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Hi all,


I'm experiencing a lot of trouble trying to create a script for my website. I'm making a database dependant menu, and I've spent a couple of days doing trial and error much to no prevail.


I'm using Twitter Bootstrap if anyone is familiar with it, and creating a drop down menu.


The code for each of these buttons is:


<div class="btn-group">
<a class="btn btn-inverse dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<!-- dropdown menu links -->
<li><a tabindex="-1" href="http://www.google.com.au">View the WOD</a></li>
<li><a tabindex="-1" href="#">WOD Archives</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li><a tabindex="-1" href="#">Benchmarks</a></li>


So, what I need to be able to do is call each menu that I have in the database, (I have 5), determine if it's a drop down, and if it is, echo the links for it inside of the <ul class="dropdown-menu">


It seems simple to me, but I cannot get it right.


Please help!



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If you REALLY want it:



echo "<h1>Test Page</h1>";

// Fetch MENUs
$fetch_menu = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `menus` ORDER BY `stacking`");

// Function for LInks
function linkCreate($menu_id){
// Fetch Links
$fetch_links = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `assoc_menu` = '".$menu_id."'");
$num_links = mysql_num_rows($fetch_links);

while($LINK = mysql_fetch_array($fetch_links, MYSQL_ASSOC)){

$return_link = "<li><a tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"#\">Health Assessment and Wavier</a></li>";


return $num_links." ".$return_link;

while($MENU = mysql_fetch_array($fetch_menu, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
echo $MENU['title']."<br>";
echo linkCreate($MENU['menu_id']);


This comes close but only returns the first link... Probably because it's a function and I'm an idiot for using a function but hey.



// Do the query for all the menus
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `menus` LEFT JOIN `links` ON `menus`.`menu_id` = `links`.`assoc_menu`");
// Set some functions
function createButton($btn_type, $btn_title, $TYPE, $standard_url){
if($TYPE == "1"){
// If it's a drop down execute:
$button = "<a class=\"btn ".$btn_type." dropdown-toggle\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\" href=\"#\">".$btn_title."  <span class=\"caret\"></span></a>";
}elseif($TYPE == "0"){
// If it's a standard button execute:
$button = "<a class=\"btn ".$btn_type."\" href=\"".$standard_url."\">".$btn_title."</a>";
// If it's not specified, error:
$button = "<a class=\"btn btn-warning\" href=\"#\">Button Error</a>";
return $button;
function createDropdown(){


// Set the $prev_title variable to prevent repeating the button
$prev_title = "";
// Execute an array for all menus
while($MENU = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
// If this is a new button - print the button
if($MENU['title'] != $prev_title){
// If the titles are not the same, THIS IS THE BUTTON
$return_menu = $MENU['title']."<br>";

}elseif($MENU['title'] == $prev_title){
// If the titles are the same, THIS IS A LINK.
$return_menu = $MENU['link_title']."<br>";
// Print whatever is necessary

echo $return_menu; 

// Reset the prev_title for the next menu
$prev_title = $MENU['title']; 


This returns mostly OK, but removes the first link, and I can't put the links in the UL as required.

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Hi JakkkeM,


Functions can return multiple values in two ways;


function functionName(){
return $value1, $value2; // etc - comes back in a array

// OR

function functionName(){
$value1 = 'value1';
$value2 = 'value2';
$array = array($value1,$value2);
return $array;


When you then recieve the result by doing something like:


$function = functionName();


$function will be equal to that array returned just like it would equal a single value if you just returned a variable.


If you need more help feel free to ask otherwise here are two links which you might find helpful:

(For Arrays)

(For Functions)


W3Schools.com is a great place to learn; its where I learnt and also php.net is also helpful for learning about specific built in functions in PHP.



Hope this helps.

Timothy Arden


PS Sorry I couldnt indent my code examples -> kept coming up with this '

' so I just edited it and left it unidented
Edited by timothyarden
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Hi JakkkeM,


Functions can return multiple values in two ways;


function functionName(){
return $value1, $value2; // etc - comes back in a array

// OR

function functionName(){
$value1 = 'value1';
$value2 = 'value2';
$array = array($value1,$value2);
return $array;


When you then recieve the result by doing something like:


$function = functionName();


$function will be equal to that array returned just like it would equal a single value if you just returned a variable.


If you need more help feel free to ask otherwise here are two links which you might find helpful:

(For Arrays)

(For Functions)


W3Schools.com is a great place to learn; its where I learnt and also php.net is also helpful for learning about specific built in functions in PHP.



Hope this helps.

Timothy Arden


PS Sorry I couldnt indent my code examples -> kept coming up with this '

' so I just edited it and left it unidented



The only problem with this, is I don't have a set amount of values - in your example you used two, I have no set amount of links that could be assigned to a menu. Does that matter?
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W3schools is a crap place to learn - you just won't know that untill you you're past using it. I wonder if the admins can set the forum to auto-ban anyone that links to it on here....


anyway, getting back on topic after that rather random piece of promotion.


