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Hi everyone,


include('php only scripts/db.php');
$id = $_GET['id'];
$query ="SELECT * FROM companies WHERE id = '$id'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

			echo $row['street1'] . 
			"<br>" . $row['street2'] . 
			"<br>" . $row['city'] . "," .  $row['postcode'] .  
			"<br>phone: " . $row['phone'] .  
			"<br>email: " . $row['email'] . 
			"<br>website: " . $row['website']  ; 


The above code, is displayed after a search.... The website section: ""<br>website: " . $row['website']  ; " is where i'd like to know how to link to the users website, how do i do this as the websites are going to be different everytime, is it something like this:


<a href="$website?id=<?PHP echo $row['id'];

  ?>">"<br>website: " . $row['website']  ; </a>


so when clicked the user is sent to the specific website?



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include('php only scripts/db.php');
$id = $_GET['id'];
$query ="SELECT * FROM companies WHERE id = '$id'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
            $websiteUrl = $row['website'].'?id='.$row['id'];
			 echo $row['street1'] . 
			"<br>" . $row['street2'] . 
			"<br>" . $row['city'] . "," .  $row['postcode'] .  
			"<br>phone: " . $row['phone'] .  
			"<br>email: " . $row['email'] . 
			"<br>website: <a href='$websiteUrl'>" . $row['website'].'</a>'  ; 

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i dont know?  :confused:


view00.php is the view page (passing the id to create a specific company view page)


it is what the website url's are on...




The newly created link for those url's has that path to it? where it should have the users website url instead

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    <h1>Tennyson Lodge,<br>12 Tennyson Road,<br>Worthing,,BN11 4BY<br>phone: 01903201111<br>email: info@domesticremoval.co.uk<br>website: <a href='' target='_blank'>www.a1worthingmoves.com</a></h1>






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Wowza's.  I wasn't expecting that reply.


I just meant for you point post the single line that has the anchor tag on it so I don't have to go sifting through a bunch of lines of completely irrelevant code.  I just want to see what's being outputted to the page to see what the issue might be.


In fear of this going back and forth for 20 minutes, I believe this is the line in question:


<h1>Tennyson Lodge,<br>12 Tennyson Road,<br>Worthing,,BN11 4BY<br>phone: 01903201111<br>email: info@domesticremoval.co.uk<br>website: <a href='' target='_blank'>www.a1worthingmoves.com</a></h1>


And even more specifically:


<a href='' target='_blank'>www.a1worthingmoves.com</a>


As you can see, the website is not being included within the href='' attribute.  That's why when you click the link it just takes you back to the same page... 'cause leaving that blank makes a reference to the current page.

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lol okay...


			echo $row['street1'] . 
			"<br>" . $row['street2'] . 
			"<br>" . $row['city'] . "," .  $row['postcode'] .  
			"<br>phone: " . $row['phone'] .  
			"<br>email: " . $row['email'] . 
			"<br>website: <a href='$website' target='_blank'>" . $row['website'].'</a>'  ;  


maybe you could tell me why it's blank as i dont have a clue!

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