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Creating An Advanced Search


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I am attempting to create an advanced form with 9 different search fields.


I am using the WHERE 1 AND sql function to add onto the generated end sql function so I don't have to created over 300,000 IF statements. The code below is showing up this error:


Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 261


I cannot seem to hit the nail on the bud to why it shouldn't work. EDIT: I have highlighted where 261 is on my code


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<div id="top-search-bar">
<form id="advsearch" action="search.php" method="get">
<div><h2>Advanced Search</h2></div>
<div id="CDTitle">Search CD Title: <input type="text" name="search"></input></div>
<div><br /><br /><hr /></div>

<div><h5>Search by ID</h5></div>
<div id="CDID">CD ID: <input type="text" name="searchCDID" maxlength="4" size="3"></input></div>
<div id="pubID">Publisher ID: <input type="text" name="searchPubID" maxlength="3" size="3"></input></div>
<div id="catID">Category ID: <input type="text" name="searchCatID" maxlength="2" size="3"></input><br /><br /></div>
<div><br /><br /><hr /></div>

<div id="price">Search by Price:
<input type="radio" name="price" value="7-8"/>£7-8
<input type="radio" name="price" value="8-9"/>£8-9
<input type="radio" name="price" value="9-10"/>£9-10
<input type="radio" name="price" value="10-11"/>£10-11
<input type="radio" name="price" value="11-12"/>£11-12
</div><!--end price div-->
<div><br /><br /><hr /></div>
include ('connect.php');

$sqlCat = "SELECT * FROM `nmc_category` ORDER BY catDesc Asc";
$rsCat = mysql_query($sqlCat);

echo "<div id=\"category\">
Search by Category: <select name=\"category\">";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsCat)) {
$catID = $row['catID'];
$catDesc = $row['catDesc'];
echo "<option value=\"$catID\">$catDesc</option>";
echo "</select></div>";

$sqlYear = "SELECT DISTINCT CDYear FROM `nmc_cd` ORDER BY CDYear Asc";
$rsYear = mysql_query($sqlYear);

echo "<div id=\"CDYear\">
Search by Year: <select name=\"year\">
<option value=\"#\"></option>";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsYear)) {
$CDYear = $row['CDYear'];
echo "<option value=\"$CDYear\">$CDYear</option>";
echo "</select></div><br /><br /><hr />";

$sqlPubName = "SELECT * FROM `nmc_publisher` ORDER BY pubName Asc";
$rsPubName = mysql_query($sqlPubName);

echo "<div id=\"PubName\">
Search by Publisher: <select name=\"pName\">
<option value=\"#\"></option>";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsPubName)) {
$pubID = $row['pubID'];
$location = $row['location'];
$pubName = $row['pubName'];
echo "<option value=\"$pubID\">$pubName</option>";
echo "</select></div>";

$sqlPubLocation = "SELECT DISTINCT location FROM `nmc_publisher` ORDER BY pubName Asc";
$rsPubLocation = mysql_query($sqlPubLocation);

echo "<div id=\"PubLocation\">
Search by Location: <select name=\"pLocation\">
<option value=\"#\"></option>";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsPubLocation)) {
$location = $row['location'];
echo "<option value=\"$location\">$location</option>";
echo "</select></div>";
<br /><br />
<input type="submit" name="submit"></input>
<input type="reset" name="reset"></input>
</div><!--end top-search-bar div-->
<hr />
// get each attribute value from the request stream
$search = $_GET['search'];
} else {
$searchCDID = $_GET['searchCDID'];
} else {
$searchPubID = $_GET['searchPubID'];
} else {
$searchCatID = $_GET['searchCatID'];
} else {
$price = $_GET['price'];
} else {
$catDesc = $_GET['$catDesc'];
} else {
$CDYear = $_GET['$CDYear'];
} else {
$pubName = $_GET['$pubName'];
} else {
$location = $_GET['$location'];
} else {

//sql to show everything
$sql = "SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
FROM nmc_cd
INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

