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hard drive replacement


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Can anybody help me with some advise on changing a hard drive in a desktop PC?

I have a PC that is approx 4-5 years old.  It is nothing special but I had it for the kids to use for a bit of web browsing and word processing for school work.  Had a problem with it recently and I have been reliably informed that the hard drive is corrupt and requires replacement.

First question I have, is do I need anything specific? Are all hard drives compatible with uniform connections etc?

Secondly, what comes on the hard drive? If I just plug it in and switch on the machine what will come up? I suspect I will probably need to install windows but how do I go about that?

Any advice would be appreciated.  I do not intend to go out and buy a new hard drive, I will pick one up from ebay.  I just want to be clear on the process and what I need before I go ahead with it.
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[quote]Are all hard drives compatible with uniform connections etc?[/quote]

There are three basic types of Hard Drive connections....for PCs
you have

IDE [url=http://www.lanyoncomputers.com.au/images/ideconnect.jpg][Click for image][/url]

SCSI [url=http://www.lextec.com/images/scsi_vhdci_offset_lg.jpg][Click for image][/url]

SATA [url=http://www.mysuperpc.com/build/sata_hard_drive_connectors_jumpers_2.jpg][Click for image][/url]

The most common one is IDE, which I'm assuming your HD is.
If I just plug it in and switch on the machine what will come up?[/quote]
Essentially, yes
If the HD has an Operating System on it, like Windows...it will come up....assuming it's hooked up correctly which I'll talk about in a second.

[quote]I have been reliably informed that the hard drive is corrupt and requires replacement.[/quote]
I'm not doubting your reliable resource, but a good way to find out for yourself is to...turn the PC off..then:
1. Unplug your other hard drives.....simple, yoink yoink they're unplugged.

2. Set this [i]corrupt[/i] hard drive to MASTER
If you look on the label on the HD there are instructions on how to set the jumper(s) to make it master, should be quite easy....might need some tweezers though, maybe.
[url=http://www.pcstats.com/articleimages/200504/hddinstall_jump.jpg][Click for image][/url]

3. Plug it in -- the IDE cable (i'm assuming) with the pink side pointing towards the power port on the HD
and then plug in the power with the yellow cable from the power cord on the opposite side of the IDE cable.....make sure you have the IDE cable plugged to the motherboard

4. Turn the PC on.
5. Wait for it to say something like Primary Master something:....or if it flickers to fast
wait for any error messages that could say....No Operating System Found or invalid system disk...or hell..DOS might even come up with a "C:\" prompt.
Anways...back to the Primary Master part.....the dead giveaway that'll tell you if your hard drive is corrupt/throw in the garbage time....is if it says Primary Master: None

Elsewise, you can pop in a Windows CD or boot disk and use the fdisk command to clear it all out
and the use format so you can install whatever operating system you might want.

I hope I helped you out...cuz my fingers are tired.
Let me know how it turns out
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[quote]2. Set this corrupt hard drive to MASTER
If you look on the label on the HD there are instructions on how to set the jumper(s) to make it master, should be quite easy....might need some tweezers though, maybe.[/quote]

You say switch it to master, but should it not already be set to master as it is the only HD fitted? I am no expert, I have just been looking at a few articles on replacement and I thought that it is either master or slave? I am probably wrong though!
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