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Everything posted by JoshuaDempsey

  1. If you are on about Header ('Location: index.php'); - then this works fine when there is a session? The !isset checks if information has been entered to the page? But if the user is logged in they are re-directed to index.php anyway? I know, I'm just getting the hang of this.
  2. But it works absolutely fine. I now have it re-directing to a new page on success. So I don't think there is a problem here?
  3. Thanks very much, code is working now. I just got the output spat back onto the same page by the PHP, I have centred it etc. so it looks OK, I don't see the point of adding logic if I don't have too?
  4. Hi guys, I was just making a simple login for my website when I came over this bug which I cannot for the life of me work out how to fix. Whenever I enter a password etc. and submit the form it throws up this error, but inserts the information into the database correctly... Strange. Anyway, I will dump my config.php file and the code in question and if anyone would give any hints as to why this is happening it'd be much appreciated. Thanks Config.php <?php $ver = 0.1; $database = "hidden"; // the name of the database. $server = "localhost"; // server to connect to. $db_user = "root"; // mysql username to access the database with. $db_pass = ""; // mysql password to access the database with. $table = "users"; // the table that this script will set up and use. $link = mysql_connect($server, $db_user, $db_pass); mysql_select_db($database,$link); ?> Signup.php: <?php # Grab the info from the config file to connect to the database require 'config.php'; ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title> <?php if(session_id() == "" || !isset($_SESSION)){ echo "Sign Up"; } else{ echo "Re-Directing to the homepage"; } ?> </title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/global.css"> </head> <body class="signupPage"> <?php require 'LIP/topbar.php'; # LIP are pages: log in page and the sign up page if(session_id() == "" || !isset($_SESSION)){ } else{ Header ('Location: index.php'); } ?> <div class="title-container"> <h1 class="page-title"> Sign up for hidden </h1> </div> <div class="signup-description"> <p>hidden</p> </div> <div class="form-container"> <form class="" name="" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" autocomplete="on"> <input type="text" class="input-text" name="firstname" placeholder="First name" title="Enter your first name" required autofocus x-webkit-speech /> <br /> <input type="text" name="lastname" class="input-text" placeholder="Last name" title="Enter your last name" required x-webkit-speech /> <br /> <input type="text" name="emailaddress" class="input-text" placeholder="E-Mail Address" title="Enter your E-Mail Address" required x-webkit-speech /> <br /> <input type="password" name="password" class="input-text" placeholder="Password" title="Enter your password" required /> <br /> <input type="submit" class="input-button" name=""> </form> </div> </body> </html> <?php # Start of the code for the login form if(!empty($_POST['firstname']) && !empty($_POST['lastname']) && !empty($_POST['emailaddress']) && !empty($_POST['password'])){ // Above we check if all the fields have been entered // Now we take the input, change it to variables and cleanse it $firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $firstname = ucfirst($firstname); $firstname = htmlentities($firstname); $firstname = stripslashes($firstname); $firstname = mysql_real_escape_string($firstname); $lastname = $_POST['lastname']; $lastname = ucfirst($lastname); $lastname = htmlentities($lastname); $lastname = stripslashes($lastname); $lastname = mysql_real_escape_string($lastname); $eaddr = $_POST['emailaddress']; $eaddr = stripslashes($eaddr); $eaddr = mysql_real_escape_string($eaddr); $passcode = $_POST['password']; $passcode = hash("sha512", $passcode); $check = "SELECT * from emailaddress where eaddr = '".$eaddr."'"; $qry = mysql_query($check); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($qry); if($num_rows > 0){ echo "The username you have entered is already exist. Please try another username."; echo '<a href="signup.php">Try Again</a>'; exit; } $query = "INSERT INTO users (fname,sname,emailaddress,password) VALUES ('".$firstname."','".$lastname."','".$eaddr."','".$passcode."');"; mysql_query($query); echo "Thank You for Registration."; echo '<a href="register.html">Click Here</a> to login you account.'; exit; } ?>
  5. Thanks Ignace. I think I nearly have the program working, but I am stuck here: function GetUserInput(){ echo "Please pick a minibeast from the menu"; echo " 1. Slug 2. Centipede 3. Ladybird 4. Snail 5. Woodlouse 6. Worm 7. Exit"; fwrite(STDOUT, "\n\nEnter your choice:\n"); $selected = fgets(STDIN); switch ($selected) { case ($selected == 1): UserChoice1(); break; case ($selected == 2): UserChoice2(); break; case ($selected == 3): UserChoice3(); break; case ($selected == 4): UserChoice4(); break; case ($selected == 4): UserChoice5(); break; case ($selected == 6): UserChoice6(); break; case ($selected == 7): UserChoice7(); break; } } // now each individual case function UserChoice1(){ 1 == 0; 1 == 1++; } I get "error, unexpected ++ on line 55 (2nd last line). So how can I set the default value of the var 1 to 0, then every time someone hits 1 have it incriment by 1?
