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Hi could someone please explain to me what is going on in this segment of code

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Hi could someone please explain to me what is going on in this segment of code


			$entry['images'] = array();
			foreach ($property as $property_field => $property_field_value){
				if(!empty($property_field_value) && preg_match('/MEDIA_IMAGE_[0-9]{2}/', $property_field)){
					$image_path = $config['image_destination'] . DS . $property_field_value;
						$entry['images'][] = array('path' => $image_path, 'url' => $this->blmConfig['files_url'] . '/images/' . $property_field_value);


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set the "images" thing in $entry to an empty array
for each thing in $property, using $property_field as the key and $property_field_value as the value {
if the value is not empty and it starts with "MEDIA_IMAGE_" and two digits {
set $image_path as the "image destination" from $config, plus DS, plus the value
if that file exists {
add to the "images" thing that particular array of values
Edited by requinix
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It's going through an array named $property, looking for entries that match '/MEDIA_IMAGE_XX' and if found in that array element, creating a string which is the configured path to a directory where I assume images are to be found. If files actually exist in that directory, it then adds each entry to an array ($entry['images']) which will contain one or more arrays with the path to the file and a url.


I'm assuming this is for some sort of gallery system or media management system.


What specifically don't you understand about the code?

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Hey great forum I'm happy to have found it and impressed with the quick response. This was my first post on php freaks. 


So this code is a small segment from a parser I had developed. When someone uploads an xml file and images to a web server, the xml file is parsed and they get inserted as entries into a database. And is output onto a website as the website reads from the database.


I'm just looking through the code and trying to self educate myself and came across this. I got the gist of what is going on but wasn't too sure about the regular expression being used, I'm not sure what MEDIA_IMAGE refers to as none of the image files are called that. An example of the image filename is, 1111_103_IMG_01.jpg


I'm enjoying learning php and I have a basic understanding, as I am an able java oo developer. So I'm aware of data structures, loops, oo principles etc and I understand php on a basic level but this is threw me a bit.

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and it starts with "MEDIA_IMAGE_" and two digits


The regexp checks if the string contains that, anywhere inside the string. So "fooMEDIA_IMAGE_12345" also matches (a very common and bugsensitive mistake).



 I'm not sure what MEDIA_IMAGE refers to


Literally that text: "MEDIA_IMAGE".

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