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finding the count() of months

Go to solution Solved by Barand,

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Hi, I'm trying to make a bar chart that shows how many views a job has per month. For the chart i need 12 seperate variables with the count for each stored... like $countJanuary, $countFebruary etc.


I've managed to work this out so far,

$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS `month_count`, DATE_FORMAT(viewDate, '%m') AS `month` FROM jobViews GROUP BY `month` ORDER BY `month` ASC";
$result = $db->query($query);

while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
  echo $row['month']." - ".$row['month_count'];
  echo "</br>";


This produces the following (for testing purposes) but it obviously misses out months that have no matches...

01 - 3
03 - 1
05 - 1
12 - 7

I need the query to assign 0 to months with no matching results, so for February '02 = 0'


Does any have any advice on the logic of how I can get to the stage where I have (as in the example above) $countJanuary = 3, $countMarch = 1 etc..


Any help would be great


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one way

$sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE months (month int)";

$sql = "INSERT INTO months VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(,(9),(10),(11),(12)";

$query = "SELECT m.month , COUNT(*) AS `month_count` 
FROM months
    LEFT JOIN jobViews ON m.month = MONTH(viewDate)
GROUP BY month";
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Thank you very much, that's such a great idea of how to do it.


I've tried to implement your code I'm getting no output when I print_r the $row? Am I handling this wrong? I'll read up more and play about with the code tomorrow night when I've actually slept, but for now this is my attempt!

$sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE months (month int)";

$sql = "INSERT INTO months VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(,(9),(10),(11),(12)";

$query = "SELECT m.month , COUNT(*) AS `month_count` 
FROM months
    LEFT JOIN jobViews ON m.month = MONTH(viewDate)
GROUP BY month";

if($result = $db->query($query)){
  $row = $result->fetch_assoc();


I'm getting a notice saying $row is an undefined variable

Edited by paddyfields
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You get this notice because $row is not defined.. By this I mean, it is ONLY defined in your IF statement and no where else, put $row=null; above your if statement and your notice will be gone.


The 'm' would throw an SQL error, not a PHP Notice.

Edited by Zane
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Yes, thank you it was the 'm' that was causing the problem - I should have noticed that.


The query is now running, but for some reason if there are 'no views' on a certain month then the count is 1 instead of 0?


In my test data I only have views for January - April. The counts on these are correct (they're not 1 too many), but the rest should say 0

$sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE months (month int)";

$sql = "INSERT INTO months VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(,(9),(10),(11),(12)";

$query = "SELECT month , COUNT(*) AS `month_count` 
FROM months
    LEFT JOIN jobViews ON month = MONTH(viewDate)
GROUP BY month";

$result = $db->query($query);
  while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
    echo $row['month']." - ".$row['month_count']."<br>";



1 - 5
2 - 3
3 - 3
4 - 1
5 - 1
6 - 1
7 - 1
8 - 1
9 - 1
10 - 1
11 - 1
12 - 1


I understand how the code works but can't see why 5-12 would have a count of 1??

Edited by paddyfields
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  • Solution

Plan B if you need an array of the totals

$totals = array_fill_keys(range(1,12), 0);

$query = "SELECT MONTH(viewDate) as month , COUNT(*) AS `month_count` 
        FROM jobViews
        GROUP BY month";

$result = $db->query($query);
  while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
    $totals[$row['month']] = $row['month_count'];

echo '<pre>',print_r($totals, true),'</pre>';

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