// make an empty string that will become the AND parts of the query
// if any values were entered in the search form
$sqlCondition = "";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition + "SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
FROM nmc_cd
INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
WHERE 1 AND CDTitle LIKE '%$search%'
ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition + "SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
FROM nmc_cd
INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition + "SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
FROM nmc_cd
INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
WHERE 1 AND pubID LIKE '%$searchPubID%'
ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition + "SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
FROM nmc_cd
INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
WHERE 1 AND pubName LIKE '%$pubName%'
ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition + "SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
FROM nmc_cd
INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
WHERE 1 AND location LIKE '%$location%'
ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition + "SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
FROM nmc_cd
INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
WHERE 1 AND CDPrice LIKE '%$price%'
ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition + "SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
FROM nmc_cd
INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
WHERE 1 AND catDesc LIKE '%$catDesc%'
ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition + "SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
FROM nmc_cd
INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition + "SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
FROM nmc_cd
INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

$sqlSearch = $sql + $sqlCondition;

$rsSearch = mysql_query($sqlSearch);
echo "<div>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsSearch)){ [size=6][b]/* This is line 261 */[/b][/size]
$CDID = $row['CDID'];
$CDTitle = $row['CDTitle'];
$CDYear = $row['CDYear'];
$CDPrice = $row['CDPrice'];
$pubID = $row['pubID'];
$catID = $row['catID'];
$pubName = $row['pubName'];
$location = $row['location'];
$catDesc = $row['catDesc'];
echo "
<div class=\"title\"><h4><a href='cd-description.php?cd=$CDID'>$CDTitle</a></h4></div>
<table class=\"searchtable\">
<td>Year of Release: <strong>$CDYear</strong><br /></td>
<td>Price: <strong>£$CDPrice</strong><br /></td>
<td>Location: <strong>$location</strong><br /></td>
<td>Category: <strong>$catDesc</strong><br /></td>
</table><hr />
echo "</div>";
</div><!--end article div-->

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Thanks for looking,


Edited by jonny7d
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when using joins you need to use mysql_fetch_array() not mysql_fetch_assoc().


Thanks for the quick response.


I have tried changing it to array but that does nothing and generates the same error.


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 261


mysql_fetch_assoc also works on my other documents fine.

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White_Lily: mysql_fetch_array () or mysql_fetch_assoc () has absolutely no bearing on this, and neither function cares one bit about what the SQL query looks like.

As I've told others: It is very nice to see that you want to help people, but please make sure that you're actually helping them. Giving answers like the one above only serves to create even more misunderstandings, which is nothing but detrimental to the process.


Jonny: What you need to do is described in this post:



Also, the WHERE 1 AND bit of your query is quite useless, you don't need the 1 AND part at all. It doesn't do anything.

As for your IF-sentences, well... Just follow the post I linked above, and you'll see what the problem is.

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White_Lily: mysql_fetch_array () or mysql_fetch_assoc () has absolutely no bearing on this, and neither function cares one bit about what the SQL query looks like.

As I've told others: It is very nice to see that you want to help people, but please make sure that you're actually helping them. Giving answers like the one above only serves to create even more misunderstandings, which is nothing but detrimental to the process.


Jonny: What you need to do is described in this post:



Also, the WHERE 1 AND bit of your query is quite useless, you don't need the 1 AND part at all. It doesn't do anything.

As for your IF-sentences, well... Just follow the post I linked above, and you'll see what the problem is.


Now I get these errors.


Notice: Query Failed! SQL: 0 - Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '0' at line 1 in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 259


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 261


This is how it looks right now

                $rsSearch = mysql_query($sqlSearch) or trigger_error("Query Failed! SQL: $sqlSearch - Error: ".mysql_error());[/size][/font][/color]
               echo "<div>";
               while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rsSearch)){

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You're going to have to fix it everywhere you were using the + sign. Do that, and post your updated code and errors.


