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Image Uploads


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I really didn't know where to post this so I thought I'd go for a server forum (apologies in advance if this is moved along!)


Just a bit of advice really - wondered what your thoughts were. I have a client who I have created a basic CMS for. It works fine but the client in question needs to upload images so he can then put them in articles. He is using the original images from the camera, so we're talking about something 3000px x 1500px varyong from 4MB to 10MB which is far too large for his purposes anyway.


I have only two options here (as far as I can see it!):


1. Increase the file upload limit and create some script to resize the image to an acceptable size.

2. Get the user to resize the images himself


The latter option is obviously the most ideal but I am trying to be as accommodating as possible (and users can be notoriously difficult when you need them to some work!). Would you say that increasing the file upload limit to, say, 10MB is far too much? Should I insist that he resize the images beforehand. Would an upload of 10MB slow everything else down? WordPress for example has a default file size of 2MB (which could probably be amended if needed) - is this a typical limit?


Thoughts please ladies and gentlemen! :)

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Picnik looked perfect but it's closing down on 19 April. It says it's moving to Google+ but I can't see where exactly this is....?

I forgot it was closing. I wonder if the new service on Google won't be available until the day it closes?

I always loved Picnik, I hope the google version is as good.


You could also use a free download program like gimp but IMO that's much harder to use than a web based one :/ The upside is a program on his computer won't have file limits whereas the google version of picnik may ALSO limit file upload sizes.

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