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If /if Else


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Hey, I am new to PHP and I'm having a problem with a listing script I recently installed.


Long story short basically there are 3 listing types, the 3rd, or "3" is free listings, I am trying to use an IF or IF ELSE code so that if the [package] = 3, it shows the listing name without the link, here is the code for the listing.


I have bolded the area that needs to have the command.



<table class="listbox" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">




$filename = "$svr_rootscript/product_images/thumb/$row[iMAGENAME].jpg";

if (file_exists($filename)) {



<td valign="top" ><a class="thumbimage" href="<?PHP mrd("$MyProductTitle", "$row[LID]", "$_GET[category]", "$rowxxx[MR]", "index.php?page=detail"); ?>"><img src="product_images/thumb/<?php echo "$row[iMAGENAME]"; ?>.jpg" border="1" width="100px" /></a></td>

<?PHP } ?>

<td width="100%" valign="top">




<?php if ($row[package] != 3) { ?>

<h3><a href = "<?PHP mrd("$MyProductTitle", "$row[LID]", "$_GET[category]", "$rowxxx[MR]", "index.php?page=detail"); ?>"><?php echo "$row[TITLE]"; ?></a></h3>

<?PHP } ?>


<p><?php echo $row[CAPTION]; ?></p>






The current IF command was told to me by a tech support from the place I got the software, but it doesn't work :(


Any help would be much appreciated.


Thank you.

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Nevermind, I worked it out.



<?php if ($row[PACKAGE] != 3) { ?>

<h3><a href = "<?PHP mrd("$MyProductTitle", "$row[LID]", "$_GET[category]", "$rowxxx[MR]", "index.php?page=detail"); ?>"><?php echo "$row[TITLE]"; ?></a></h3>

<?PHP } ?>

<?php if ($row[PACKAGE] != 1) { ?>

<?php echo "$row[TITLE]"; ?>

<?PHP } ?>

<p><?php echo $row[CAPTION]; ?></p>



If anyone can suggest a cleaner code go nuts.

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You really should be putting quotes around those array keys when they're not inside strings*. You may not see the message but PHP complains every time you do that. As for cleaner code... I don't see much to do.

<?php if ($row["PACKAGE"] != 3) { ?>
<h3><a href = "<?PHP mrd("$MyProductTitle", "$row[LID]", "$_GET[category]", "$rowxxx[MR]", "index.php?page=detail"); ?>"><?php echo "$row[TITLE]"; ?></a></h3>
<?PHP } ?>
<?php if ($row["PACKAGE"] != 1) { ?>
<?php echo "$row[TITLE]"; ?>
<?PHP } ?>
<p><?php echo $row["CAPTION"]; ?></p>


* Unless you use the {} syntax, then you do.

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The only way I see to make that code cleaner, is to remove all of those unnecessary PHP tags and quotes:

if ($row["PACKAGE"] != 3) {
   $link = mrd ($MyProductTitle, $row['LID'], $_GET['category'], $rowxxx['MR'], "index.php?page=detail");
   echo '<h3><a href = "'.$link.'">'.$row['TITLE'].'</a></h3>';

if ($row["PACKAGE"] != 1) {
   echo $row['TITLE'];

echo "<p>{$row['CAPTION']}</p>\n";


Also, giving your functions and variables some descriptive and meaningful names would go a long way. (What does mrd() do, for instance? I have no idea based upon the name alone.)

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Thanks for the replies guys, I have since found another problem, thought it would make more sense posting in there than making a new thread on it.


Ok package 1 and 2 work fine, but when I try to apply the same code but to a package != 3, it's not working, on the page that has packages 1 and 2 listed it has the template for 3 listed below each result, when i remove the IF commands for package 3 it displays 1 and 2 perfectly, and the result as package 3 twice, using the templates from 1 and 2, is there a bug or something from preventing this IF command I posted before working for more than 2 commands?


And to answer the other comment, I didn't write the code, I got the code when I got idev business listing 3.0, it was precoded, I am just making tweaks.


The results page is currently, with the code like this the template set for package 3 shows below both 1 & 2 and for package 3 it only shows the result twice, as template 1 and 2 (hope this makes sense)


<?php if ($_GET

 == searchr) $row[LID] = $row[iD]; ?>

$resultbg = @mysql_query( $SQLbg ); $rowbg = @mysql_fetch_array( $resultbg );
if ($rowbg[HIGHLIGHT] != $nil) $bgcolor = $rowbg[HIGHLIGHT];
<?php if ($_GET[mode] == 'search') $row[iD] = $row[iD]; ?>
$SQLview = "SELECT * from VIEW WHERE L_ID = '$row[iD]'"; $resultview = @mysql_query( $SQLview ); $rowview = @mysql_fetch_array( $resultview );
$SQLvisit = "SELECT * from VISIT WHERE L_ID = '$row[iD]'"; $resultvisit = @mysql_query( $SQLvisit ); $rowvisit = @mysql_fetch_array( $resultvisit );

