andy_b_1502 Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 Hi everyone... My script register01.php isnt working as expected, it should take variables from register00.php and insert them into the db. It is currently re-loading itself and not inserting, could you take a look at this for me: register00.php <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="register01.php"> <table width="316" height="120" border="0"> <tr><td colspan=2><h1>Register/Sign Up</h1></td></tr> <tr><td>Company Name:</td><td> <input name="company_name" type="text" id="company_name"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Contact Name:</td><td> <input name="contact_name" type="text" id="contact_name"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Contact Number:</td><td> <input name="phone" type="number" id="phone" value="incl. area code"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Address line 1:</td><td> <input name="street1" type="text" id="street1"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Address line 2:</td><td> <input name="street2" type="text" id="street1"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Area:</td><td> <input name="location" type="text" id="location"> </td></tr> <tr><td>City:</td><td> <input name="city" type="text" id="city"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Postcode:</td><td> <input name="postcode" type="text" id="postcode"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Username:</td><td> <input name="username" type="text" id="username"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Password:</td><td> <input name="password" type="password" class="style7" id="password"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Email:</td><td> <input name="email" type="text" class="style7" id="email"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Company Logo:</td><td> <input name="upload" type="file" class="style7" id="upload"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Company Description:</td><td> <textarea rows="20" cols="50" name="premiumuser_description" id="premiumuser_description"></textarea> </td></tr> <tr><td> <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Register" /> </td></tr> </table> register01.php <?PHP session_start(); include('db.php'); /* set some validation variables */ $error_message = ""; /* DEFINE THE FUNCTION */ /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* DO NOT MODIFY THIS FUNCTION */ function Resize_Image($save,$file,$t_w,$t_h,$s_path,$o_path) { $s_path = trim($s_path); $o_path = trim($o_path); $save = $s_path . $save; $file = $o_path . $file; $ext = strtolower(end(explode('.',$save))); list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file) ; if(($width>$t_w) OR ($height>$t_h)) { $r1 = $t_w/$width; $r2 = $t_h/$height; if($r1<$r2) { $size = $t_w/$width; }else{ $size = $t_h/$height; } }else{ $size=1; } $modwidth = $width * $size; $modheight = $height * $size; $tn = imagecreatetruecolor($modwidth, $modheight) ; switch ($ext) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file) ; break; case 'gif': $image = imagecreatefromgif($file) ; break; case 'png': $image = imagecreatefrompng($file) ; break; } imagecopyresampled($tn, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $modwidth, $modheight, $width, $height) ; imagejpeg($tn, $save, 100) ; return; } /* END OF RESIZE FUNCTION */ //This is the directory where images will be saved $target = "/home/users/web/b109/ipg.removalspacecom/images/COMPANIES/"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['upload']['name']); // Connects to your Database session_start(); include ('db.php'); //This gets all the other information from the form /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* YOU NEED TO DO SOME VALIDATION AND SANITIZING OF YOUR FORM DATA */ if((!isset($_POST['company_name'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['company_name'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['company_name']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['company_name'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid company name<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid names are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['company_name'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating company_name */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['contact_name'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['contact_name'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['contact_name']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['contact_name'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid contact name<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid names are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['contact_name'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating contact_name */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['phone'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['phone'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['phone']) != preg_replace("/[^0-9\s\-\_]/", "", trim($_POST['phone'])))) { /* if it is NOT set, then set the error variable and start building the error message */ $error_message = $error_message . "You must enter a valid phone<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid phones are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid phone was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['phone'] . "</font><hr>"; }else{ $phone = trim($_POST['phone']); } /* END validating phone */ /* =============================================== */ /* =============================================== */ /* validating the email */ /* create a function */ function validateEmailAddress($email) { return filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) && preg_match('/@.+\./', $email); } if(!isset($_POST['email']) || validateEmailAddress($_POST['email']) !=1) { $error_message = $error_message . "You must enter a valid email address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'The invalid email was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['email'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating email */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['street1'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['street1'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['street1']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['street1'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['street1'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating street1 */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['street2'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['street2'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['street2']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['street2'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['street2'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating street2 */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['premiumuser_description'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['premiumuser_description'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['premiumuser_description']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['premiumuser_description'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['premiumuser_description'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating premiumuser_description */ /* =============================================== * /* =============================================== */ /* this section of code will set up an error message for the username if ANY of the conditions occur 1) checks to see if $_POST['username'] is NOT set 2) if length of username is less than 5 3) if username has anything other than letter, numbers or underscores */ if((!isset($_POST['username'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['username'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['username']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]/", "", trim($_POST['username'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid username<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid names are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['username'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating username */ /* =============================================== */ /* =============================================== */ /* this section of code will set up an error message for the password if ANY of the conditions occur 1) checks to see if $_POST['upassword'] is NOT set 2) if length of upassword is less than 5 3) if upassword has anything other than letter, numbers or underscores */ if((!isset($_POST['password'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['password'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['password']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]/", "", trim($_POST['password'])))) { /* if it is NOT set, then set the error variable and start building the error message */ $error_message = $error_message . "You must enter a valid password<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid passwords are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid password was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['password'] . "</font><hr>"; }else{ $password = trim($_POST['password']); } /* END validating password */ /* =============================================== */ /* =============================================== */ /* check to see if username is already taken */ $username = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['username'])); $query1 = "SELECT username from companies WHERE username = '$username'"; $result1 = mysql_query($query1) or die(mysql_error()); $count = mysql_num_rows($result1); if($count>0) { $error_message = $error_message . 'The username: <font color="red">' . $_POST['username'] . "</font> is taken.<hr>"; } /* =============================================== */ /* if any of the post variables are invalid */ /* set the session variable and send back to the form page */ if(strlen(trim($error_message))>0) { $_SESSION['error_message'] =$error_message; header("Location: register00.php"); exit(); } /* =============================================== */ $uploadDir = 'images/COMPANIES'; /* main picture folder */ $max_height = 450; /* largest height you allowed; 0 means any */ $max_width = 450; /* largest width you allowed; 0 means any */ $max_file = 2000000; /* set the max file size in bytes */ $image_overwrite = 1; /* 0 means overwite; 1 means new name */ /* add or delete allowed image types */ $allowed_type01 = array( "image/gif", "image/pjpeg", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/x-png", "image/jpg"); $do_thumb = 1; /* 1 make thumbnails; 0 means do NOT make */ $thumbDir = "/images/thumbs"; /* thumbnail folder */ $thumb_prefix = ""; /* prefix for thumbnails */ $thumb_width = 90; /* max thumb width */ $thumb_height = 70; // max thumb height //Writes the photo to the server if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $target)) { /* HERE IS WHERE WE WILL DO THE ACTUAL RESIZING */ /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* THESE SIX PARAMETERS MAY BE CHANGED TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS */ $o_path ="images/COMPANIES/"; $s_path = "images/thumbs/"; $file = $upload; $save = $file; $t_w = 200; $t_h = 150; /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS NEXT LINE */ Resize_Image($save,$file,$t_w,$t_h,$s_path,$o_path); //Tells you if its all ok /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* PROVIDE A WAY FOR THEM TO GO SOMWHERE */ echo "The file ". $file . " has been uploaded, and your information has been added to the directory"; }else { //Gives and error if its not /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* PROVIDE A WAY FOR THEM TO GO SOMWHERE */ echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file."; } /* =============================================== */ /* PREPARE DATA FOR INSERTION INTO TABLE */ /* FUNCTION TO CREATE SALT */ function createSalt() { $string = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); return substr($string, 0, 3); } //Writes the information to the database /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* ALWAYS WRITE YOUR QUERIES AS STRINGS THAT WAY WHEN TESTING, YOU CAN MAKE SURE THAT THE VALUES CONTAIN WHAT YOU EXPECT */ $salt = createsalt(); $passwod = trim($_POST['password']); $hash = hash('sha256', $salt, $password); $approved = 0; $username = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['username'])); $email = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['email'])); $query ="INSERT INTO `companies` (company_name, contact_name, location, postcode, street1, street2, city, phone, email, basicpackage_description, premiumuser_description, password, salt, approved, upload) VALUES ('$company_name', '$contact_name', '$location', '$postcode', '$street1', '$street2', '$city', '$phone', '$email', '$basicpackage_description', '$premiumuser_description', '$password', '$salt', '$approved', '$upload')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); /* =============================================== */ /* at this point we can send an email to the admin as well as the user. DO NOT send the user's password to ANYONE!!!! */ ?> Thank you for registering.<br>; Your account will be approved and activated within 24 hours.<br><br> Click here to return to the <a href="index.php">main page</a>. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy_b_1502 Posted April 5, 2012 Author Share Posted April 5, 2012 Any ideas guys? <?PHP session_start(); include('db.php'); /* set some validation variables */ $error_message = ""; /* DEFINE THE FUNCTION */ /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* DO NOT MODIFY THIS FUNCTION */ function Resize_Image($save,$file,$t_w,$t_h,$s_path,$o_path) { $s_path = trim($s_path); $o_path = trim($o_path); $save = $s_path . $save; $file = $o_path . $file; $ext = strtolower(end(explode('.',$save))); list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file) ; if(($width>$t_w) OR ($height>$t_h)) { $r1 = $t_w/$width; $r2 = $t_h/$height; if($r1<$r2) { $size = $t_w/$width; }else{ $size = $t_h/$height; } }else{ $size=1; } $modwidth = $width * $size; $modheight = $height * $size; $tn = imagecreatetruecolor($modwidth, $modheight) ; switch ($ext) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file) ; break; case 'gif': $image = imagecreatefromgif($file) ; break; case 'png': $image = imagecreatefrompng($file) ; break; } imagecopyresampled($tn, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $modwidth, $modheight, $width, $height) ; imagejpeg($tn, $save, 100) ; return; } /* END OF RESIZE FUNCTION */ //This is the directory where images will be saved $target = "/home/users/web/b109/ipg.removalspacecom/images/COMPANIES/"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['upload']['name']); // Connects