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Well, this is my second time posting my project here. There have been way to many upgrades / re-factors to list. Basically it is a full functioning cms, with many features (that don't hinder the site's usability).


I would like to ask for the community to take a look, and try to break the site. If you find anything that looks odd / weird; please post as well.



Site: http://auth.gludoe.com/

Verification: http://auth.gludoe.com/phpfreaks.txt


Test Account:

Email: [email protected]

Password: test



PS: this is a link to my previous topic, in which i can not edit, so i decided to create a new one.


PPS: If the site is offline; it is running off my laptop at home, and sometimes it gets unplugged accidentally. I will do my best to keep it online until my testing purposes are completed.

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I broke it by disabling JS. Ended up going in an eternal loop, with it just showing the placeholders for the content.


What browser are you using, as with the browsers i have tested, (chrome,firefox,opera & safari) i do not have this issue.





I severely dislike the page not extending to at least my screen height when the content fills up the pre-defined area.


I am going to request a screenshot, as i am not sure as to where this could be; and if it is an annoyance, then it should be resolved.

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Version 12.00 
Build 1467 
Platform Linux 
System x86_64, 3.2.0-35-generic 

Browser identification
Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux x86_64; U; en-GB) Presto/2.10.289 Version/12.00


After disabling JS, and refreshing the page, I was able to confirm it on my desktop as well as my laptop.


This is the HTML code I got, and nothing changed across the multiple refreshes:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL='/plugin/Ajax/nojs/'" /></noscript>
	<meta name="description" content="Gludoe Development" />
	<meta name="keywords" content="gludoe, development, demo, cms" />
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/commons/styles/absolute/import.php?type=css" />
	<script type="text/javascript">
		var SITE_URL = "";
		var STYLE_URL = "/commons/styles/absolute";
		var CURRENT_SLUG = "plugin";
	<script type="text/javascript" src="/commons/styles/absolute/import.php?type=js"></script>
	<div id="wrapper">
		<div id="menu">
					<td><a href="/" id="logo"></a></td>
					<td><ul><li><a href="/register/">Register</a></li><li><a href="/login/">Login</a></li><li><a href="/forums/">Forums</a></li><li><a href="/">Home</a></li></ul></td>
		<div id="notice"></div>
		<div id="content">{pageContent}</div>
		<div id="credits">Page created in 0.016 seconds with 1 queries.<br />Powered by <a href="https://www.gludoe.com/" target="_blank">Gludoe CMS®</a> Version 1.0.2 Beta 1<br />Copyright © 2011 Gludoe Enterprises. All rights reserved.</div>


It's the following line which causes the endless loop:

<noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL='/plugin/Ajax/nojs/'" /></noscript>

You seem to be missing some of the code that should handle these cases, which causes it to be echoed out at every pageload. This might be related to having cookies disabled as well.

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This might be related to having cookies disabled as well.


This is a circumstance that i did not test, so thank you for this. If you have cookies disabled, then you receive a new session upon each visit, so i will create a solution to this. (cached hash of user agent + ip; or similar)




Note the navigation and the vertical scroll bar.


I have been using a 15.6" laptop for most of my development, so i will have to definably load this on my 55" for further testing!


Once again, thank you to you both!

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I have increased the wrapper size for the whole site, and increased the admin panel layout as well, although i am having an issue with height %'s on tables; but that is my fault for using them in the first place. When i get home i will re-factor the admin panel dashboard.


As always, thank you to everyone that has taken a few minutes to give the site a test!

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Either you made it worse, or it renders a lot worse on Linux.




EDIT: I was on Windows 7 in my other post.


I was able to replicate this error, so i will now be able to fix.


Once again, thank you everyone!



EDIT: Please give it a try now, tell me if it is still not expanding correctly.

Edited by RobertP
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The issue from my last screenshot is fixed. However, the nav menu still has a scrollbar when you expand the menus. This looks like a design decision and not a bug, but personally I would still prefer that it expanded the whole page and used a normal page scroll.


However, that's just my opinion and preferance. It looks like the bug has been fixed.

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This time I was redirected to the following address, which just gave me a blank page:



I think you might need to go back to the drawing board with this particular piece of functionality, and decouple the AJAX from the core a bit.

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