Here you are, updated code:


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   <div id="top-search-bar">
                   <form id="advsearch" action="search.php" method="get">
                    <div><h2>Advanced Search</h2></div>
                       <div id="CDTitle">Search CD Title: <input type="text" name="search"></input></div>
                       <div><br /><br /><hr /></div>

                       <div><h5>Search by ID</h5></div>
                       <div id="CDID">CD ID: <input type="text" name="searchCDID" maxlength="4" size="3"></input></div>
                       <div id="pubID">Publisher ID: <input type="text" name="searchPubID" maxlength="3" size="3"></input></div>
                       <div id="catID">Category ID: <input type="text" name="searchCatID" maxlength="2" size="3"></input><br /><br /></div>
                       <div><br /><br /><hr /></div>

                       <div id="price">Search by Price:
                        <input type="radio" name="price" value="7-8"/>£7-8
                        <input type="radio" name="price" value="8-9"/>£8-9
                        <input type="radio" name="price" value="9-10"/>£9-10
                        <input type="radio" name="price" value="10-11"/>£10-11
                        <input type="radio" name="price" value="11-12"/>£11-12
                       </div><!--end price div-->
                       <div><br /><br /><hr /></div>
                       include ('connect.php');

                       $sqlCat = "SELECT * FROM `nmc_category` ORDER BY catDesc Asc";
                       $rsCat = mysql_query($sqlCat);

  echo "<div id=\"category\">
    Search by Category: <select name=\"category\">";

  while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsCat)) {
   $catID = $row['catID'];
   $catDesc = $row['catDesc'];
   echo "<option value=\"$catID\">$catDesc</option>";
  echo "</select></div>";

  $sqlYear = "SELECT DISTINCT CDYear FROM `nmc_cd` ORDER BY CDYear Asc";
  $rsYear = mysql_query($sqlYear);

  echo "<div id=\"CDYear\">
    Search by Year: <select name=\"year\">
    <option value=\"#\"></option>";

  while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsYear)) {
   $CDYear = $row['CDYear'];
   echo "<option value=\"$CDYear\">$CDYear</option>";
  echo "</select></div><br /><br /><hr />";

  $sqlPubName = "SELECT * FROM `nmc_publisher` ORDER BY pubName Asc";
  $rsPubName = mysql_query($sqlPubName);

  echo "<div id=\"PubName\">
    Search by Publisher: <select name=\"pName\">
    <option value=\"#\"></option>";

  while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsPubName)) {
   $pubID = $row['pubID'];
   $location = $row['location'];
   $pubName = $row['pubName'];
   echo "<option value=\"$pubID\">$pubName</option>";
  echo "</select></div>";

  $sqlPubLocation = "SELECT DISTINCT location FROM `nmc_publisher` ORDER BY pubName Asc";
  $rsPubLocation = mysql_query($sqlPubLocation);

  echo "<div id=\"PubLocation\">
    Search by Location: <select name=\"pLocation\">
    <option value=\"#\"></option>";

  while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsPubLocation)) {
   $location = $row['location'];
   echo "<option value=\"$location\">$location</option>";
  echo "</select></div>";
  <br /><br />
  <input type="submit" name="submit"></input>
  <input type="reset" name="reset"></input>
               </div><!--end top-search-bar div-->
               <hr />
               // get each attribute value from the request stream
                $search = $_GET['search'];
               } else {
                $searchCDID = $_GET['searchCDID'];
               } else {
                $searchPubID = $_GET['searchPubID'];
               } else {
                $searchCatID = $_GET['searchCatID'];
               } else {
                $price = $_GET['price'];
               } else {
                $catDesc = $_GET['$catDesc'];
               } else {
                $CDYear = $_GET['$CDYear'];
               } else {
                $pubName = $_GET['$pubName'];
               } else {
                $location = $_GET['$location'];
               } else {

               //sql to show everything
               $sql = "SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
  FROM nmc_cd
  INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
  INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
  ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

               // make an empty string that will become the AND parts of the query
               // if any values were entered in the search form
   $sqlCondition = "";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition."SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
                FROM nmc_cd
                INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
                INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
                WHERE 1 AND CDTitle LIKE '%$search%'
                ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition."SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
                FROM nmc_cd
                INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
                INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
                WHERE 1 AND CDID LIKE '%$searchCDID%'
                ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition."SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
                FROM nmc_cd
                INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
                INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
                WHERE 1 AND pubID LIKE '%$searchPubID%'
                ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition."SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
                FROM nmc_cd
                INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
                INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
                WHERE 1 AND pubName LIKE '%$pubName%'
                ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition."SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
                FROM nmc_cd
                INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
                INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
                WHERE 1 AND location LIKE '%$location%'
                ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition."SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
                FROM nmc_cd
                INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
                INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
                WHERE 1 AND CDPrice LIKE '%$price%'
                ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition."SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
                FROM nmc_cd
                INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
                INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
                WHERE 1 AND catDesc LIKE '%$catDesc%'
                ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition."SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
                FROM nmc_cd
                INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
                INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
                WHERE 1 AND CDYear LIKE '%$CDYear%'
                ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition."SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
                FROM nmc_cd
                INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
                INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
                WHERE 1 AND CDID LIKE '%$searchCDID%'
                ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