I really can't see what your using to link the formatting to the elements, so I added a couple comments into the code to highlight where you are likely going to need to add these. I basicly only changed your SELECT * (because it's naughty) and added in a small bit of code to refactor the results from the database into something that's more menu-maker-friendly


here's the code I came up with - as pretty much always : it's untested and unlikely to work as is, but should be enough to get you moving on the right track.

$sql = <<<SQL
SELECT link_id,
links.assoc_menu as assoc_menu,
menus.assoc_menu as m_assoc_menu,
url as menu_url
FROM menus
ON (links.assoc_menu = menus.menu_id)
WHERE link_permissions = 1
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$startList = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
$refactorList = array();
foreach($startList as $line){
$refatorList[$line['assoc_menu']][] = array(
  'link_id' => $line['link_id'],
  'link_title' => $line['link_title'],
  'link_url' => $line['link_url'],
  'title' => $line['link_title'],
  'btn_type' => $line['btn_type'],
  'dropdown' => $line['dropdown'],
  'stacking' => $line['stacking'],
  'm_assoc_menu' => $line['m_assoc_menu'],
  'menu_url' => $line ['menu_url']
foreach($refactorList as $menu){
echo '<div class="your-ui-menu-class">'.$menu['0']['title']."\n\r <ul id=\"{$menu['0']['title']}\"> \n\r";
// ^ echo to output each menu title and start the <ul>
foreach($menu as $link){
 echo "<li><a href=\"{$link['link_url']}\">{$link['link_title']}</a></li>\n\r";
 // ^ echo to output each link within the menu
echo "</ul> \n\r </div> \n\r";

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Forgot to mention; with the returned array to get the info from it you can either use

echo $array[$number]; // $number should be equal to 1 before the one you want as array indexes start at zero
echo $array[0]; // echo's $value1
echo $array[1]; // echo's $value2

// or

foreach($array as $value){
echo $value;



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Forgot to mention; with the returned array to get the info from it you can either use

echo $array[$number]; // $number should be equal to 1 before the one you want as array indexes start at zero
echo $array[0]; // echo's $value1
echo $array[1]; // echo's $value2



that's completly useless for an associative array

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Closer than I've ever gotten.


But where the hell these values are coming from I have no idea?


Image One - The Dropdown

Image Two - The Buttons


$sql = "SELECT `link_id`, `links`.`assoc_menu` as `assoc_menu`, `link_title`, `link_url`, `title`, `type`, `btn_type`, `dropdown`, `stacking`, `menus`.`assoc_menu` as `m_assoc_menu`, `url` as `menu_url` FROM `menus` INNER JOIN `links` ON (`links`.`assoc_menu` = `menus`.`menu_id`) WHERE `link_permissions` = '1'";
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

$startList = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);

$refactorList = array();

foreach($startList as $line){

$refactorList[$line['assoc_menu']][] = array(
  'link_id' => $line['link_id'],
  'link_title' => $line['link_title'],
  'link_url' => $line['link_url'],
  'title' => $line['link_title'],
  'btn_type' => $line['btn_type'],
  'dropdown' => $line['dropdown'],
  'stacking' => $line['stacking'],
  'm_assoc_menu' => $line['m_assoc_menu'],
  'menu_url' => $line ['menu_url']

foreach($refactorList as $menu){

echo '<div class="btn-group"><a class="btn '.$menu['0']['btn_type'].'\n\r dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">'.$menu['0']['title'].'<span class="caret"></span></a><ul class="dropdown-menu">';

// echo '<div class="your-ui-menu-class">'.$menu['0']['title']."\n\r <ul id=\"{$menu['0']['title']}\"> \n\r";
// ^ echo to output each menu title and start the <ul>

foreach($menu as $link){
 echo "<li><a href=\"{$link['link_url']}\">{$link['link_title']}</a></li>\n\r";
 // ^ echo to output each link within the menu
echo "</ul> \n\r </div> \n\r";

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Yes, Sorry looked over his code earlier and didnt refresh myself before sending that. It should be $arrayName[$reference]. Example:

$array = array('value1' => 'value', 'value 2' = 'value');
// and then
echo $array['value1'];
echo $array['value2'];


As Muddy Funster said my original post was wrong and above is how you would reference to a value in associative array. You can have as many values in the array as you want as I said before.


Hope this helps to clarify my mistake.



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JakkkeM, can you post the rendered page source for those dropdowns?


Edt: just noticed that you have \n\r inside single quotes - they will not be parsed properly unless they are in double quotes. you can delete them, they were just to add a lttle formating to the final page source to make it slightly easier to read.

