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Chrome "Sending Request..."

The Little Guy

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Every 5 - 10 minutes while I am on Chrome, I have to wait for Chrome for about 20+ seconds after I click on a link or type in a URL, and at the bottom of the page (where the urls display) it says: "Sending Request..."


After that happens I can browse for 5 - 10 minutes perfectly fine then it does it again, and I have to wait for 20+ seconds for it to send the request. I have dealt with it for a few months and now it is just getting annoying. I have been searching the internet for a solution but have yet to find one.


Some things I have tried:

- Re-install Chrome

- Changed my DNS to: Google Public DNS


Has anyone here had this problem and gotten fixed?

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Hmm... That is quite worrisome, or at least without any further information they seem quite worrisome. Do you know what applications sent those requests? If not, then figure it ASAP. You might be infected by something, or it might be some bug with Chrome (or any other software). Might even be Conficker or something similar, considering the DNS servers it used were closed down not too long ago.

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Here is why the gibberish urls are in there:



If you type in a single-word search query, chrome needs to send a DNS

request to check if this might be a single-word host name: For

example, "test" might be a search for "test" or a navigation to

"http://test". If the query ends up being a host, chrome shows an

infobar that asks "did you mean to go to 'test' instead". For perf

reasons, the dns query needs to be asynchronous.


Now some ISPs started showing ads for non-existent domain names (

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_hijacking ), meaning chrome would

always show that infobar for every single-word query. Since this is

annoying, chrome now sends three random DNS requests at startup, and

if they all resolve (to the same IP, I think), it now knows not to

show the "did you mean" infobar for single-word queries that resolve

to that IP.

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