               $sqlSearch = $sql.$sqlCondition;

               $rsSearch = mysql_query($sqlSearch) or trigger_error("Query Failed! SQL: $sqlSearch - Error: ".mysql_error());
               echo "<div>";
               while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rsSearch)){
                $CDID = $row['CDID'];
                $CDTitle = $row['CDTitle'];
                $CDYear = $row['CDYear'];
                $CDPrice = $row['CDPrice'];
                $pubID = $row['pubID'];
                $catID = $row['catID'];
                $pubName = $row['pubName'];
                $location = $row['location'];
                $catDesc = $row['catDesc'];
                echo "
 <div class=\"title\"><h4><a href='cd-description.php?cd=$CDID'>$CDTitle</a></h4></div>
  <table class=\"searchtable\">
    <td>Year of Release: <strong>$CDYear</strong><br /></td>
    <td>Price: <strong>£$CDPrice</strong><br /></td>
    <td>Location: <strong>$location</strong><br /></td>
    <td>Category: <strong>$catDesc</strong><br /></td>
  </table><hr />
               echo "</div>";
  </div><!--end article div-->

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Notice: Query Failed! SQL: SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc FROM nmc_cd INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID WHERE 1 ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitleSELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc FROM nmc_cd INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID WHERE 1 AND CDTitle LIKE '%1%' ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitleSELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc FROM nmc_cd in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 259


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 261

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We can't read your error messages when you post them like that, you realize that right?


At least now there's your query. There's clearly a big problem with it, if you can read it.


My bad, here you go.



Notice: Query Failed! SQL: SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc FROM nmc_cd INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID WHERE 1 ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitleSELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc FROM nmc_cd INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID WHERE 1 AND CDTitle LIKE '%1%' ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitleSELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc FROM nmc_cd in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 259




Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 261

Edited by jonny7d
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Once again. A clear problem.


Yup I'm narrowing it right down now. Now I have this code:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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 <li ><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
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<div id="article">
<div id="top-search-bar">
<form id="advsearch" action="search.php" method="get">
<div><h2>Advanced Search</h2></div>
<div id="CDTitle">Search CD Title: <input type="text" name="search"></input></div>
<div><br /><br /><hr /></div>

<div><h5>Search by ID</h5></div>
<div id="CDID">CD ID: <input type="text" name="searchCDID" maxlength="4" size="3"></input></div>
<div id="pubID">Publisher ID: <input type="text" name="searchPubID" maxlength="3" size="3"></input></div>
<div id="catID">Category ID: <input type="text" name="searchCatID" maxlength="2" size="3"></input><br /><br /></div>
<div><br /><br /><hr /></div>

<div id="price">Search by Price:
<input type="radio" name="price" value="7-8"/>£7-8
<input type="radio" name="price" value="8-9"/>£8-9
<input type="radio" name="price" value="9-10"/>£9-10
<input type="radio" name="price" value="10-11"/>£10-11
<input type="radio" name="price" value="11-12"/>£11-12
</div><!--end price div-->
<div><br /><br /><hr /></div>
include ('connect.php');

$sqlCat = "SELECT * FROM `nmc_category` ORDER BY catDesc Asc";
$rsCat = mysql_query($sqlCat);

 echo "<div id=\"category\">
 Search by Category: <select name=\"category\">";

 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsCat)) {
 $catID = $row['catID'];
 $catDesc = $row['catDesc'];
 echo "<option value=\"$catID\">$catDesc</option>";
 echo "</select></div>";

