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Please help with apostrophes mysql


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this is a piece of old code used to update a MySQL db (not done by me).

It has been working now on a client's site till today, when the text inserted doesn't admit apostrophes !!!!.

I know is something to do with mysql_real_escape_string....but don't know how to modify the code..please help !!.....


  //---- update text
  $sValors= "";
 for ($i=0; $i<count($aCampos); $i++){
 case "string"  : $sValors .=$aCampos[$i]."='".prepararCadena(${$aCampos[$i]})."',";break;
 case "num"	 : $sValors .=$aCampos[$i]."=".PrepararDecimales((float)nz(${$aCampos[$i]},0)).","; break;
 case "boolean" : $sValors .=$aCampos[$i]."=".nz(${$aCampos[$i]},"0").",";  break;

  $sSQL="update t_textos ".
	 "set $sValors ".
	 "where id_texto=$id";
textedebug( $sSQL);

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Your code is open to SQL injection because you're not sanitizing your incoming data. mysql_real_escape_string() will help (if you're actually using the mysql_* functions). Example:


$clean = mysql_real_escape_string($unclean, $connection_link);


The best way to protect yourself against SQL injections would be to use prepared statements. Example with PDO:


$name = 'Wayne';
$value = 'Test';

$stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO table_name (name, value) VALUES (:name, :value)");
$stmt->bindParam(':name', $name);
$stmt->bindParam(':value', $value);

Edited by waynewex
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Hi cyber Robot,

this is the code for the prepararCadena() function

should I use preg_replace?

function PrepararCadena($st)
$sRet = str_replace ("\\\'", "''", $st);
$sRet = str_replace ('\\\\\"', '"', $sRet);
$sRet  = str_replace("'", "\'", $sRet);
return $sRet;

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Hi cyber Robot,

this is the code for the prepararCadena() function

should I use preg_replace?


It's a little difficult to tell what's going on without seeing the entire script (including the user-defined functions). Note that I don't have the time to do that. :tease-01:


What I would suggest is to review the various functions associated with updating the database entry. Once you have a good sense of how it's updating the database, look for a place to use mysql_real_escape_string(). You'll also want to figure out what's going on with the str_replace() portions of the code. It looks like the previous person was trying to manually fix things.



Side note: you may already be aware of this, but the mysql_ functions have been depreciated. At some point, you'll need to look into an alternative for the database connection.


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Thanks all !!

this seems to work ....and will have to do for now.

function PrepararCadena($st)
$sRet = str_replace ("'/", "''", $st);
$sRet = str_replace ('"/', '"', $sRet);
$sRet  = str_replace("'", "'/", $sRet);

return $sRet;

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How on earth did you come up with that as a solution?????? I'm just... I am literally flabbergasted. Literally.


What did you think you accomplished by switching not only the order of the escape character and escapee, but the actual slash from \ to / ?????

I just...

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Hi Jessica,

I'm just trying to get rid of a php error ...by doing this the error is gone.

I know this is not a solution but it will do for today until the new site I'm doing for this client is finished.

I didn't do this site and have no idea what the previous designer was doing...so I don't really have the time to go through the whole thing especially when the new site will be uptomorrow morning.

so....I don't really know what I did but seemed to do the trick...that's all I need now.

Sorry if I have given you a near heart attack. :tease-01:

Edited by lingo5
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