NiallAA Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 Apologies if the title is quite vague, I suppose I am looking for some general advice on why some pages I write in PHP, which contain MySQL queries, might be running a bit slow. The following page takes up to 3 seconds to display: <?php session_start(); include('admin/user.php'); $connection = mysql_connect("$host","$user","$password") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("$txt_db_name",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $id = $_REQUEST['id']; // MATCH INFO $get_details = mysql_query(" SELECT MatchDateTime AS date, DATE_FORMAT(MatchDateTime, '%Y-%m-%d') AS formatdate FROM tplss_matches WHERE MatchID = '$id' LIMIT 1",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $factsdata = mysql_fetch_array($get_details); mysql_free_result($get_details); $matchdate = $factsdata['date']; $matchdate2 = $factsdata['formatdate']; // -----------SHOW FACTS ABOUT THE STARTING LINEUP--------- echo" <h5>Appearances & Goals To Date</h5> <table width=100%>"; $get_starters = mysql_query(" SELECT P.PlayerID AS playerid, CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerNationID AS nation, P.PlayerPositionID as pos FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = P.PlayerID AND A.AppearanceMatchID = '$id' ORDER BY P.PlayerPositionID ASC ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $get_subbies = mysql_query(" SELECT P.PlayerID AS playerid, CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerNationID AS nation, P.PlayerPositionID as pos FROM tplss_players P, tplss_substitutions S WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = P.PlayerID AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = '$id' ORDER BY P.PlayerPositionID ASC ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($combstarters = mysql_fetch_array($get_starters)) { echo"<tr>"; echo"<td><a href=\"player.php?id=$combstarters[playerid]\">$combstarters[name]</a>"; if($combstarters['pos'] == 1) { echo" (GK)"; } echo"</td>"; $combpid = $combstarters['playerid']; echo" <td align=\"left\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\"> <img src=\"images/flag_$combstarters[nation].jpg\" border=1> </td> "; $get_comb_apps = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(A.AppearancePlayerID) AS apps FROM tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = '$combpid' AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $get_comb_ins = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn) AS ins FROM tplss_substitutions S, tplss_matches M WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = '$combpid' AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($combdata = mysql_fetch_array($get_comb_apps)) { while($idata = mysql_fetch_array($get_comb_ins)) { $totalapps = $combdata['apps'] + $idata['ins']; if($totalapps == 1) { echo"<td>$totalapps app (debut)</td>"; } else { echo"<td>$totalapps apps</td>"; } } mysql_free_result($get_comb_ins); } mysql_free_result($get_comb_apps); $get_goals_all = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(G.GoalPlayerID) AS total_goals FROM tplss_goals G, tplss_matches M WHERE G.GoalPlayerID = '$combpid' AND G.GoalMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' AND G.GoalOwn != 1 GROUP BY G.GoalPlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($get_goals_all) == 0) { echo"<td> - </td>"; } while($combgoals = mysql_fetch_array($get_goals_all)) { if($combgoals['total_goals'] == 1) { echo"<td>$combgoals[total_goals] goal</td>"; } else { echo"<td>$combgoals[total_goals] goals</td>"; } } mysql_free_result($get_goals_all); echo"</tr>"; } while($combsubbies = mysql_fetch_array($get_subbies)) { echo"<tr>"; echo"<td><a href=\"player.php?id=$combsubbies[playerid]\">$combsubbies[name]</a> (sub)"; if($combsubbies['pos'] == 1) { echo" (GK)"; } echo"</td>"; $combpid = $combsubbies['playerid']; echo" <td align=\"left\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\"> <img src=\"images/flag_$combsubbies[nation].jpg\" border=1> </td> "; $get_comb_apps = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(A.AppearancePlayerID) AS apps FROM tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = '$combpid' AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $get_comb_ins = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn) AS ins FROM tplss_substitutions S, tplss_matches M WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = '$combpid' AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($combdata = mysql_fetch_array($get_comb_apps)) { while($idata = mysql_fetch_array($get_comb_ins)) { $totalapps = $combdata['apps'] + $idata['ins']; if($totalapps == 1) { echo"<td>$totalapps app (debut)</td>"; } else { echo"<td>$totalapps apps</td>"; } } mysql_free_result($get_comb_ins); } mysql_free_result($get_comb_apps); $get_goals_all = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(G.GoalPlayerID) AS total_goals FROM tplss_goals G, tplss_matches M WHERE G.GoalPlayerID = '$combpid' AND G.GoalMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' AND G.GoalOwn != 1 GROUP BY G.GoalPlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($get_goals_all) == 0) { echo"<td> - </td>"; } while($combgoals = mysql_fetch_array($get_goals_all)) { if($combgoals['total_goals'] == 1) { echo"<td>$combgoals[total_goals] goal</td>"; } else { echo"<td>$combgoals[total_goals] goals</td>"; } } mysql_free_result($get_goals_all); echo"</tr>"; } echo"</table>"; // -----------SHOW FACTS ABOUT THE STARTING LINEUP--------- echo"<br> <h5>Starting Lineup</h5> <table width=100%>"; // GET YOUNGEST PLAYER IN STARTING LINEUP $get_youngest_player = mysql_query(" SELECT P.PlayerDOB AS dob, DATE_FORMAT(P.PlayerDOB, '%d/%m/%Y') AS birth, CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' ORDER BY dob DESC LIMIT 0,1 ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($youngest = mysql_fetch_array($get_youngest_player)) { echo"<tr>"; $dob = $youngest['dob']; echo"<td width=30%>Youngest Player:</td><td width=70%><a href=\"player.php?id=$youngest[id]\">$youngest[name]</a> ("; $now = strtotime("$matchdate"); $your_date = strtotime("$dob"); $datediff_days = $now - $your_date; $datediff_years = ($now - $your_date) / 365; $days = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)); $years = floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)); $remainder = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)) - (floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)) * 365); echo"$years years $remainder days)</td> </tr> "; } mysql_free_result($get_youngest_player); // GET OLDEST PLAYER IN STARTING LINEUP $get_oldest_player = mysql_query(" SELECT P.PlayerDOB AS dob, DATE_FORMAT(P.PlayerDOB, '%d/%m/%Y') AS birth, CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' ORDER BY dob ASC LIMIT 0,1 ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($oldest = mysql_fetch_array($get_oldest_player)) { echo"<tr>"; $dob = $oldest['dob']; echo"<td width=30%>Oldest Player:</td><td width=70%><a href=\"player.php?id=$oldest[id]\">$oldest[name]</a> ("; $now = strtotime("$matchdate"); $your_date = strtotime("$dob"); $datediff_days = $now - $your_date; $datediff_years = ($now - $your_date) / 365; $days = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)); $years = floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)); $remainder = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)) - (floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)) * 365); echo"$years years $remainder days)</td>"; echo"</tr>"; } mysql_free_result($get_oldest_player); // GET AVERAGE DOB OF STARTING XI $get_average_dob = mysql_query(" SELECT FROM_DAYS(AVG(TO_DAYS(P.PlayerDOB))) AS dob FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($average = mysql_fetch_array($get_average_dob)) { echo"<tr>"; $dob = $average['dob']; $now = strtotime("$matchdate"); $your_date = strtotime("$dob"); $datediff_days = $now - $your_date; $datediff_years = $datediff_days / 365; $days = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)); $years = floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)); $remainder = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)) - (floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)) * 365); echo"<td width=30%>Average Player Age:</td><td width=70%>$years years $remainder days</td>"; echo"</tr>"; } mysql_free_result($get_average_dob); $get_players = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(P.PlayerID) AS players FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' GROUP BY M.MatchID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $get_scots = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(P.PlayerID) AS scots FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' AND P.PlayerNationID = 1 GROUP BY M.MatchID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($players = mysql_fetch_array($get_players)) { echo"<tr>"; while($scots = mysql_fetch_array($get_scots)) { $average = ($scots['scots'] / $players['players']) * 100; $average = number_format((float)$average, 2, '.', ''); echo"<td width=30%>Domestic Players:</td><td width=70%>$scots[scots] ($average % of starting eleven)</td>"; } echo"</tr>"; } mysql_free_result($get_players); echo"</table>"; ?