to your Database session_start(); include ('db.php'); //This gets all the other information from the form /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* YOU NEED TO DO SOME VALIDATION AND SANITIZING OF YOUR FORM DATA */ if((!isset($_POST['company_name'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['company_name'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['company_name']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['company_name'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid company name<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid names are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['company_name'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating company_name */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['contact_name'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['contact_name'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['contact_name']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['contact_name'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid contact name<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid names are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['contact_name'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating contact_name */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['phone'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['phone'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['phone']) != preg_replace("/[^0-9\s\-\_]/", "", trim($_POST['phone'])))) { /* if it is NOT set, then set the error variable and start building the error message */ $error_message = $error_message . "You must enter a valid phone<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid phones are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid phone was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['phone'] . "</font><hr>"; }else{ $phone = trim($_POST['phone']); } /* END validating phone */ /* =============================================== */ /* =============================================== */ /* validating the email */ /* create a function */ function validateEmailAddress($email) { return filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) && preg_match('/@.+\./', $email); } if(!isset($_POST['email']) || validateEmailAddress($_POST['email']) !=1) { $error_message = $error_message . "You must enter a valid email address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'The invalid email was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['email'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating email */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['street1'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['street1'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['street1']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['street1'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['street1'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating street1 */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['street2'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['street2'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['street2']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['street2'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['street2'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating street2 */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['premiumuser_description'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['premiumuser_description'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['premiumuser_description']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['premiumuser_description'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['premiumuser_description'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating premiumuser_description */ /* =============================================== * /* =============================================== */ /* this section of code will set up an error message for the username if ANY of the conditions occur 1) checks to see if $_POST['username'] is NOT set 2) if length of username is less than 5 3) if username has anything other than letter, numbers or underscores */ if((!isset($_POST['username'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['username'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['username']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]/", "", trim($_POST['username'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid username<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid names are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['username'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating username */ /* =============================================== */ /* =============================================== */ /* this section of code will set up an error message for the password if ANY of the conditions occur 1) checks to see if $_POST['upassword'] is NOT set 2) if length of upassword is less than 5 3) if upassword has anything other than letter, numbers or underscores */ if((!isset($_POST['password'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['password'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['password']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]/", "", trim($_POST['password'])))) { /* if it is NOT set, then set the error variable and start building the error message */ $error_message = $error_message . "You must enter a valid password<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid passwords are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid password was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['password'] . "</font><hr>"; }else{ $password = trim($_POST['password']); } /* END validating password */ /* =============================================== */ /* =============================================== */ /* check to see if username is already taken */ $username = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['username'])); $query1 = "SELECT username from companies WHERE username = '$username'"; $result1 = mysql_query($query1) or die(mysql_error()); $count = mysql_num_rows($result1); if($count>0) { $error_message = $error_message . 'The username: <font color="red">' . $_POST['username'] . "</font> is taken.