 $sqlYear = "SELECT DISTINCT CDYear FROM `nmc_cd` ORDER BY CDYear Asc";
 $rsYear = mysql_query($sqlYear);

 echo "<div id=\"CDYear\">
 Search by Year: <select name=\"year\">
 <option value=\"#\"></option>";

 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsYear)) {
 $CDYear = $row['CDYear'];
 echo "<option value=\"$CDYear\">$CDYear</option>";
 echo "</select></div><br /><br /><hr />";

 $sqlPubName = "SELECT * FROM `nmc_publisher` ORDER BY pubName Asc";
 $rsPubName = mysql_query($sqlPubName);

 echo "<div id=\"PubName\">
 Search by Publisher: <select name=\"pName\">
 <option value=\"#\"></option>";

 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsPubName)) {
 $pubID = $row['pubID'];
 $location = $row['location'];
 $pubName = $row['pubName'];
 echo "<option value=\"$pubID\">$pubName</option>";
 echo "</select></div>";

 $sqlPubLocation = "SELECT DISTINCT location FROM `nmc_publisher` ORDER BY pubName Asc";
 $rsPubLocation = mysql_query($sqlPubLocation);

 echo "<div id=\"PubLocation\">
 Search by Location: <select name=\"pLocation\">
 <option value=\"#\"></option>";

 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsPubLocation)) {
 $location = $row['location'];
 echo "<option value=\"$location\">$location</option>";
 echo "</select></div>";
 <br /><br />
 <input type="submit" name="submit"></input>
 <input type="reset" name="reset"></input>
</div><!--end top-search-bar div-->
<hr />
// get each attribute value from the request stream
$search = $_GET['search'];
} else {
$searchCDID = $_GET['searchCDID'];
} else {
$searchPubID = $_GET['searchPubID'];
} else {
$searchCatID = $_GET['searchCatID'];
} else {
$price = $_GET['price'];
} else {
$catDesc = $_GET['$catDesc'];
} else {
$CDYear = $_GET['$CDYear'];
} else {
$pubName = $_GET['$pubName'];
} else {
$location = $_GET['$location'];
} else {

//sql to show everything
$sql = "SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
 FROM nmc_cd
 INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
 INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
 WHERE 1";
 //ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

// make an empty string that will become the AND parts of the query
// if any values were entered in the search form
$sqlCondition = "";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND CDTitle LIKE '%$search%'";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND CDID LIKE '%$searchCDID%'";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND pubID LIKE '%$searchPubID%'";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND pubName LIKE '%$pubName%'";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND location LIKE '%$location%'";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND CDPrice LIKE '%$price%'";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND catDesc LIKE '%$catDesc%'";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND CDYear LIKE '%$CDYear%'";

$sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND CDID LIKE '%$searchCDID%'";

$sqlSearch = $sql.$sqlCondition;

$rsSearch = mysql_query($sqlSearch) or trigger_error("Query Failed! SQL: $sqlSearch - Error: ".mysql_error());
echo "<div>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rsSearch)){
$CDID = $row['CDID'];
$CDTitle = $row['CDTitle'];
$CDYear = $row['CDYear'];
$CDPrice = $row['CDPrice'];
$pubID = $row['pubID'];
$catID = $row['catID'];
$pubName = $row['pubName'];
$location = $row['location'];
$catDesc = $row['catDesc'];
echo "
 <div class=\"title\"><h4><a href='cd-description.php?cd=$CDID'>$CDTitle</a></h4></div>
 <table class=\"searchtable\">
 <td>Year of Release: <strong>$CDYear</strong><br /></td>
 <td>Price: <strong>£$CDPrice</strong><br /></td>
 <td>Location: <strong>$location</strong><br /></td>
 <td>Category: <strong>$catDesc</strong><br /></td>
 </table><hr />
echo "</div>";
</div><!--end article div-->

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<div id="left-footer">
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And this error


Notice: Query Failed! SQL: SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc FROM nmc_cd INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID WHERE 1 AND CDTitle LIKE '%1%' AND CDID LIKE '%1%' AND pubID LIKE '%1%' AND pubName LIKE '%1%' AND location LIKE '%1%' AND CDPrice LIKE '%1%' AND catDesc LIKE '%1%' AND CDYear LIKE '%1%' AND CDID LIKE '%1%' - Error: Column 'pubID' in where clause is ambiguous in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 214



Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 216


I am not too sure what the first error is?