$country = ereg_replace(' ','+',$row[COUNTRY]);
$state = ereg_replace(' ','+',$row[sTATE]);
$province = ereg_replace(' ','+',$row[PROVINCE]);
$city = ereg_replace(' ','+',$row[CITY]);
$zip = ereg_replace(' ','+',$row[ZIP]);
$street = ereg_replace(' ','+',$row[sTREET]);

$country = strtolower($country);
$state = strtolower($state);
$province = strtolower($province);
$city = strtolower($city);
$zip = strtolower($zip);
$street = strtolower($street);


<?php if ($row["PACKAGE"] != 1) { ?>
<table class="listbox-red" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="120px">
$filename = "$svr_rootscript/product_images/thumb/$row[iMAGENAME].jpg";
if (file_exists($filename)) {
<td rowspan="2" valign="top" ><div class="thumbimage"><img src="product_images/thumb/<?php echo "$row[iMAGENAME]"; ?>.jpg" border="0" height="100px"></div>
<a href="<?PHP mrd("$MyProductTitle", "$row[LID]", "$_GET[category]", "$rowxxx[MR]", "index.php?page=detail"); ?>"><img src="images/more-info.gif"></a></td>
<?PHP } ?>
<td width="80%" valign="top"><h3><a href = "<?PHP mrd("$MyProductTitle", "$row[LID]", "$_GET[category]", "$rowxxx[MR]", "index.php?page=detail"); ?>"><font color="#FF0000">**URGENT**</font>
<?php echo "$row[TITLE]"; ?> - <?php echo $row[AGE]; ?></a></h3>
<p><?php echo $row[CAPTION]; ?></p>
<td width="20%" valign="top"><B><?php echo $row[sTATE]; ?></b><br> <?php echo $row[CITY]; ?>
<br> <br> </td>
<td valign="bottom"><b><?php echo $row[GENDER]; ?> <?php echo $row[bREED]; ?></b></td>
<td width="20%" valign="bottom"><?php echo "$row[DA]/$row[MA]/$row[YA]"; ?></td>
<?PHP } ?>

<?php if ($row["PACKAGE"] != 2) { ?>
<table class="listbox" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="120px">
$filename = "$svr_rootscript/product_images/thumb/$row[iMAGENAME].jpg";
if (file_exists($filename)) {
<td rowspan="2" valign="top" ><div class="thumbimage"><img src="product_images/thumb/<?php echo "$row[iMAGENAME]"; ?>.jpg" border="0" height="100px" /></div>
<a href="<?PHP mrd("$MyProductTitle", "$row[LID]", "$_GET[category]", "$rowxxx[MR]", "index.php?page=detail"); ?>"><img src="images/more-info.gif"></a></td>
<?PHP } ?>
<td width="80%" valign="top"> <h3><a href = "<?PHP mrd("$MyProductTitle", "$row[LID]", "$_GET[category]", "$rowxxx[MR]", "index.php?page=detail"); ?>"><?php echo "$row[TITLE]"; ?>
- <?php echo $row[AGE]; ?></a></h3>
<p><?php echo $row[CAPTION]; ?></p>
<td width="20%" valign="top"><B><?php echo $row[sTATE]; ?></b><br> <?php echo $row[CITY]; ?> </td>
<td valign="bottom"><b><?php echo $row[GENDER]; ?> <?php echo $row[bREED]; ?></b></td>
<td width="20%" valign="bottom"><?php echo "$row[DA]/$row[MA]/$row[YA]"; ?></td>
<?PHP } ?>
<?php if ($row["PACKAGE"] != 3) { ?>
<table class="listbox" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="120px">
$filename = "$svr_rootscript/product_images/thumb/$row[iMAGENAME].jpg";
if (file_exists($filename)) {
<td rowspan="2" valign="top" ><div class="thumbimage"><img src="product_images/thumb/<?php echo "$row[iMAGENAME]"; ?>.jpg" border="0" height="100px" /></div>
<a href="<?PHP mrd("$MyProductTitle", "$row[LID]", "$_GET[category]", "$rowxxx[MR]", "index.php?page=detail"); ?>"><img src="images/more-info.gif"></a></td>
<?PHP } ?>
<td width="80%" valign="top"> <h3><a href = "<?PHP mrd("$MyProductTitle", "$row[LID]", "$_GET[category]", "$rowxxx[MR]", "index.php?page=detail"); ?>"><?php echo "$row[TITLE]"; ?>
- <?php echo $row[AGE]; ?></a></h3>
<p><?php echo $row[CAPTION]; ?></p>
<td width="20%" valign="top"><B><?php echo $row[sTATE]; ?></b><br> <?php echo $row[CITY]; ?> </td>
<td valign="bottom"><b><?php echo $row[GENDER]; ?> <?php echo $row[bREED]; ?></b></td>
<td width="20%" valign="bottom"><?php echo "$row[DA]/$row[MA]/$row[YA]"; ?></td>
<?PHP } ?>

Edited by Jdog
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