indexia Posted June 20, 2012 Share Posted June 20, 2012 Hello i have the following code and i want to show only loged in user inputed form. The current code shows inputed form from all users. Also each user in my db has an unique id called user_id and each contact added by users has and id called contact_id and contact_user that links to a user_id Thank you <?php require_once('includes/config.php'); include('includes/sc-includes.php'); $pagetitle = 'Lista Soferi'; //SORTING $sorder = ''; $name = "name_up"; if (isset($_GET['name_up'])) { $sorder = "ORDER BY contact_last ASC"; $name = "name_down"; } elseif (isset($_GET['name_down'])) { $sorder = "ORDER BY contact_last DESC"; } $email = "email_up"; if (isset($_GET['email_up'])) { $sorder = "ORDER BY contact_email ASC"; $email = "email_down"; } elseif (isset($_GET['email_down'])) { $sorder = "ORDER BY contact_email DESC"; } $phone = "phone_up"; if (isset($_GET['phone_up'])) { $sorder = "ORDER BY contact_phone ASC"; $phone = "phone_down"; } elseif (isset($_GET['email_phone'])) { $sorder = "ORDER BY contact_phone DESC"; } //END SORTING //PAGINATION $limit = "10"; $epp = 10; //entries per page record_set('results',"SELECT contact_id FROM contacts"); $entries_per_page = $epp; $page_number = empty($_GET['page']) ? 1 : $_GET['page']; //current page $total_pages = ceil($totalRows_results / $entries_per_page); $offset = ($page_number - 1) * $entries_per_page; $prev = $page_number -1; $next = $page_number + 1; $limit = "LIMIT $offset, $entries_per_page"; // //get contacts record_set('contactlist',"SELECT * FROM contacts $sorder $limit"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title><?php echo $pagetitle; ?></title> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Popup window code function newPopup(url) { popupWindow = url,'popUpWindow','height=700,width=800,left=10,top=10,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes') } </script> <link href="includes/simplecustomer.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n]; for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document); if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x; } function MM_setTextOfTextfield(objName,x,newText) { //v3.0 var obj = MM_findObj(objName); if (obj) obj.value = newText; } //--> </script type="text/JavaScript"> <script language="javascript" src="modal.popup.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { //Change these values to style your modal popup var align = 'center'; //Valid values; left, right, center var top = 100; //Use an integer (in pixels) var padding = 10; //Use an integer (in pixels) var backgroundColor = '#FFFFFF'; //Use any hex code var borderColor = '#000000'; //Use any hex code var borderWeight = 4; //Use an integer (in pixels) var borderRadius = 5; //Use an integer (in pixels) var fadeOutTime = 300; //Use any integer, 0 = no fade var disableColor = '#666666'; //Use any hex code var disableOpacity = 40; //Valid range 0-100 var loadingImage = 'loading.gif'; //Use relative path from this page $(".modal").click(function() { var id = $(this).attr("data-usrid"); if(!id) return; var source = 'contact-details.php?id='+id; //Refer to any page on your server, external pages are not valid var width = 500; //Use an integer (in pixels) modalPopup(align, top, width, padding, disableColor, disableOpacity, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWeight, borderRadius, fadeOutTime, source, loadingImage); }); //This method hides the popup when the escape key is pressed $(document).keyup(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { closePopup(fadeOutTime); } }); }); </script> <script> $(function() { $("#submit-search").click(function() { $("#tester").hide(500); $.ajax({ url: "getSearchResults.php", type: "GET", data: {s : $("#s").val()}, success: function(data) { $("#result").text(data); $("#result").html(data); $("#result").show(2000); } }); }); }); </script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('#back').click(function() { location.reload(); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <?php include('includes/header.php'); ?> <div class="searchbar"> <form id="form3" name="form3" method="POST" action="<?php $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input name="s" type="text" id="s" onfocus="MM_setTextOfTextfield('s','','')" value="Nume, Prenume, Telefon sau CNP" size="40" /> <input type="button" name="Submit_search" value="Cauta" id="submit-search" /> </form> </div> </br><br/><br/><br/><br/> <div class="container"> <div class="leftcolumn"> <h2>Lista Soferi</h2> <?php if (!$totalRows_contactlist) { ?> <br /> No contacts have been added yet. <br /> <br /> <strong><a href="contact.php">Add</a> or <a href="import.php">Import</a> Contacts </strong><br /> <br /> <?php } ?> <div id ="test" style="display:none"> </div> <?php $s=$_GET["s"]; mysql_select_db("cazier"); $sql="select * from contacts"; $contactsArray = array(); $result = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $contactsArray[] = $row; } foreach($contactsArray as &$contact){ $contact['notes']=array(); //$sql2="select user_firma,user_name from users where user_id='".$contact['contact_id']."'"; $result2 = mysql_query("select notes.note_text AS 'note_text', users.user_nume AS 'user_nume', users.user_email AS 'user_email', users.user_telefon AS 'user_telefon', users.user_firma AS 'user_firma' from notes, users where notes.note_contact='".