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How deep?


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Been tidying up my server setup and I wanted to create a symbolic link so that


/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/_external/domain.com/www -> /etc/apache2/sites-available/_external/domain.com/www


This doesn't seem to be picked up however and a call to the virtual host I defined just results in going to the default virtual host. Is there a limit to how deep the directory structure can go for sites-enabled?

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Reminds me, I totally need to clean up my Apache configuration too :P



It depends on the Include directive. My Ubuntu 11.10 with Apache 2.2 uses

Include sites-enabled/

which means that Apache scans its files and subdirectories. If it were "sites-enabled/*" then it would only check the files. I just tried sticking a link in three levels deep and it worked fine.


Are you sure the symlink is right? Normally they're like "../sites-available/foo", which would break if you simply moved the file somewhere. But Apache should complain if that were the case.

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Checked the symlink and it ain't broken. Had a thought tho and it seemed to work. I had a directory called "_external". Renaming this to "external" seemed to fix it! Anyone know why Apache don't like directories beginning with an underscore?

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