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I'm Stuck With A Php Assignment


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I am relatively new to PHP and I have an assignment where I need to write a script that will calculate the correct amount of change when performing a cash transaction. When I run the code I see that the variables obtain the input in the address bar but neither the error shows if the amount paid is too low or the correct change shows if the amount paid is higher than the cost. Below is my code and it is in a file named Semina2_lab1.php

if ($_GET['submit'] == 'Calculate Change') {
$errorMessage = "";
if (empty($_GET['price'])) {
	$errorMessage = 'You forgot to enter a price.';
if (empty($_GET['paid'])) {
	$errorMessage = 'You forgot to enter a paid amount.';
$price = $_GET['price'];
$paid = $_GET['paid'];
if (empty($errorMessage)) {
if ($paid < $price) {
	$alert = 'The amount '.$paid.' will not pay for merchandise costing '.$price.'.';
else {
	$total = $paid - $price;
	$dollars = (int)$total;
	$tempquarters = ($total - $dollars)/.25;
	$quarters = (int)$tempquarters;
	$tempdimes = ($tempquarters - $quarters)/.1;
	$dimes = (int)$dimes;
	$tempnickles = ($tempdimes - $dimes)/.5;
	$nickles = (int)$tempnickles;
	$pennies = $tempnickles %.5;
	$alert = 'Here is your change:\n$1 bills: '.$dollars.'\nQuarters: '.$quarters.'\nDimes: '.$dimes.'\nNickles: '.$nickles.'\nPennies: '.$pennies.'\n';

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<title>Seminar 2 Lab 1</title>

<div class="container">
<h2>Change Maker</h2><br />
<hr />
echo $price.$paid;
if (!empty($errorMessage)) {
echo $errorMessage.'\n';
} else {
echo $alert;
<div class="content">
  Enter the price of the merchandise and the amount paid.<br /><br />
<form action="Seminar2_lab1.php" method="get" name="change">
	$<input id="price" name="price" type="text" size="15px"/> Price of Merchandise<br /><br />
	$<input id="paid" name="paid" type="text" size="15px"/> Amount Paid<br /><br />
	<input id="button" type="submit" value="Calculate Change" />
 </div><!-- end of content -->
</div><!-- end of container -->

Edited by PFMaBiSmAd
code in code tags please
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$tempdimes = ($tempquarters - $quarters)/.1;

that should be a 10 surely.


I dont understand your logic .


amount tendered - price = change

int(change) = whole dollars

change - dollars = change

but then

your change amount is a decimal 3.76 - 3.00 = 0.76

you cant work easily on that so convert to pennies

then use 25,10,5,1 as your coins


Int(change/25) = quarters

change - (quarters*25) = change

int(change/10) = DIMES

change - (dimes * 10) = change



modulo might be easier but I dont know if there is php for that.


that gives you how many dollars, quarters, dimes , nickles and pennies you give as change.


I dont know if that helps. I am new to php.

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$tempdimes = ($tempquarters - $quarters)/.1;

that should be a 10 surely.


I dont understand your logic .


Int(change/25) = quarters

change - (quarters*25) = change

int(change/10) = DIMES

change - (dimes * 10) = change



that gives you how many dollars, quarters, dimes , nickles and pennies you give as change.


I dont know if that helps. I am new to php.


And apparently have never worked a cash register.

Edited by Jessica
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