Edited by Muddy_Funster
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<div class="btn-group">
<a class="btn btn-inverse dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<!-- dropdown menu links -->
<li><a tabindex="-1" href="http://www.google.com.au">View the WOD</a></li>
<li><a tabindex="-1" href="#">WOD Archives</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li><a tabindex="-1" href="#">Benchmarks</a></li>



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<h1>Test Page</h1><div class="btn-toolbar"><div class="btn-group"><a class="btn btn-inverse

dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">View the WOD<span class="caret"></span></a><ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a href="?page=home">View the WOD</a></li>

<li><a href="?page=home">WOD Archives</a></li>

<li><a href="?page=home">Benchmakrs</a></li>



<div class="btn-group"><a class="btn btn-inverse

dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">Who, What, When, Where and Why?<span class="caret"></span></a><ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a href="?page=home">Who, What, When, Where and Why?</a></li>

<li><a href="?page=home">Services and Pricing</a></li>

<li><a href="?page=growth-of-sport">Growth of Sport</a></li>

<li><a href="?page=what-is-crossfit">What is CrossFit?</a></li>



<div class="btn-group"><a class="btn btn-inverse

dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">What You Need To Know<span class="caret"></span></a><ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a href="?page=need-to-know">What You Need To Know</a></li>

<li><a href="?page=contacting-us">Contacting Us</a></li>

<li><a href="?page=health-assessment-and-waiver">Health Assessment and Wavier</a></li>



<div class="btn-group"><a class="btn btn-inverse

dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">How it Works<span class="caret"></span></a><ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a href="?page=how-it-works">How it Works</a></li>



   [1] => Array
           [0] => Array
                   [link_id] => 1
                   [link_title] => View the WOD
                   [link_url] => ?page=home
                   [title] => View the WOD
                   [btn_type] => btn-inverse
                   [dropdown] => 1
                   [stacking] => 1
                   [m_assoc_menu] => 0
                   [menu_url] => 

           [1] => Array
                   [link_id] => 2
                   [link_title] => WOD Archives
                   [link_url] => ?page=home
                   [title] => WOD Archives
                   [btn_type] => btn-inverse
                   [dropdown] => 1
                   [stacking] => 1
                   [m_assoc_menu] => 0
                   [menu_url] => 

           [2] => Array
                   [link_id] => 3
                   [link_title] => Benchmakrs
                   [link_url] => ?page=home
                   [title] => Benchmakrs
                   [btn_type] => btn-inverse
                   [dropdown] => 1
                   [stacking] => 1
                   [m_assoc_menu] => 0
                   [menu_url] => 


   [2] => Array
           [0] => Array
                   [link_id] => 4
                   [link_title] => Who, What, When, Where and Why?
                   [link_url] => ?page=home
                   [title] => Who, What, When, Where and Why?
                   [btn_type] => btn-inverse
                   [dropdown] => 0
                   [stacking] => 2
                   [m_assoc_menu] => 0
                   [menu_url] => ?page=login

           [1] => Array
                   [link_id] => 5
                   [link_title] => Services and Pricing
                   [link_url] => ?page=home
                   [title] => Services and Pricing
                   [btn_type] => btn-inverse
                   [dropdown] => 0
                   [stacking] => 2
                   [m_assoc_menu] => 0
                   [menu_url] => ?page=login

           [2] => Array
                   [link_id] => 6
                   [link_title] => Growth of Sport
                   [link_url] => ?page=growth-of-sport
                   [title] => Growth of Sport
                   [btn_type] => btn-inverse
                   [dropdown] => 0
                   [stacking] => 2
                   [m_assoc_menu] => 0
                   [menu_url] => ?page=login

           [3] => Array
                   [link_id] => 7
                   [link_title] => What is CrossFit?
                   [link_url] => ?page=what-is-crossfit
                   [title] => What is CrossFit?
                   [btn_type] => btn-inverse
                   [dropdown] => 0
                   [stacking] => 2
                   [m_assoc_menu] => 0
                   [menu_url] => ?page=login


   [3] => Array
           [0] => Array
                   [link_id] => 8
                   [link_title] => What You Need To Know
                   [link_url] => ?page=need-to-know
                   [title] => What You Need To Know
                   [btn_type] => btn-inverse
                   [dropdown] => 1
                   [stacking] => 3
                   [m_assoc_menu] => 0
                   [menu_url] => 

           [1] => Array
                   [link_id] => 9
                   [link_title] => Contacting Us
                   [link_url] => ?page=contacting-us
                   [title] => Contacting Us
                   [btn_type] => btn-inverse
                   [dropdown] => 1
                   [stacking] => 3
                   [m_assoc_menu] => 0
                   [menu_url] => 

           [2] => Array
                   [link_id] => 10
                   [link_title] => Health Assessment and Wavier
                   [link_url] => ?page=health-assessment-and-waiver
                   [title] => Health Assessment and Wavier
                   [btn_type] => btn-inverse
                   [dropdown] => 1
                   [stacking] => 3
                   [m_assoc_menu] => 0
                   [menu_url] => 


   [4] => Array
           [0] => Array
                   [link_id] => 11
                   [link_title] => How it Works
                   [link_url] => ?page=how-it-works
                   [title] => How it Works
                   [btn_type] => btn-inverse
                   [dropdown] => 1
                   [stacking] => 4
                   [m_assoc_menu] => 0
                   [menu_url] => 



Edited by JakkkeM
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