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Grabbing First Rss Feed


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Hi all,


I am retrieving an RSS feed and if it isnt already in the database, write to it. The problem is that this grabbing all of the feeds, when I only want to check and or write the first one. This is the original code with the foreach in, I have tried the following:


$limit = 1;
for($x=0;$x<$limit;$x++) {


but am having no joy, I thinmk I am close, but not enough! Here is the main code (database connection made already and the sql is reading and writing fine):


//$RSS_DOC = simpleXML_load_file($feed_url);
 $RSS_DOC = simpleXML_load_file('FEED IN HERE/');
if (!$RSS_DOC) {
echo "Failed loading XML\n";
foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
echo "\t", $error->message;
foreach($RSS_DOC->channel->item as $RSSitem)
$item_id = md5($RSSitem->title);
$fetch_date = date("Y-m-j G:i:s"); //NOTE: we don't use a DB SQL function so its database independant
$item_title = $RSSitem->title;
$item_date = date("Y-m-j G:i:s", strtotime($RSSitem->pubDate));
$item_url = $RSSitem->link;
echo "Processing item '" , $item_id , "' on " , $fetch_date , "<br/>";
echo $item_title, " - ";
echo $item_date, "<br/>";
echo $item_url, "<br/>";
// Does record already exist? Only insert if new item...
$item_exists_sql = "SELECT item_id FROM rssingest where item_id = '" . $item_id . "'";
$item_exists = mysql_query($item_exists_sql);
echo "<p>Inserting new item..</p>";
$item_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO rssingest(item_id, feed_url, item_title, item_date, item_url, fetch_date) VALUES ('" . $item_id . "', '" . $feed_url . "', '" . $item_title . "', '" . $item_date . "', '" . $item_url . "', '" . $fetch_date . "')";
$insert_item = mysql_query($item_insert_sql);
				 echo "Query: $item_insert_sql";
echo "<font color=blue>Not inserting existing item..</font><br/>";
echo "<br/>";





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I only see one feed in there... Do you mean the items in the feed? Only look at the first one?

foreach($RSS_DOC->channel->item as $RSSitem)

That's the loop. Remove it, the {, the associated }, and save yourself from changing variable names by substituting in

$RSSitem = $RSS_DOC->channel->item[0];

(which assumes that the feed always has at least one item in it).

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Thanks, I have implemented your changes, and it has cut it down to just the first item in the feed (which was what I was after, sorry if I wasnt clear..)


Now however, I seem to have lost the items from the feed, particularly the title which I write twice, once as a title and the other with md5 to create an item_id. Here is the full code and I have printed out the results of the echos and the query itself below:


//$RSS_DOC = simpleXML_load_file($feed_url);
 $RSS_DOC = simpleXML_load_file('http://rss.cnn.com/rss/edition.rss');
if (!$RSS_DOC) {
echo "Failed loading XML\n";
foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
echo "\t", $error->message;

$rss_title = $RSS_DOC->channel->title;
$rss_link = $RSS_DOC->channel->link;
$rss_editor = $RSS_DOC->channel->managingEditor;
$rss_copyright = $RSS_DOC->channel->copyright;
$rss_date = $RSS_DOC->channel->pubDate;
 $feed_url = 'http://rss.cnn.com/rss/edition.rss';
//Loop through each item in the RSS document

//foreach($RSS_DOC->channel->item as $RSSitem)

$item_id = md5($RSSitem->title[0]);
$fetch_date = date("Y-m-j G:i:s"); //NOTE: we don't use a DB SQL function so its database independant
$item_title = $RSSitem->title[0];
$item_date = date("Y-m-j G:i:s", strtotime($RSSitem->pubDate));
$item_url = $RSSitem->link;

echo "Processing item '" , $item_id , "' on " , $fetch_date , "<br/>";
echo $item_title, " - ";
echo $item_date, "<br/>";
echo $item_url, "<br/>";

// Does record already exist? Only insert if new item...

$item_exists_sql = "SELECT item_id FROM rssingest where item_id = '" . $item_id . "'";
$item_exists = mysql_query($item_exists_sql);
echo "<p>Inserting new item..</p>";
$item_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO rssingest(item_id, feed_url, item_title, item_date, item_url, fetch_date) VALUES ('" . $item_id . "', '" . $feed_url . "', '" . $item_title . "', '" . $item_date . "', '" . $item_url . "', '" . $fetch_date . "')";
$insert_item = mysql_query($item_insert_sql);
				 echo "Query: $item_insert_sql";
echo "<font color=blue>Not inserting existing item..</font><br/>";

echo "<br/>";


The printed screen looks like this:


Processing item 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' on 2012-11-30 22:45:00

- 1970-01-1 1:00:00


Inserting new item..

Query: INSERT INTO rssingest(item_id, feed_url, item_title, item_date, item_url, fetch_date) VALUES ('d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'http://rss.cnn.com/rss/edition.rss' '', '1970-01-1 1:00:00', '', '2012-11-30 22:45:00')

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