<hr>"; } /* =============================================== */ /* if any of the post variables are invalid */ /* set the session variable and send back to the form page */ if(strlen(trim($error_message))>0) { $_SESSION['error_message'] =$error_message; header("Location: register00.php"); exit(); } /* =============================================== */ $uploadDir = 'images/COMPANIES'; /* main picture folder */ $max_height = 450; /* largest height you allowed; 0 means any */ $max_width = 450; /* largest width you allowed; 0 means any */ $max_file = 2000000; /* set the max file size in bytes */ $image_overwrite = 1; /* 0 means overwite; 1 means new name */ /* add or delete allowed image types */ $allowed_type01 = array( "image/gif", "image/pjpeg", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/x-png", "image/jpg"); $do_thumb = 1; /* 1 make thumbnails; 0 means do NOT make */ $thumbDir = "/images/thumbs"; /* thumbnail folder */ $thumb_prefix = ""; /* prefix for thumbnails */ $thumb_width = 90; /* max thumb width */ $thumb_height = 70; // max thumb height //Writes the photo to the server if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $target)) { /* HERE IS WHERE WE WILL DO THE ACTUAL RESIZING */ /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* THESE SIX PARAMETERS MAY BE CHANGED TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS */ $o_path ="images/COMPANIES/"; $s_path = "images/thumbs/"; $file = $upload; $save = $file; $t_w = 200; $t_h = 150; /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS NEXT LINE */ Resize_Image($save,$file,$t_w,$t_h,$s_path,$o_path); //Tells you if its all ok /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* PROVIDE A WAY FOR THEM TO GO SOMWHERE */ echo "The file ". $file . " has been uploaded, and your information has been added to the directory"; }else { //Gives and error if its not /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* PROVIDE A WAY FOR THEM TO GO SOMWHERE */ echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file."; } /* =============================================== */ /* PREPARE DATA FOR INSERTION INTO TABLE */ /* FUNCTION TO CREATE SALT */ function createSalt() { $string = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); return substr($string, 0, 3); } //Writes the information to the database /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* ALWAYS WRITE YOUR QUERIES AS STRINGS THAT WAY WHEN TESTING, YOU CAN MAKE SURE THAT THE VALUES CONTAIN WHAT YOU EXPECT */ $salt = createsalt(); $passwod = trim($_POST['password']); $hash = hash('sha256', $salt, $password); $approved = 0; $username = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['username'])); $email = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['email'])); $query ="INSERT INTO `companies` (company_name, contact_name, location, postcode, street1, street2, city, phone, email, basicpackage_description, premiumuser_description, password, salt, approved, upload) VALUES ('$company_name', '$contact_name', '$location', '$postcode', '$street1', '$street2', '$city', '$phone', '$email', '$basicpackage_description', '$premiumuser_description', '$password', '$salt', '$approved', '$upload')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); /* =============================================== */ /* at this point we can send an email to the admin as well as the user. DO NOT send the user's password to ANYONE!!!! */ ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragon_sa Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 try removing the ticks from the table name $query ="INSERT INTO companies (company_name, contact_name, location, postcode, street1, street2, city, phone, email, basicpackage_description, premiumuser_description, password, salt, approved, upload) VALUES ('$company_name', '$contact_name', '$location', '$postcode', '$street1', '$street2', '$city', '$phone', '$email', '$basicpackage_description', '$premiumuser_description', '$password', '$salt', '$approved', '$upload')"; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy_b_1502 Posted April 5, 2012 Author Share Posted April 5, 2012 Thanks, but that hasn't worked? not sure whats wrong with it. <?php $query ="INSERT INTO companies (company_name, contact_name, location, postcode, street1, street2, city, phone, email, basicpackage_description, premiumuser_description, password, salt, approved, upload) VALUES ('$company_name', '$contact_name', '$location', '$postcode', '$street1', '$street2', '$city', '$phone', '$email', '$basicpackage_description', '$premiumuser_description', '$password', '$salt', '$approved', '$upload')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drummin Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 Does echo "$query"; show expected variables in all fields? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy_b_1502 Posted April 5, 2012 Author Share Posted April 5, 2012 Its not doing anything so im guessing its not liking some of the variables or something? Its just reloading to the register form. <?php $query ="INSERT INTO companies (company_name, contact_name, location, postcode, street1, street2, city, phone, email, basicpackage_description, premiumuser_description, password, salt, approved, upload) VALUES ('$company_name', '$contact_name', '$location', '$postcode', '$street1', '$street2', '$city', '$phone', '$email', '$basicpackage_description', '$premiumuser_description', '$password', '$salt', '$approved', '$upload')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo "$query"; ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drummin Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 Add this to the very top of register00.php. Assuming it's not already on that page. <?php session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['error_message'])){ echo "{$_SESSION['error_message']}"; } ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jessica Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 Add a die(); after your echo. (You don't need to put quotes around a variable to echo it, btw.) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy_b_1502 Posted April 5, 2012 Author Share Posted April 5, 2012 drummin: line added. jesirose: like this?: echo "$query" or die; If all is correct, i have just tested.... no joy still.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drummin Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 andy_b_1502 jesirose was making an opinion on my code regarding echoing out the $_SESSION['error_message'] code. As far as debugging, you should modify the section that has the header redirect back to the form. This will comment out current section and echo errors. /* if(strlen(trim($error_message))>0) { $_SESSION['error_message'] =$error_message; header("Location: register00.php"); exit(); } */ if(strlen(trim($error_message))>0) { echo $error_message; } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drummin Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 On register01.php you have session_start(); and DB connection listed twice. I would think it's the second instance of session_start() that's causing the problem. Remove the second code that has. session_start(); include('db.php'); Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy_b_1502 Posted April 5, 2012 Author Share Posted April 5, 2012 Revised register01.php it still doesn't add to the db <?PHP session_start(); include('db.php'); /* set some validation variables */ $error_message = ""; /* DEFINE THE FUNCTION */ /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* DO NOT MODIFY THIS FUNCTION */ function Resize_Image($save,$file,$t_w,$t_h,$s_path,$o_path) { $s_path = trim($s_path); $o_path = trim($o_path); $save = $s_path . $save; $file = $o_path . $file; $ext = strtolower(end(explode('.',$save))); list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file) ; if(($width>$t_w) OR ($height>$t_h)) { $r1 = $t_w/$width; $r2 = $t_h/$height; if($r1<$r2) { $size = $t_w/$width; }else{ $size = $t_h/$height; } }else{ $size=1; } $modwidth = $width * $size; $modheight = $height * $size; $tn = imagecreatetruecolor($modwidth, $modheight) ; switch ($ext) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file) ; break; case 'gif': $image = imagecreatefromgif($file) ; break; case 'png': $image = imagecreatefrompng($file) ; break; } imagecopyresampled($tn, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $modwidth, $modheight, $width, $height) ; imagejpeg($tn, $save, 100) ; return; } /* END OF RESIZE FUNCTION */ //This is the directory where images will be saved $target = "/home/users/web/b109/ipg.removalspacecom/images/COMPANIES/"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['upload']['name']); //This gets all the other information from the form /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* YOU NEED TO DO SOME VALIDATION AND SANITIZING OF YOUR FORM DATA */ /* DO NOT MODIFY THESE NEXT 4 VARIABLES */ $normal_Pattern = "/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_\(\)\&\"\!