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Help with a small program.


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I have been tasked to create a small program in any language I know, which is PHP.


It will be a console app (I can't install a LAMP stack etc) and it has to:


Allow one of six minibeasts to be selected from a menu

Enter and store the name and grid co-ordinates of the selected minibeast

Display how often each minibeast was found

Display the minibeasts found in each grid co-ordinate


So far in PHP I have got a welcome screen, then some of the menu from which they can input what minibeast they want to select information for (sort of). I have the actual menu worked out, it's a simple "echo" after all, but I need to work out how to execute different code based on their input.


This is my main file:


require_once 'functions.php';
require_once 'config.php';

welcome(); // Adds the welcome message to the program

menu(); // Adds the selection menu to the console app



This is functions.php with all my functions:



// This holds all of the functions for the
// program

// Welcome function (just text really)

function welcome(){
echo "
Welcome to the console application.


echo "
To begin using the program, type a number
from the list below and then press \"ENTER\" to
execute it.


echo "
For help, type \"help\" and execute it,
for credits type \"credits\" and execute and for
prog. info type \"info\". Version $vernumber


// Next is the selection menu

function menu(){

echo "
Please execute a number from below:

1. Slug 
2. Centipede 
3. Ladybird
4. Snail 
5. Woodlouse
6. Worm 
7. Exit

// Add the input catcher

function getUserInput(){
fwrite(STDOUT, "Enter your choice\n"); 
$selected = fgets(STDIN);                
if ($selected = "1"){
echo "hi";
elseif($selected = "2"){




This is where the problems start. I take their input as $selected, but the if statement is for some reason not working. Then I need to work out how to execute the function again if they enter nothing.


Could this be accomplished in a while.. loop?


Thanks a lot :)

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if they enter nothing, it will capture this:



so you will likely have to check for it too.


echo (!empty($te) && $te != "\n") ? $te : "nothing";


Excellent help! Thank you. I replaced "nothing" with the function for them to enter the number again, but I noticed it only runs twice before exiting the program. Is there anyway I could use a loop to continue running the function again if certain conditions aren't met e.g. number less than 1 and more than 7 and no input. Thanks


EDIT: now there is a bug whereby anything I input it asks me for more input ):

Edited by JoshuaDempsey
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