]</td>
        <td> $row_doz[count_doz_forming]</td>
        <td> $row_doz[count_doz_deflashing]</td>
        <td> $row_doz[kanban_doz]</td>
        <td> $row_doz[virtual_doz]</td>
        <td> $row_doz[total_doz]</td>
       <!-- <td> $row[min_lot]</td>  -->
echo "</table>";


sample data:


Display Details---Compound---Chemical Weighing-----etc...







I need to add alternate background color per compound.

for example:


P28 green

P30 yellow

P32 green

P33 yellow

and so on.


Any help is highly appreciated.


Thank you





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The mechanism is basically the same every time you want to do alternating anything in a loop:

$color = the first color you want to use
loop {
    print whatever you want using that $color

    $color = ($color == first color ? second color : first color);

That ?: line alternates the color: when it's one color it sets it to the other.

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already resolve this thread using this code:


while ($row_doz = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_qty)){ 
     if($row_doz[PCODE] == 'P28') {
        $css_class = 'blue-css-class-name';
    elseif($row_doz[PCODE] == 'P30') {
        $css_class = 'green-css-class-name';
    elseif ($row_doz[PCODE] == 'P32') {
        $css_class = 'blue-css-class-name';
    elseif ($row_doz[PCODE] == 'P33') {
        $css_class = 'green-css-class-name';
    elseif ($row_doz[PCODE] == 'P35') {
        $css_class = 'blue-css-class-name';
    elseif ($row_doz[PCODE] == 'P35M') {
        $css_class = 'green-css-class-name';
    elseif ($row_doz[PCODE] == 'P35W') {
        $css_class = 'blue-css-class-name';
    elseif ($row_doz[PCODE] == 'P38') {
        $css_class = 'green-css-class-name';
    elseif ($row_doz[PCODE] == 'P41') {
        $css_class = 'blue-css-class-name';
    elseif ($row_doz[PCODE] == 'P42') {
        $css_class = 'green-css-class-name';
    elseif ($row_doz[PCODE] == 'P43') {
        $css_class = 'blue-css-class-name';
    elseif ($row_doz[PCODE] == 'P46') {
        $css_class = 'green-css-class-name';
    elseif ($row_doz[PCODE] == 'P47') {
        $css_class = 'blue-css-class-name';
        $css_class = '';
    echo "<tr class='".$css_class."'>
        <td>Total Qty (Doz)</td>
        <!--<td> </td>  -->
        <td> $row_doz[PCODE]</td> 
        <td> </td>
       <!-- <td>$row[LOT_CODE]</td>   -->
        <td> $row_doz[count_doz_chemical_weighing]</td>                                          
        <td> $row_doz[count_doz_compounding]</td>
        <td> $row_doz[count_doz_extrusion]</td>
        <td> $row_doz[count_doz_forming]</td>
        <td> $row_doz[count_doz_deflashing]</td>
        <td> $row_doz[kanban_doz]</td>
        <td> $row_doz[virtual_doz]</td>
        <td> $row_doz[total_doz]</td>
       <!-- <td> $row[min_lot]</td>  -->


thank you

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Foremost, if it's solved, please mark the thread as such. 


Secondly, what are you going to do every time there is a change in your PCODEs?  Are you going to manually add another conditional statement?  How about in the future when somebody else is working with the code, will it still maintain itself?


My suggestion to you would be to remove those unneeded conditional statements and simply apply the PCODE value as the class, to wit you could simply markup in your .CSS and never have to write another conditional regarding that again.


while ($row_doz = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_qty)){ 

echo "<tr class='". $row_doz[PCODE] ."'>


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No, in your previous post, you had set the value of $css_class to some color depending on the PCODE.  That is an unnecessary step as you could just identify the rwo by it's product code instead of same conditionally assigned value.



<tr class="P38">...</tr>
<tr class="P32">...</tr>

.P38 { color: blue; }
.P32 { color: green; }


The same thing is accomplished without the need for all those silly elseif conditionals. 

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