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Comparing mySQL Tables


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I have two tables that I want to compare.


One is a temporary table that includes the product id, quantity, retail price and wholesale price (product feed from my supplier).


The other is a permanent table that includes among other things the same product id.


I want to see if an id is in the temp table and not the other one (meaning it's a new product).


I also want to see if an id is in the permanent table and not in the temp table (meaning it's a discontinued product).


I'd like to be able to output these to the web page so that I can address them.


I've searched and I'm getting all kinds of different ideas around the web.


Can anyone point me in the right direction? Some sample code, a link, a kick in the right direction - any and all answers are much appreciated.





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The most straight-forward query would be to use WHERE column NOT IN (sub-query).


To find new products - SELECT * FROM temp_table WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id from permanent_table)


To find discontinued products - SELECT * FROM permanent_table WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id from temp_table)

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Ok, so this is what I'm trying:


$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM tmp_price_compare WHERE tmp_price_compare.supplier_reference NOT IN (SELECT product_supplier_reference FROM product_supplier)')
or die(mysql_error());
echo "NEW PRODUCTS<br /><br />";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
 echo "<a href=https://www.mysupplier.com/item/item.lasso?dsc2=" . $row['supplier_reference'] . echo $row['supplier_reference'] . echo"</a><br />";


The SELECT itself works perfectly. I'm just having trouble with the output.


I'm sure it's something simple. I'm just not seeing the problem.







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You only need to echo once, since you're concatenating the string. You also need to quote your href attribute, and put text between the opening and closing of the tag. I believe you meant this:

echo "<a href='https://www.mysupplier.com/item/item.lasso?dsc2=" . $row['supplier_reference'] . "'>" . $row['supplier_reference'] ."</a><br />";


Or, simply:

echo "<a href='[url="https://www.mysupplier.com/item/item.lasso?dsc2={$row"]https://www.mysuppli...asso?dsc2={$row[/url]['supplier_reference']}'>{$row['supplier_reference']}</a><br />";

Edited by shlumph
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Here's the final result for reference.


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
 echo "<a href=https://www.bnfusa.com/item/item.lasso?dsc2=";
 echo $row['supplier_reference'];
 echo ">";
 echo $row['supplier_reference'];
 echo"</a><br />";



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