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hehe, had to look that one up: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tl%3Bdw



CNET, MS, Disney... and all the other big boys created and fine tuned the "illegal" file sharing software like kazaa and limewire and even hosted the files for download on their own servers. According to this Mike fella in the youtube video, it was all part of their master plan. Get the people downloading and uploading media which breaches copywrite laws, then when the situation becomes as we see today, cry to the lawmakers for a solution they already devised, ACTA, to control the WWW.


Pretty sick really.


Only thing is. This Mike fella believes his group has enough condeming evidence that needs to get under the noses of the lawmakers which should hopefully change their minds. I don't how far things are with ACTA in the states but here in Europe things need to be "signed" off in June to become official (and Germany still hasn't signed i believe).






It is mad that the in eastern european countries people are protesting against ACTA on the streets but here in the UK there is virtually no news coverage and most still do not even seem to know anything about it  :shrug:


I have to tune into http://rt.com/ to hear about it...


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CNET, MS, Disney... and all the other big boys created and fine tuned the "illegal" file sharing software like kazaa and limewire and even hosted the files for download on their own servers. According to this Mike fella in the youtube video, it was all part of their master plan. Get the people downloading and uploading media which breaches copywrite laws, then when the situation becomes as we see today, cry to the lawmakers for a solution they already devised, ACTA, to control the WWW.


I didn't watch the video but that sounds pretty far-fetched and ridiculous.

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According to this Mike fella in the youtube video


He has a YouTube video!? Well my god it must be true!! :o


Nah sorry i'm with scootstah here. It just sounds like a crazy David Icke conspiracy or something, not a rational theory or whatever it's meant to be.

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Yea it does all sound mad, and the guy in the video equally so. But i'm still looking for a reason as to why:


- Eastern European countries are on the streets protesting

- Western European countries don't here anything about it

- Who is behind these mysterious closed doors making these decisions

- How Cameron and bunch of other country leaders signed ACTA in secrecy


And last but not least:

- Why there appears to be very very little media coverage on the hot topic in the countries which have signed up to ACTA, as opposed to plenty in those who have not...



( i'm not the kind of guy to get all excited about some cock and bull conspiracy story cooked up by a bunch of lazy people (ie hippie folk :P) but this ACTA does get me wondering as something really doesn't stack up here... )

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Did they do it? who knows.  Far fetched? Certainly not.  Big companies and institutions are not shortsighted like the average retarded monkey teenagers who can't see much farther into the future than the time it takes to microwave a hotpocket.  It's not even a particularly complex plan, either.  The fact that people don't give the people who run this world anywhere near as much credit or caution as they should...

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I don't see how any savvy internet corporation would purposely bring about these insane bills. It's only going to hurt them in the end.


My personal belief is that those corporations supporting the bills are doing it for their image. If they were to oppose them I'm sure the general public would be like, "Hey, they condone piracy?!"

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