  6. I tried this, but keep getting "undeclared variable" out. So I put it in front of the function, still didn't work, and it didn't work with the global keyword either for some reason? I now have it like this: fwrite(STDOUT, "\nEnter your choice:\n"); $selected = fgets(STDIN); function ProcessUserSelection($selected){ if($selected == "1"){ echo "hi"; } } But get the undeclared variable out.?
  7. I have these two functions: function GetUserSelection(){ fwrite(STDOUT, "\nEnter your choice:\n"); $selected = fgets(STDIN); } function ProcessUserSelection(){ if($selected == "1"){ echo "hi"; } } How can I make it that the second function can access "$selection" as the variables in a function are local, right? Is there a way I can make it global or accessible to other functions? Thank you.
  8. Excellent help! Thank you. I replaced "nothing" with the function for them to enter the number again, but I noticed it only runs twice before exiting the program. Is there anyway I could use a loop to continue running the function again if certain conditions aren't met e.g. number less than 1 and more than 7 and no input. Thanks EDIT: now there is a bug whereby anything I input it asks me for more input ):
  9. What did you test this with, computermax2328?
  10. I have been tasked to create a small program in any language I know, which is PHP. It will be a console app (I can't install a LAMP stack etc) and it has to: Allow one of six minibeasts to be selected from a menu Enter and store the name and grid co-ordinates of the selected minibeast Display how often each minibeast was found Display the minibeasts found in each grid co-ordinate So far in PHP I have got a welcome screen, then some of the menu from which they can input what minibeast they want to select information for (sort of). I have the actual menu worked out, it's a simple "echo" after all, but I need to work out how to execute different code based on their input. This is my main file: require_once 'functions.php'; require_once 'config.php'; welcome(); // Adds the welcome message to the program menu(); // Adds the selection menu to the console app getUserInput(); This is functions.php with all my functions: <?php // This holds all of the functions for the // program // Welcome function (just text really) function welcome(){ echo " Welcome to the console application. "; echo " To begin using the program, type a number from the list below and then press \"ENTER\" to execute it. "; echo " For help, type \"help\" and execute it, for credits type \"credits\" and execute and for prog. info type \"info\". Version $vernumber "; } // Next is the selection menu function menu(){ echo " Please execute a number from below: 1. Slug 2. Centipede 3. Ladybird 4. Snail 5. Woodlouse 6. Worm 7. Exit "; } // Add the input catcher function getUserInput(){ fwrite(STDOUT, "Enter your choice\n"); $selected = fgets(STDIN); if ($selected = "1"){ echo "hi"; } elseif($selected = "2"){ } } ?> This is where the problems start. I take their input as $selected, but the if statement is for some reason not working. Then I need to work out how to execute the function again if they enter nothing. Could this be accomplished in a while.. loop? Thanks a lot
  11. Silly me, thank you for the help Jessica, it is very much appreciated!
  12. I am trying to get user input from the command line, but everytime I run this no matter what I enter I get "hi" returned. I don't know why this isn't working, and was hoping someone could take a quick look at it. Thank you: function getUserInput(){ fwrite(STDOUT, "Enter your choice\n"); $selected = fgets(STDIN); if ($selected = "josh"){ echo "hi"; } else{ break; } }
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