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Pdo::bindparam Error


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 function reqQuery()
global $datalink;
$stmt = $datalink->prepare('SELECT :reqData FROM user_details where id = :reqUid limit 1');
echo 'SELECT '.$this->reqData().' FROM user_details where id = '.$this->reqUid().' limit 1';
try {
catch (Exception $e)


Whats returned from this:

SELECT username FROM user_details where id = 1 limit 1 //Echo statment

bool(false) // Var Dump


But when i change

$stmt = $datalink->prepare('SELECT :reqData FROM user_details where id = :reqUid limit 1');




$stmt = $datalink->prepare('SELECT username FROM user_details where id = 1 limit 1');


I get:

SELECT username FROM user_details where id = 1 limit 1

object(stdClass)#8 (1) { ["username"]=> string(9) "Christina" }


So am i using bindparam wrong/how should i use it?





string( 8) "username"


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You're missing the () after reqUid in your bindParam call.


Iv was editing/changing it, must have forgot it :) added it back in


I'm pretty sure you can't use bindParam on a column name. Only values.


Iv changed it to bindvalue now


Still fails but returns

object(stdClass)#8 (1) { ["username"]=> string( 8) "username" }

(var_dump($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) ;)

So its fetching the column now?


Updated code

   	 global $datalink;
       $stmt = $datalink->prepare('SELECT :reqData FROM user_details where id = :reqUid limit 1');
       echo 'SELECT '.$this->reqData().' FROM user_details where id = '.$this->reqUid().' limit 1';
       try {
       catch (Exception $e)

Edited by Locked
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You're selecting the STRING username from the table.


"SELECT "foo" from bar"

It doesn't matter what else comes after that, because "foo" is a string.


I kind of understand what you mean but not enough that i could fix it... could you point me in the right direction please

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You can't bind identifiers (column names, table names, etc). You can only bind values. If you need to use dynamic column/table names you have to use string concatenation to build the query.


Ah ok i thoguth i could, the silly thing is i have already done that in the reqdata function -.-


   function reqData()
       foreach($this->reqData as $v)
           ( $return ? $return = $return.', '.$v : $return = $v);    
       return $return;


Thats good to know :) thanks

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