Edited by jonny7d
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Solved that one! it was the if statements, I was assigning the variables to 1 with '=' instead of giving them an if '==' true.


Now here's the error:


Notice: Undefined variable: search in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 176


Notice: Undefined variable: searchCDID in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 180


Notice: Undefined variable: searchPubID in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 184


Notice: Undefined variable: price in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 196



Notice: Undefined variable: searchCDID in/var/www/vhosts/numyspace.co.uk/web_users/home/~unn_w11014928/public_html/search.php on line 208

Edited by jonny7d
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$search = $_GET['search'];
} else {

This does nothing useful.

You could use a ternary.

$search = (isset($_GET["search"]) ? $_GET['search'] : null;


No errors Jessica! However, when the user tries to enter a field to show up on the database, nothing happens, and it just sticks with the same database.


Here is the website: http://numyspace.co.uk/~unn_w11014928/search.php


And here is the code:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
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  <div id="cd-article-left">
   <div id="top-search-bar">
                   <form id="advsearch" action="search.php" method="get">
                    <div><h2>Advanced Search</h2></div>
                       <div id="CDTitle">Search CD Title: <input type="text" name="search"></input></div>
                       <div><br /><br /><hr /></div>

                       <div><h5>Search by ID</h5></div>
                       <div id="CDID">CD ID: <input type="text" name="searchCDID" maxlength="4" size="3"></input></div>
                       <div id="pubID">Publisher ID: <input type="text" name="searchPubID" maxlength="3" size="3"></input></div>
                       <div id="catID">Category ID: <input type="text" name="searchCatID" maxlength="2" size="3"></input><br /><br /></div>
                       <div><br /><br /><hr /></div>

                       <div id="price">Search by Price:
                        <input type="radio" name="price" value="7-8"/>£7-8
                        <input type="radio" name="price" value="8-9"/>£8-9
                        <input type="radio" name="price" value="9-10"/>£9-10
                        <input type="radio" name="price" value="10-11"/>£10-11
                        <input type="radio" name="price" value="11-12"/>£11-12
                       </div><!--end price div-->
                       <div><br /><br /><hr /></div>
                       include ('connect.php');

                       $sqlCat = "SELECT * FROM `nmc_category` ORDER BY catDesc Asc";
                       $rsCat = mysql_query($sqlCat);

  echo "<div id=\"category\">
    Search by Category: <select name=\"category\">";

  while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsCat)) {
   $catID = $row['catID'];
   $catDesc = $row['catDesc'];
   echo "<option value=\"$catID\">$catDesc</option>";
  echo "</select></div>";

  $sqlYear = "SELECT DISTINCT CDYear FROM `nmc_cd` ORDER BY CDYear Asc";
  $rsYear = mysql_query($sqlYear);

  echo "<div id=\"CDYear\">
    Search by Year: <select name=\"year\">
    <option value=\"#\"></option>";

  while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsYear)) {
   $CDYear = $row['CDYear'];
   echo "<option value=\"$CDYear\">$CDYear</option>";
  echo "</select></div><br /><br /><hr />";

  $sqlPubName = "SELECT * FROM `nmc_publisher` ORDER BY pubName Asc";
  $rsPubName = mysql_query($sqlPubName);

  echo "<div id=\"PubName\">
    Search by Publisher: <select name=\"pName\">
    <option value=\"#\"></option>";

  while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsPubName)) {
   $pubID = $row['pubID'];
   $location = $row['location'];
   $pubName = $row['pubName'];
   echo "<option value=\"$pubID\">$pubName</option>";
  echo "</select></div>";

  $sqlPubLocation = "SELECT DISTINCT location FROM `nmc_publisher` ORDER BY pubName Asc";
  $rsPubLocation = mysql_query($sqlPubLocation);

  echo "<div id=\"PubLocation\">
    Search by Location: <select name=\"pLocation\">
    <option value=\"#\"></option>";

  while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsPubLocation)) {
   $location = $row['location'];
   echo "<option value=\"$location\">$location</option>";
  echo "</select></div>";
  <br /><br />
  <input type="submit" name="submit"></input>
  <input type="reset" name="reset"></input>
               </div><!--end top-search-bar div-->
               <hr />