\`\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\*\+\[\]\{\}\:\;\?\/]/"; $username_Pattern = "/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]/"; $password_Pattern= "/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]/"; $phone_Pattern= "/[^0-9\s]/"; if((!isset($_POST['company_name'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['company_name'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['company_name']) != preg_replace($normal_Pattern, "", trim($_POST['company_name'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid company name<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['company_name'] . "</font><hr>"; }else{ $company_name = trim($_POST['company_name']); } /* END validating company_name */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['contact_name'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['contact_name'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['contact_name']) != preg_replace($normal_Pattern, "", trim($_POST['contact_name'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid contact name<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['contact_name'] . "</font><hr>"; }else{ $contact_name = trim($_POST['contact_name']); } /* END validating contact_name */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['phone'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['phone'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['phone']) != preg_replace($phone_Pattern, "", trim($_POST['phone'])))) { /* if it is NOT set, then set the error variable and start building the error message */ $error_message = $error_message . "You must enter a valid phone<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid phone was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['phone'] . "</font><hr>"; }else{ $phone = trim($_POST['phone']); } /* END validating phone */ /* =============================================== */ /* =============================================== */ /* validating the email */ /* create a function */ function validateEmailAddress($email) { return filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) && preg_match('/@.+\./', $email); } if(!isset($_POST['email']) || validateEmailAddress($_POST['email']) !=1) { $error_message = $error_message . "You must enter a valid email address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'The invalid email was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['email'] . "</font><hr>"; }else{ $email = $_POST['email']; } /* END validating email */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['street1'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['street1'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['street1']) != preg_replace($normal_Pattern, "", trim($_POST['street1'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['street1'] . "</font><hr>"; }else{ $street1 = trim($_POST['street1']); } /* END validating street1 */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['street2'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['street2'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['street2']) != preg_replace($normal_Pattern, "", trim($_POST['street2'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['street2'] . "</font><hr>"; }else{ $street2 = trim($_POST['street2']); } /* END validating street2 */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['premiumuser_description'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['premiumuser_description'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['premiumuser_description']) != preg_replace($normal_Pattern, "", trim($_POST['premiumuser_description'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a description<br>" . "<hr>"; } else{ $premiumuser_description = trim($_POST['premiumuser_description']); } /* END validating premiumuser_description */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['basicpackage_description'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['basicpackage_description'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['basicpackage_description']) != preg_replace($normal_Pattern, "", trim($_POST['basicpackage_description'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a description<br>" . "<hr>"; } else { $basicpackage_description = trim($_POST['basicpackage_description']); } /* END validating basicpackage_description */ /* =============================================== * /* =============================================== */ /* this section of code will set up an error message for the username if ANY of the conditions occur 1) checks to see if $_POST['username'] is NOT set 2) if length of username is less than 5 3) if username has anything other than letter, numbers or underscores */ if((!isset($_POST['username'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['username'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['username']) != preg_replace($username_Pattern, "", trim($_POST['username'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid username<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid names are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['username'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating username */ /* =============================================== */ /* =============================================== */ /* this section of code will set up an error message for the password if ANY of the conditions occur 1) checks to see if $_POST['upassword'] is NOT set 2) if length of upassword is less than 5 3) if upassword has anything other than letter, numbers or underscores */ if((!isset($_POST['password'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['password'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['password']) != preg_replace($pawword_Pattern, "", trim($_POST['password'])))) { /* if it is NOT set, then set the error variable and start building the error message */ $error_message = $error_message . "You must enter a valid password<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid passwords are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid password was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['password'] . "</font><hr>"; }else{ $password = trim($_POST['password']); } /* END validating password */ /* =============================================== */ /* =============================================== */ /* check to see if username is already taken */ $username = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['username'])); $query1 = "SELECT username from companies WHERE username = '$username'"; $result1 = mysql_query($query1) or die(mysql_error()); $count = mysql_num_rows($result1); if($count>0) { $error_message = $error_message . 'The username: <font color="red">' . $_POST['username'] . "</font> is taken.