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PHP Developers Evidence


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I've never seen a job posting that asked for "evidence", but one can only assume they want to see a portfolio. It's harder to show your work as a developer vs a designer, so you chould include A. screenshots of previous work for other clients, and B. working examples they can visit, and/or even C. actual code.

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Assuming you mean 'experience', you would list references that proves you held x position for y amount of time. The company will then check your references back-up your claim once you start working for them. If you were lying, I'm not entirely sure what would happen but you would certainly get fired and maybe taken to court. I would imagine if you didn't have the experience they'd notice pretty quickly though and you'd probably loose the job anyway, maybe before the references even responded. Not sure what they would do if you were amazing at the job and you'd lied though?

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Most places looking for professional programmers will have you take some kind of test. I've seen places that want them to take a tests and I've found a bit of contract work through professional staffing companies that look up and understand what your credentials actually mean. (I'm not talking about "Mancan", etc.) For example, Robert Half Technologies.



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