$contact['contact_id']."' AND users.user_id=notes.note_user"); while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)){ $contact['notes'][] = $row2; } mysql_free_result($result2); } $test="<a href=''>Adauga detalii sofer</a>"; $tableHtml = "<table border ='1' bgcolor='#ffffdd' id='tester' width='900' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr> <th align=\"center\" colspan='3'>Nume sofer</th> <th align=\"center\" colspan='3'>CNP </th> <th align=\"center\" colspan='3'>Telefon sofer</th> <th align=\"center\" colspan='3'>Detalii sofer</th> </tr>"; for ($i=0;$i<count($contactsArray);$i++) { $tableHtml .= "<tr> <td width=\"10%\" align=\"center\" colspan='3'>".$contactsArray[$i]['contact_first']." ".$contactsArray[$i]['contact_last']." </td> <td width=\"10%\" align=\"center\" colspan='3'>".$contactsArray[$i]['contact_title']." </td> <td width=\"10%\" align=\"center\" colspan='3'>".$contactsArray[$i]['contact_phone']." </td> <td width=\"70%\" colspan='3'> "; $notesString = "<ul><table border='1' width='550' ><tr>"; foreach ($contactsArray[$i]['notes'] as $note){ $notesString .= "<tr><td BGCOLOR=\"#DDDDDD\"><center>".$note['user_firma']."</center>"; $notesString .= "<center>".$note['user_nume']."</center>"; $notesString .= "<center>".$note['user_email']."</center>"; $notesString .= "<center>".$note['user_telefon']."</center>"; $notesString .= "<center><font color='#0404B4'> Note si comentarii : </font></center>"; $notesString .= "<center>".$note['note_text']."</center></td></tr>"; } $notesString .= "</tr></table></ul>"; $tableHtml .= $notesString ; $tableHtml .= "<center><a href='#' data-usrid='".$contactsArray[$i]['contact_id']."' class='modal'>Adauga detalii</a> </center></td></tr>"; } $tableHtml .= "</table>" ; echo $tableHtml; ?> <div id="result" > </div> <div> <?php //include('includes/right-column.php'); ?> <br clear="all" /> </div> <?php include('includes/footer.php'); ?> </body> </html> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trq Posted June 20, 2012 Share Posted June 20, 2012 Where exactly are you stuck? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
indexia Posted June 20, 2012 Author Share Posted June 20, 2012 I am stuck at showing inputed form from a logged in user. The current code shows inputed form entries from all users Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jessica Posted June 20, 2012 Share Posted June 20, 2012 When you do your SELECT you need to use a WHERE clause, using the logged in user's ID. SELECT * FROM table WHERE userid = 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
indexia Posted June 20, 2012 Author Share Posted June 20, 2012 Already tried that it doesn't work i have in my db multiple table's Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jessica Posted June 20, 2012 Share Posted June 20, 2012 You've pasted way too much code for us to go through. Post just the relevant section, and the query. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
indexia Posted June 20, 2012 Author Share Posted June 20, 2012 <?php $s=$_GET["s"]; mysql_select_db("cazier"); $sql="select * from contacts"; $contactsArray = array(); $result = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $contactsArray[] = $row; } foreach($contactsArray as &$contact){ $contact['notes']=array(); $result2 = mysql_query("select notes.note_text AS 'note_text', users.user_nume AS 'user_nume', users.user_email AS 'user_email', users.user_telefon AS 'user_telefon', users.user_firma AS 'user_firma' from notes, users where notes.note_contact='".$contact['contact_id']."' AND users.user_id=notes.note_user"); while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)){ $contact['notes'][] = $row2; } mysql_free_result($result2); } $test="<a href=''>Adauga detalii sofer</a>"; $tableHtml = "<table border ='1' bgcolor='#ffffdd' id='tester' width='900' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr> <th align=\"center\" colspan='3'>Nume sofer</th> <th align=\"center\" colspan='3'>CNP </th> <th align=\"center\" colspan='3'>Telefon sofer</th> <th align=\"center\" colspan='3'>Detalii sofer</th> </tr>"; for ($i=0;$i<count($contactsArray);$i++) { $tableHtml .= "<tr> <td width=\"10%\" align=\"center\" colspan='3'>".$contactsArray[$i]['contact_first']." ".$contactsArray[$i]['contact_last']." </td> <td width=\"10%\" align=\"center\" colspan='3'>".$contactsArray[$i]['contact_title']." </td> <td width=\"10%\" align=\"center\" colspan='3'>".$contactsArray[$i]['contact_phone']." </td> <td width=\"70%\" colspan='3'> "; $notesString = "<ul><table border='1' width='550' ><tr>"; foreach ($contactsArray[$i]['notes'] as $note){ $notesString .= "<tr><td BGCOLOR=\"#DDDDDD\"><center>".$note['user_firma']."</center>"; $notesString .= "<center>".$note['user_nume']."</center>"; $notesString .= "<center>".$note['user_email']."</center>"; $notesString .= "<center>".$note['user_telefon']."</center>"; $notesString .= "<center><font color='#0404B4'> Note si comentarii : </font></center>"; $notesString .= "<center>".$note['note_text']."</center></td></tr>"; } $notesString .= "</tr></table></ul>"; $tableHtml .= $notesString ; $tableHtml .= "<center><a href='#' data-usrid='".$contactsArray[$i]['contact_id']."' class='modal'>Adauga detalii</a> </center></td></tr>"; } $tableHtml .= "</table>" ; echo $tableHtml; ?> This how my db is structured This is the contacts table This is the users table A user_id can be connected with contact_user and contact_id to show from a certain user what content they have submited Hope i was clear enough Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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