<hr>"; } /* =============================================== */ /* if any of the post variables are invalid */ /* set the session variable and send back to the form page */ if(strlen(trim($error_message))>0) { $_SESSION['error_message'] =$error_message; header("Location: register00.php"); exit(); } /* =============================================== */ $uploadDir = 'images/COMPANIES'; /* main picture folder */ $max_height = 450; /* largest height you allowed; 0 means any */ $max_width = 450; /* largest width you allowed; 0 means any */ $max_file = 2000000; /* set the max file size in bytes */ $image_overwrite = 1; /* 0 means overwite; 1 means new name */ /* add or delete allowed image types */ $allowed_type01 = array( "image/gif", "image/pjpeg", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/x-png", "image/jpg"); $do_thumb = 1; /* 1 make thumbnails; 0 means do NOT make */ $thumbDir = "/images/thumbs"; /* thumbnail folder */ $thumb_prefix = ""; /* prefix for thumbnails */ $thumb_width = 90; /* max thumb width */ $thumb_height = 70; // max thumb height //Writes the photo to the server if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $target)) { /* HERE IS WHERE WE WILL DO THE ACTUAL RESIZING */ /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* THESE SIX PARAMETERS MAY BE CHANGED TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS */ $o_path ="images/COMPANIES/"; $s_path = "images/thumbs/"; $file = $upload; $save = $file; $t_w = 200; $t_h = 150; /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS NEXT LINE */ Resize_Image($save,$file,$t_w,$t_h,$s_path,$o_path); //Tells you if its all ok /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* PROVIDE A WAY FOR THEM TO GO SOMWHERE */ echo "The file ". $file . " has been uploaded, and your information has been added to the directory"; }else { //Gives and error if its not /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* PROVIDE A WAY FOR THEM TO GO SOMWHERE */ echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file."; exit(); } /* =============================================== */ /* PREPARE DATA FOR INSERTION INTO TABLE */ /* FUNCTION TO CREATE SALT */ function createSalt() { $string = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); return substr($string, 0, 3); } //Writes the information to the database /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* ALWAYS WRITE YOUR QUERIES AS STRINGS THAT WAY WHEN TESTING, YOU CAN MAKE SURE THAT THE VALUES CONTAIN WHAT YOU EXPECT */ $salt = createsalt(); $password = trim($_POST['password']); $hash = hash('sha256', $salt, $password); $approved = 0; $username = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['username'])); $email = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['email'])); $query ="INSERT INTO `companies` (company_name, contact_name, location, postcode, street1, street2, city, phone, email, basicpackage_description, premiumuser_description, password, salt, approved, upload) VALUES ('$company_name', '$contact_name', '$location', '$postcode', '$street1', '$street2', '$city', '$phone', '$email', '$basicpackage_description', '$premiumuser_description', '$password', '$salt', '$approved', '$upload')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); /* =============================================== */ /* at this point we can send an email to the admin as well as the user. DO NOT send the user's password to ANYONE!!!! */ ?> Thank you for registering.<br>; Your account will be approved and activated within 24 hours.<br><br> Click here to return to the <a href="index.php">main page</a>. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
litebearer Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 "it still doesn't add to the db" does it return you to register00 with any messages? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jessica Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 Okay, here's what I would try. Anywhere you see a "header("Location: register00.php");" you need to comment that out, and kill the script then with die(); Do something like die('Error: '.$error_message); I think you're getting to the redirect because of validation, and need to see where in the process it's falling apart. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy_b_1502 Posted April 5, 2012 Author Share Posted April 5, 2012 "it still doesn't add to the db" does it return you to register00 with any messages? No it doesnt add to the db still, doesnt give me any messages.... it does return to register00.php. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
litebearer Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 Try doing what Drummin said... andy_b_1502 jesirose was making an opinion on my code regarding echoing out the $_SESSION['error_message'] code. As far as debugging, you should modify the section that has the header redirect back to the form. This will comment out current section and echo errors. /* if(strlen(trim($error_message))>0) { $_SESSION['error_message'] =$error_message; header("Location: register00.php"); exit(); } */ if(strlen(trim($error_message))>0) { echo $error_message; } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy_b_1502 Posted April 5, 2012 Author Share Posted April 5, 2012 Tried drummin's/jessierose's suggestion. Nothing seems to be happening still..?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
litebearer Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 Show us the entire code with Drummin's suggestion in place Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jessica Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 That's quite the mangling of my name. If you tried my suggestion, SOMETHING would have changed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drummin Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 Error on processing page. $password = trim($_POST['password']); $hash = hash('sha256', $salt, $password); Also, it can be a REAL PAIN for the user to re-enter all values if they mess something up. Put it all on one page. Not tested. <?PHP session_start(); include('db.php'); /* set some validation variables */ if (isset($_POST['Submit'])){ $error_message = ""; /* DEFINE THE FUNCTION */ /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* DO NOT MODIFY THIS FUNCTION */ function Resize_Image($save,$file,$t_w,$t_h,$s_path,$o_path) { $s_path = trim($s_path); $o_path = trim($o_path); $save = $s_path . $save; $file = $o_path . $file; $ext = strtolower(end(explode('.',$save))); list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file) ; if(($width>$t_w) OR ($height>$t_h)) { $r1 = $t_w/$width; $r2 = $t_h/$height; if($r1<$r2) { $size = $t_w/$width; }else{ $size = $t_h/$height; } }else{ $size=1; } $modwidth = $width * $size; $modheight = $height * $size; $tn = imagecreatetruecolor($modwidth, $modheight) ; switch ($ext) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file) ; break; case 'gif': $image = imagecreatefromgif($file) ; break; case 'png': $image = imagecreatefrompng($file) ; break; } imagecopyresampled($tn, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $modwidth, $modheight, $width, $height) ; imagejpeg($tn, $save, 100) ; return; } /* END OF RESIZE FUNCTION */ //This is the directory where images will be saved $target = "/home/users/web/b109/ipg.removalspacecom/images/COMPANIES/"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['upload']['name']); // Connects to your Database // session_start(); // include ('db.php'); //This gets all the other information from the form /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* YOU NEED TO DO SOME VALIDATION