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base64_decode() bug?


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I am getting a really strange issue with a bit of code that I have written. It is used to encode a password and add some random alpha-numeric characters to it. It seems to work the vast majority of the time, but sometimes I get a strange issue. Here's the code:



$a = "Tranvaj889";


function randLetter()


$int = rand(0,61);

$a_z = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890";

$rand_letter = $a_z[$int];

return $rand_letter;


$pass = randLetter() . base64_encode($a) . randLetter() . randLetter() . randLetter();


$db_pass = base64_decode(substr($pass, 1, (strlen($pass) - 2)));

$final = substr($db_pass, 0, (strlen($db_pass) - 1));


echo 'Original: ' . $a . '<br />';

echo 'Encoded: ' . $pass . '<br />';

echo 'Decoded: ' . $final;


This particular example presents the problem. The output will look perfect, like this:


Original: Tranvaj889

Encoded: sVHJhbnZhajg4OQ==8FN

Decoded: Tranvaj889


However, if I use the mouse to select 'Tranvaj889' (Decoded one) and then paste this into notepad or any file, I get a random special character at the end. I can't post an example here, because the special characters that appear, do not show up in the browser, which is why it took me a while to figure out why my login script was not working.


Anyways, I am really confused here, and could use some help. Please keep in mind that this does not occur 95% of the time.


IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT reply to this post with the answer that the '- 2' part of the code should be '- 3'. This is not the case, as strlen() starts at 1 and substr() starts at 0. Remember, this works 95% of the time!


Is this a bug with base64_encode() / base64_decode()? Or did I just mess something up? I've been trying to sort this out for more than a week now, and some help would be very much appreciated. Cheers, and thanks in advance.

Edited by xProteuSx
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Is this a bug with base64_encode() / base64_decode()? Or did I just mess something up?


You just messed up.  You're not decoding the proper value, your decoding a string with a few extra characters. If you split things up and add a few more echo's you can easily see that:

$encoded = base64_encode($a);
$pass = randLetter() . $encoded . randLetter() . randLetter() . randLetter();

$stripped = substr($pass, 1, (strlen($pass) - 2));
$db_pass = base64_decode($stripped);
$final = substr($db_pass, 0, (strlen($db_pass) - 1));

echo 'Original: ' . $a . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Encoded: ' . $encoded . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Padded: ' . $pass . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Stripped: ' . $stripped . PHP_EOL;
echo 'DB Pass: ' . $db_pass . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Decoded: ' . $final . PHP_EOL;

Produces the sample output:

Original: Tranvaj889
Encoded: VHJhbnZhajg4OQ==
Padded: cVHJhbnZhajg4OQ==lN3
Stripped: VHJhbnZhajg4OQ==lN
DB Pass: Tranvaj889     M
Decoded: Tranvaj889


Notice how your encoded value is VHJhbnZhajg4OQ==, but your trying to decode the value VHJhbnZhajg4OQ==lN?  You're only stripping one of the three characters you appended to the end of the string.  So you are right, the -2 shouldn't be -3.  It should be -4 to take off all three characters.  There's no need to be doing a substr on the result of the base64_decode either.


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I am sorry, but I am starting to get really frustrated. Everyone who has taken the time to take a look at the code (thank you) has given me an answer without running several samples of $a, or have not bothered to run the code at all.


kicken, undoubtedly you are better at PHP than I am, however, you sample contains the same %*^#ing problem as mine. Did you select the 'Decoded' output and paste it into notepad as per the original description of this issue? Even running your EXACT code I get the exact same issue.


I seriously doubt that this is an issue that has anything to do with stripping those four characters from the password, because, here's the thing: THE ORIGINAL CODE WORKS 95% OF THE TIME. If there was an extra character appended to every string because I have forgotten to delete one, NO PASSWORDS WOULD EVER WORK.


I love this forum, I love the users, and I am sincerely grateful for assistance, however everyone is sending me the same response, even though I have already indicated that I have tried these things.


If you care to help solve this, follow this from the original instructions:


However, if I use the mouse to select 'Tranvaj889' (Decoded one) and then paste this into notepad or any file, I get a random special character at the end. I can't post an example here, because the special characters that appear, do not show up in the browser, which is why it took me a while to figure out why my login script was not working.


Also, try this:


$a = "password';

or $a = "thisismypass";

or $a = "password167";

or $a = "Password345";


And please don't bother telling me how pretty the output looks in your browser window, which does not display the special character that is attached to SOME of the passwords.



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Run this:



$a = "Tranvaj889";


function randLetter()


$int = rand(0,61);

$a_z = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890";

$rand_letter = $a_z[$int];

return $rand_letter;



$encoded = base64_encode($a);

$pass = randLetter() . $encoded . randLetter() . randLetter() . randLetter();



$stripped = substr($pass, 1, (strlen($pass) - 2));

$db_pass = base64_decode($stripped);

$final = substr($db_pass, 0, (strlen($db_pass) - 1));


echo 'Original: ' . $a . PHP_EOL;

echo '<br />Encoded: ' . $encoded . PHP_EOL;

echo '<br />Padded: ' . $pass . PHP_EOL;

echo '<br />Stripped: ' . $stripped . PHP_EOL;

echo '<br />DB Pass: ' . $db_pass . PHP_EOL;

echo '<br />Decoded: ' . $final . PHP_EOL;


if ($a == $final)

{echo '<br />match<br />';}


{echo '<br />fail<br />';}


Output will include: fail

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