> <? // -----------SHOW FACTS ABOUT THE MATCHDAY SQUAD-------------- echo"<br> <h5>Matchday Squad</h5> <table width=100%> "; // GET YOUNGEST PLAYER IN SQUAD $get_youngest_player_all = mysql_query(" SELECT P.PlayerDOB AS dob, CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P INNER JOIN ( SELECT AppearancePlayerID as PlayerID , AppearanceMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_appearances UNION SELECT SubstitutePlayerID as PlayerID , SubstituteMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_substitutes ) as total USING (PlayerID) INNER JOIN tplss_matches M USING (MatchID) WHERE M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' ORDER BY dob DESC LIMIT 0,1 ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($youngest_all = mysql_fetch_array($get_youngest_player_all)) { echo"<tr>"; $dob = $youngest_all['dob']; echo"<td width=30%>Youngest Player:</td><td width=70%><a href=\"player.php?id=$youngest_all[id]\">$youngest_all[name]</a> ("; $now = strtotime("$matchdate"); $your_date = strtotime("$dob"); $datediff_days = $now - $your_date; $datediff_years = ($now - $your_date) / 365; $days = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)); $years = floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)); $remainder = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)) - (floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)) * 365); echo"$years years $remainder days)</td>"; echo"</tr>"; } // GET OLDEST PLAYER IN SQUAD $get_oldest_player_all = mysql_query(" SELECT P.PlayerDOB AS dob, CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P INNER JOIN ( SELECT AppearancePlayerID as PlayerID , AppearanceMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_appearances UNION SELECT SubstitutePlayerID as PlayerID , SubstituteMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_substitutes ) as total USING (PlayerID) INNER JOIN tplss_matches M USING (MatchID) WHERE M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' ORDER BY dob ASC LIMIT 0,1 ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($oldest_all = mysql_fetch_array($get_oldest_player_all)) { echo"<tr>"; $dob = $oldest_all['dob']; echo"<td width=30%>Oldest Player:</td><td width=70%><a href=\"player.php?id=$oldest_all[id]\">$oldest_all[name]</a> ("; $now = strtotime("$matchdate"); $your_date = strtotime("$dob"); $datediff_days = $now - $your_date; $datediff_years = ($now - $your_date) / 365; $days = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)); $years = floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)); $remainder = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)) - (floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)) * 365); echo"$years years $remainder days)</td>"; echo"</tr>"; } // GET AVERAGE DOB OF WHOLE SQUAD $get_average_dob_all = mysql_query(" SELECT FROM_DAYS(AVG(TO_DAYS(P.PlayerDOB))) AS dob FROM tplss_players P INNER JOIN ( SELECT AppearancePlayerID as PlayerID , AppearanceMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_appearances UNION SELECT SubstitutePlayerID as PlayerID , SubstituteMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_substitutes ) as total USING (PlayerID) INNER JOIN tplss_matches M USING (MatchID) WHERE M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($average_all = mysql_fetch_array($get_average_dob_all)) { echo"<tr>"; $dob = $average_all['dob']; $now = strtotime("$matchdate"); $your_date = strtotime("$dob"); $datediff_days = $now - $your_date; $datediff_years = ($now - $your_date) / 365; $days = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)); $years = floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)); $remainder = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)) - (floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)) * 365); echo"<td width=30%>Average Player Age:</td><td width=70%>$years years $remainder days</td>"; echo"</tr>"; } $get_players_all = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(P.PlayerID) AS allplayers FROM tplss_players P INNER JOIN ( SELECT AppearancePlayerID as PlayerID , AppearanceMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_appearances UNION SELECT SubstitutePlayerID as PlayerID , SubstituteMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_substitutes ) as total USING (PlayerID) INNER JOIN tplss_matches M USING (MatchID) WHERE M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' GROUP BY