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Give the forms some color!!!!!!!!!

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<raises hand>

well actually, i guess i was being rather sarcastic. So if by "attack" you mean answering a dumb question with sarcasm, then sure, I "attacked" you. 

It's nothing personal man.  Put yourself in our shoes.  That's like calling up your phone company and asking them to make the ring tones a lower pitch, to match barry white's voice more, just cuz you're into barry white.  It's a silly question to ask.
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[quote author=linkoovi link=topic=116096.msg473096#msg473096 date=1164378588]
Its not a dumb question, its a usability question ! I hope u are not web designer!
It's nothing personal.

It's not a usability question... They can't make 6816168161681681 different skins just because somebody would like to change some settings in their OS's theme!
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Exactly.  It is just to complicated. Most places on the web go with default, so a majority of the users set to work with default, and that is the popular skin.  We have to go with what the majority is using.

BTW,  don't bandy words with CrayonViolent :P  He is like a rock...You will never win.  Trust me, I know ;)
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Personally I think the forums are fine, the simpler it is the faster it will go, and the less you need to get used to a new look.

One thing that could be thought of is leaving this theme, and add additional themes to the board.

but here are some themes for when you change.

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I'm willing to bet that there are more people in this world that leave their IE display & font settings where they are, as opposed to setting the background to black... unless I'm misunderstanding what you said.

And note that CV did not say that it was a "dumb" question (although some might), rather, he said it was a "silly" question.
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