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Class Declarations Fatal Error


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Hello, I've been running a e107 website for awhile, but suddenly I've come across a PHP error that's disabled my website. Sadly, the support at e107 weren't very helpful.

I've been fixing errors for the last 2 hours, and now I've finally been stumped.


First-off, here's my error :

Fatal error: Class declarations may not be nested in /home/judge/public_html/fawdean/class2.php on line 1310


PasteBin Link


I pasted my code starting at Line 1310 and ending at Line 1441, which is the section of code this error is referring to. Any help will be appreciated in helping me solve this problem.

Thank you,

Kind regards, Arctix

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I will bet it has something to do with the fact that your have an open curly brace before your class declaration

{class e_online {


Thanks Zane for your response, however, I have tried seeing what happens when I remove that brace, and it's corresponding closing brace, HOWEVER, nothing changes whatsoever....the error remains the same...

Edited by Arctix
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i think there is more to read about this issue https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=35634


I've read through that article, yet still can not determine what has to be the cause.

I've removed the " { " and it's corresponding " } " , I've tried putting the class class e_online before the {.

Nothing has solved my problem sadly....

Edited by Arctix
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