               // get each attribute value from the request stream
               $search = (isset($_GET["search"]) ? $_GET['search'] : null);
   $searchCDID = (isset($_GET["searchCDID"]) ? $_GET['searchCDID'] : null);
   $searchPubID = (isset($_GET["searchPubID"]) ? $_GET['searchPubID'] : null);
               $searchCatID = (isset($_GET["searchCatID"]) ? $_GET['searchCatID'] : null);
               $price = (isset($_GET["price"]) ? $_GET['price'] : null);
               $catDesc = (isset($_GET["$catDesc"]) ? $_GET['$catDesc'] : null);
               $CDYear = (isset($_GET["$CDYear"]) ? $_GET['$CDYear'] : null);
               $pubName = (isset($_GET["$pubName"]) ? $_GET['$pubName'] : null);
               $location = (isset($_GET["$location"]) ? $_GET['$location'] : null);

               //sql to show everything
               $sql = "SELECT nmc_cd.CDID, nmc_cd.CDTitle, nmc_cd.CDYear, nmc_cd.CDPrice, nmc_cd.pubID, nmc_cd.catID, nmc_publisher.pubName, nmc_publisher.location, nmc_category.catDesc
  FROM nmc_cd
  INNER JOIN nmc_publisher ON nmc_cd.pubID = nmc_publisher.pubID
  INNER JOIN nmc_category ON nmc_cd.catID = nmc_category.catID
  WHERE 1";
  //ORDER BY nmc_cd.CDTitle";

               // make an empty string that will become the AND parts of the query
               // if any values were entered in the search form
   $sqlCondition = "";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND CDTitle LIKE '%$search%'";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND CDID LIKE '%$searchCDID%'";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND pubID LIKE '%$searchPubID%'";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND catID LIKE '%$searchCatID%'";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND CDPrice LIKE '%$price%'";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND catDesc LIKE '%$catDesc%'";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND CDYear LIKE '%$CDYear%'";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND pubName LIKE '%$pubName%'";

                $sqlCondition = $sqlCondition." AND location LIKE '%$location%'";

               $sqlSearch = $sql.$sqlCondition;

               $rsSearch = mysql_query($sqlSearch) or trigger_error("Query Failed! SQL: $sqlSearch - Error: ".mysql_error());
               echo "<div>";
               while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rsSearch)){
                $CDID = $row['CDID'];
                $CDTitle = $row['CDTitle'];
                $CDYear = $row['CDYear'];
                $CDPrice = $row['CDPrice'];
                $pubID = $row['pubID'];
                $catID = $row['catID'];
                $pubName = $row['pubName'];
                $location = $row['location'];
                $catDesc = $row['catDesc'];
                echo "
 <div class=\"title\"><h4><a href='cd-description.php?cd=$CDID'>$CDTitle</a></h4>
  <table class=\"searchtable\">
    <td>Year of Release: <strong>$CDYear</strong><br /></td>
    <td>Price: <strong>£$CDPrice</strong><br /></td>
    <td>Location: <strong>$location</strong><br /></td>
    <td>Category: <strong>$catDesc</strong><br /></td>
  </table><hr />
               echo "</div>";
               </div><!--end cd-article-left div-->
  </div><!--end article div-->

  <div id="footer">
   <div id="left-footer">
 <img src="images/LogoFade.gif" alt="" />
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Thanks for all your help so far!

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Define "won't work". Also, please ensure that the data you're searching is actually in the database, and that the query actually returns any rows. Telling us what you've searched for would probably also be of help, especially if you show the rows from the database that you're expecting to get from said search.

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Define "won't work". Also, please ensure that the data you're searching is actually in the database, and that the query actually returns any rows. Telling us what you've searched for would probably also be of help, especially if you show the rows from the database that you're expecting to get from said search.


For instance, when I search for black in the CD Title search box, it should show a CD with the title black. However, the search does nothing and still insists in displaying the whole database.

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