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if(isset($_GET['key']) && $_GET['key']=="")

if(isset($_POST['price']) && $_POST['price']=="Go")
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$searchresults = urlencode($_GET['key']);
$attributeValue = urlencode($_GET['attribute']);

if(isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page']=="")
$page = 1;
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$url = "http://api.ebaycommercenetwork.com/publisher/3.0/json/GeneralSearch?apiKey=secret&visitorUserAgent&visitorIPAddress&trackingId=secret6&pageNumber=".$page."&itemsSortType=price&itemsSortOrder=".$_GET['sort']."&keyword=".$searchresults;

if($attributeValue !="")
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$url = "http://api.ebaycommercenetwork.com/publisher/3.0/json/GeneralSearch?apiKey=cabc762e-61c5-4e4b-a245-4854164268a5&visitorUserAgent&visitorIPAddress&trackingId=8084586&pageNumber=".$page."&itemsSortType=price&itemsSortOrder=".$_GET['sort']."&categoryId=".$_GET['categryId']."&minPrice=".$_GET['minPrice']."&maxPrice=".$_GET['maxPrice'];


$response = file_get_contents($url);
$json_arr = json_decode($response, true);
//echo "<pre>";
//echo "<pre>";

    foreach ($json_arr['categories']['category'] as $category) 
	$c = $category['items']['matchedItemCount'] ;
	$count = ceil($c/5) ;
        $product = array();
	foreach($category['items']['item'] as $item)
	    //echo "<br>---------------------------------------------------";
	    //echo "<pre>";
	    //echo "<br>---------------------------------------------------";
	    // get the sub array key
	    $key = key($item);
	    $product[$i]['name'] = $item[$key]['name'];
	    $product[$i]['manufacturer'] = $item[$key]['manufacturer'];
	    $descriptionKey = ($key == 'offer') ? 'description' : 'fullDescription';
	    $product[$i]['description'] = $item[$key][$descriptionKey];
	    $imageListKey = ($key == 'offer') ? 'imageList' : 'images';
	    $product[$i]['image'] = $item[$key][$imageListKey]['image'][0]['sourceURL'];
	    $product[$i]['stockStatus'] = $item[$key]['stockStatus'];
	    $product[$i]['currency'] = $item[$key]['basePrice']['currency'];
	    $product[$i]['basePrice'] = $item[$key]['basePrice']['value'];
	    $product[$i]['minPrice'] = $item['product']['offers']['offer'][0]['basePrice']['value'];
	    $product[$i]['currency2'] = $item['product']['offers']['offer'][0]['basePrice']['currency'];
	    $product[$i]['min'] = $item[$key]['minPrice']['value'];
	    $product[$i]['tax'] =  $item[$key]['tax']['value'];
	    $product[$i]['totalPrice'] = $item[$key]['totalPrice']['value'];
	    $product[$i]['originalPrice'] = $item[$key]['originalPrice']['value'];
	    $product[$i]['offerURL'] = $item[$key]['offerURL'];
	    $product[$i]['id'] = $item[$key]['id'];
	    $_SESSION['categoryID'] = $item[$key]['categoryId'];
    //header('location:searchform.php?msg=No result Found !');
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				<!--    <span class="total"><?php echo $json_arr['categories']['category'][0]['items']['item'][$i]['product']['offers']['matchedOfferCount'] ; ?></span>-->
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Hi Professionals


I have the following page code which shows number of stores to compare


What I want it to do is


If there is only one store then


echo 1 store




compare (number of stores) prices for this product




as I did not write this code I am a bit stuck.  I can see in the code where it is just a little lost as to what to do

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<div class="details_action">
					<a id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ProdsRepeater_CompareItem_0_hlCompareProducts_0" title="<?php echo $v['name']; ?>" onclick="" href="compare.php?pid=<?php echo $v['id']; ?>">
					<span style="float:left;">Compare </span>
					<span class="total"><?php echo $json_arr['categories']['category'][0]['items']['item'][$i]['product']['offers']['matchedOfferCount'] ; ?></span>
					<span class="hidden-below-tablet prices_text"> prices for this product</span>

ok this part

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yes it mentions an if then else statement. So if its 1 store then echo 1 store else Compare 5 or 4 or 3 or 2 or 6 or 7 or a million or however many stores there happens to be.



The question is can this be done with an if then else.  If its to complex to confuse you then don't worry about it

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Hi mate, I am a newb but will have a crack at it.


To define your question you want to:
  • List Stores that have the product with the price of that product?


Hi Professionals

I have the following page code which shows number of stores to compare
What I want it to do is
If there is only one store then
echo 1 store
compare (number of stores) prices for this product
as I did not write this code I am a bit stuck.  I can see in the code where it is just a little lost as to what to do


Q: If your pulling your data from a database you might want to get the data you need from a SQL Statement?
Q: Cant see any db connection or SQL statements in your code when I briefly skimmed over it, where is the data coming from? Crawling ebay API (ebaycommercenetwork.com)?
Q: Assuming you have all the data in: 
<?php echo $json_arr['categories']['category'][0]['items']['item'][$i]['product']['offers']['matchedOfferCount'] ; ?>
Would the logic be for your IF Statement be more like:


// LOOP through the array with a IF Statement pulling records:


IF (['product']) => 1) {

   // Show list of stores and product prices


} ELSE {

  // No stores have this product

  echo "Out of stock!";



Reference Loops and Arrays: http://www.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.foreach.php


Hope this helps, I am kinda new to all this, but worth a shot.
Edited by Ansego
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hey ansego


for a newbie you done pretty well yeah that worked just had to slightly play around with it




if (['product']) > 1 {


compare (numstores) for this product




else {


Only 1 store for this product so I put a go directly to store button as there is obviously only 1 store to choose from for that product




and it don't query the database it queries the ebay network yes oh and I had already covered if there were no stores


thanks again for your help

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