AND SANITIZING OF YOUR FORM DATA */ if((!isset($_POST['company_name'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['company_name'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['company_name']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['company_name'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid company name<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid names are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['company_name'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating company_name */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['contact_name'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['contact_name'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['contact_name']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['contact_name'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid contact name<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid names are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['contact_name'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating contact_name */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['phone'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['phone'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['phone']) != preg_replace("/[^0-9\s\-\_]/", "", trim($_POST['phone'])))) { /* if it is NOT set, then set the error variable and start building the error message */ $error_message = $error_message . "You must enter a valid phone<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid phones are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid phone was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['phone'] . "</font><hr>"; }else{ $phone = trim($_POST['phone']); } /* END validating phone */ /* =============================================== */ /* =============================================== */ /* validating the email */ /* create a function */ function validateEmailAddress($email) { return filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) && preg_match('/@.+\./', $email); } if(!isset($_POST['email']) || validateEmailAddress($_POST['email']) !=1) { $error_message = $error_message . "You must enter a valid email address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'The invalid email was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['email'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating email */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['street1'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['street1'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['street1']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['street1'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['street1'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating street1 */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['street2'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['street2'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['street2']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['street2'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['street2'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating street2 */ /* =============================================== */ if((!isset($_POST['premiumuser_description'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['premiumuser_description'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['premiumuser_description']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\-\'\,\.\_]/", "", trim($_POST['premiumuser_description'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid address<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['premiumuser_description'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating premiumuser_description */ /* =============================================== * /* =============================================== */ /* this section of code will set up an error message for the username if ANY of the conditions occur 1) checks to see if $_POST['username'] is NOT set 2) if length of username is less than 5 3) if username has anything other than letter, numbers or underscores */ if((!isset($_POST['username'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['username'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['username']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]/", "", trim($_POST['username'])))) { /* if username is bad start building the error message */ $error_message = "You must enter a valid username<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid names are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid name was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['username'] . "</font><hr>"; } /* END validating username */ /* =============================================== */ /* =============================================== */ /* this section of code will set up an error message for the password if ANY of the conditions occur 1) checks to see if $_POST['upassword'] is NOT set 2) if length of upassword is less than 5 3) if upassword has anything other than letter, numbers or underscores */ if((!isset($_POST['password'])) || (strlen(trim($_POST['password'])) <5) || (trim($_POST['password']) != preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]/", "", trim($_POST['password'])))) { /* if it is NOT set, then set the error variable and start building the error message */ $error_message = $error_message . "You must enter a valid password<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . "Valid passwords are min 5 characters and use letters, numbers and underscores only.<br>"; $error_message = $error_message . 'Your invalid password was: <font color="red">' . $_POST['password'] . "</font><hr>"; }else{ $password = trim($_POST['password']); } /* END validating password */ /* =============================================== */ /* =============================================== */ /* check to see if username is already taken */ $username = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['username'])); $query1 = "SELECT username from companies WHERE username = '$username'"; $result1 = mysql_query($query1) or die(mysql_error()); $count = mysql_num_rows($result1); if($count>0) { $error_message = $error_message . 'The username: <font color="red">' . $_POST['username'] . "</font> is taken.<hr>"; } /* =============================================== */ /* if any of the post variables are invalid */ /* set the session variable and send back to the form page */ /* NOT USED IN THIS EXAMPLE if(strlen(trim($error_message))>0) { $_SESSION['error_message'] =$error_message; // header("Location: register00.php"); // exit(); } */ /* =============================================== */ $uploadDir = 'images/COMPANIES'; /* main picture folder */ $max_height = 450; /* largest height you allowed; 0 means any */ $max_width = 450; /* largest width you allowed; 0 means any */ $max_file = 2000000; /* set the max file size in bytes */ $image_overwrite = 1; /* 0 means overwite; 1 means new name */ /* add or delete allowed image types */ $allowed_type01 = array( "image/gif", "image/pjpeg", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/x-png", "image/jpg"); $do_thumb = 1; /* 1 make thumbnails; 0 means do NOT make */ $thumbDir = "/images/thumbs"; /* thumbnail folder */ $thumb_prefix = ""; /* prefix for thumbnails */ $thumb_width = 90; /* max thumb width */ $thumb_height = 70; // max thumb height //Writes the photo to the server if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $target)) { /* HERE IS WHERE WE WILL DO THE ACTUAL RESIZING */ /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* THESE SIX PARAMETERS MAY BE CHANGED TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS */ $o_path ="images/COMPANIES/"; $s_path = "images/thumbs/"; $file = $upload; $save = $file; $t_w = 200; $t_h = 150; /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS NEXT LINE */ Resize_Image($save,$file,$t_w,$t_h,$s_path,$o_path); //Tells you if its all ok /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* PROVIDE A WAY FOR THEM TO GO SOMWHERE */ echo "The file ". $file . " has been uploaded, and your information has been added to the directory"; }else { //Gives and error if its not /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* PROVIDE A WAY FOR THEM TO GO SOMWHERE */ echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file."; } /* =============================================== */ /* PREPARE DATA FOR INSERTION INTO TABLE */ /* FUNCTION TO CREATE SALT */ function createSalt() { $string = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); return substr($string, 0, 3); } //Writes the information to the database /* ============================================== */ /* ============================================== */ /* ALWAYS WRITE YOUR QUERIES AS STRINGS THAT WAY WHEN TESTING, YOU CAN MAKE SURE THAT THE VALUES CONTAIN WHAT YOU EXPECT */ if(empty($error_message)){ $salt = createsalt(); $password = trim($_POST['password']); $hash = hash('sha256', $salt, $password); $approved = 0; $username = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['username'])); $email = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['email'])); $query ="INSERT INTO `companies` (company_name, contact_name, location, postcode, street1, street2, city, phone, email, basicpackage_description, premiumuser_description, password, salt, approved, upload) VALUES ('$company_name', '$contact_name', '$location', '$postcode', '$street1', '$street2', '$city', '$phone', '$email', '$basicpackage_description', '$premiumuser_description', '$password', '$salt', '$approved', '$upload')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); }//if(empty($error_message)) /* =============================================== */ /* at this point we can send an email to the admin as well as the user. DO NOT send the user's password to ANYONE!!!! */ }//if (isset($_POST['submit'])) ?> <html> <body> <?php if (!empty($error_message)){ echo $error_message; } ?> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="register00.php"> <table width="316" height="120" border="0"> <tr><td colspan=2><h1>Register/Sign Up</h1></td></tr> <tr><td>Company Name:</td><td> <input name="company_name" type="text" id="company_name" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['company_name'])){ echo $_POST['company_name']; } ?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td>Contact Name:</td><td> <input name="contact_name" type="text" id="contact_name" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['contact_name'])){ echo $_POST['contact_name']; } ?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td>Contact Number:</td><td> <input name="phone" type="number" id="phone" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['phone'])){ echo $_POST['phone']; }else{ echo "incl. area code";} ?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td>Address line 1:</td><td> <input name="street1" type="text" id="street1" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['street1'])){ echo $_POST['street1']; } ?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td>Address line 2:</td><td> <input name="street2" type="text" id="street1" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['street2'])){ echo $_POST['street2']; } ?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td>Area:</td><td> <input name="location" type="text" id="location" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['location'])){ echo $_POST['location']; } ?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td>City:</td><td> <input name="city" type="text" id="city" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['city'])){ echo $_POST['city']; } ?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td>Postcode:</td><td> <input name="postcode" type="text" id="postcode" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['postcode'])){ echo $_POST['postcode']; } ?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td>Username:</td><td> <input name="username" type="text" id="username" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['username'])){ echo $_POST['username']; } ?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td>Password:</td><td> <input name="password" type="password" class="style7" id="password" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['password'])){ echo $_POST['password']; } ?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td>Email:</td><td> <input name="email" type="text" class="style7" id="email" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['email'])){ echo $_POST['email']; } ?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td>Company Logo:</td><td> <input name="upload" type="file" class="style7" id="upload"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Company Description:</td><td> <textarea rows="20" cols="50" name="premiumuser_description" id="premiumuser_description"><?php if (isset($_POST['premiumuser_description'])){ echo $_POST['premiumuser_description']; } ?></textarea> </td></tr> <tr><td> <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Register" /> </td></tr> </table> </body> </html> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
litebearer Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 Aside... Jes, how far from the storm were you? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy_b_1502 Posted April 5, 2012 Author Share Posted April 5, 2012 Also, it can be a REAL PAIN for the user to re-enter all values if they mess something up. Put it all on one page. Not tested. So this is what?> register00.php have just the one? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drummin Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 Also, it can be a REAL PAIN for the user to re-enter all values if they mess something up. Put it all on one page. Not tested. So this is what?> register00.php have just the one? Yes Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jessica Posted April 5, 2012 Share Posted April 5, 2012 Aside... Jes, how far from the storm were you? We had to hide in the breakroom at work. Out of the 13 tornadoes that touched down, the worst were about 1.5 hours away. Which just illustrates how freaking huge DFW is. Where I am only got rain and some small hail. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy_b_1502 Posted April 5, 2012 Author Share Posted April 5, 2012 i have a syntax error in here: </td></tr> <tr><td>Company Description:</td><td> <textarea rows="20" cols="50" name="premiumuser_description" id="premiumuser_description"> <?php if (isset($_POST['premiumuser_description'])){ echo $_POST['premiumuser_description']; } ?>" </textarea> </td></tr> <tr><td> <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Register" /> </td></tr> </table> on the echo line Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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