M.MatchID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $get_scots_all = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(P.PlayerID) AS scots FROM tplss_players P INNER JOIN ( SELECT AppearancePlayerID as PlayerID , AppearanceMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_appearances UNION SELECT SubstitutePlayerID as PlayerID , SubstituteMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_substitutes ) as total USING (PlayerID) INNER JOIN tplss_matches M USING (MatchID) WHERE M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' AND P.PlayerNationID = 1 GROUP BY M.MatchID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($players_all = mysql_fetch_array($get_players_all)) { while($scots_all = mysql_fetch_array($get_scots_all)) { echo"<tr>"; $average = ($scots_all['scots'] / $players_all['allplayers']) * 100; $average = number_format((float)$average, 2, '.', ''); echo"<td width=30%>Domestic Players:</td><td width=70%>$scots_all[scots] ($average % of matchday squad)</td>"; echo"</tr>"; } } echo"</table>"; ?> <? //--------------CHECK FOR ANY DEBUTS---------------- // GET STARTING XI FOR DEBUTS $get_debuts = mysql_query(" SELECT CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id, DATE_FORMAT(P.PlayerSigned, '%M %D, %Y') AS signed FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A WHERE A.AppearanceMatchID = '$id' AND P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID ORDER BY name",$connection); // GET SUBS FOR DEBUTS $get_sub_debuts = mysql_query(" SELECT CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id, DATE_FORMAT(P.PlayerSigned, '%M %D, %Y') AS signed FROM tplss_players P, tplss_substitutions S WHERE S.SubstitutionMatchID = '$id' AND P.PlayerID = S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn ORDER BY name",$connection); echo"<br><h5>First Team Debuts</h5> <table width=100%>"; // SHOW ANY DEBUTS FOR PLAYERS IN STARTING XI while($appdata = mysql_fetch_array($get_debuts)) { $appplayerid = $appdata['id']; $get_starts = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(A.AppearancePlayerID) AS total FROM tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = $appplayerid AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY A.AppearancePlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $starts = mysql_fetch_array($get_starts); $get_subst = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn) AS total FROM tplss_substitutions S, tplss_matches M WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = $appplayerid AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $subst = mysql_fetch_array($get_subst); $total_apps = $starts['total'] + $subst['total']; $head_url = "images/heads/" . $appplayerid . ".jpg"; if($total_apps == 1) { echo"<tr> <td width=20%> <img src=\""; if(file_exists($head_url)) { echo"images/heads/$appplayerid.jpg"; } else { echo"images/heads/none.jpg"; } echo"\" width=\"50\" style=\"border:0px solid; border-radius:25px;\"> </td> <td width=40%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdata[name]</a></td><td width=40%>(Signed $appdata[signed])</td>"; } else { echo""; } } mysql_free_result($get_debuts); // SHOW ANY DEBUTS FOR PLAYERS COMING OFF BENCH while($appdatas = mysql_fetch_array($get_sub_debuts)) { $appplayerid = $appdatas['id']; $get_starts = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(A.AppearancePlayerID) AS total FROM tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = $appplayerid AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY A.AppearancePlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $starts = mysql_fetch_array($get_starts); $get_subst = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn) AS total FROM tplss_substitutions S, tplss_matches M WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = $appplayerid AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $subst = mysql_fetch_array($get_subst); $total_apps = $starts['total'] + $subst['total']; $head_url = "images/heads/" . $appplayerid . ".jpg"; if($total_apps == 1) { echo"<tr> <td width=20%> <img src=\""; if(file_exists($head_url)) { echo"images/heads/$appplayerid.jpg"; } else { echo"images/heads/none.jpg"; } echo"\" width=\"50\" style=\"border:0px solid; border-radius:25px;\"> </td> <td width=40%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatas[name]</a></td><td width=40%>(Signed $appdatas[signed])</td>"; } else { echo""; } } mysql_free_result($get_sub_debuts); echo"</table>"; ?> <?php // --------------------CHECK FOR ANY MILESTONES---------------- // GET STARTING XI FOR MILESTONES $get_milestones = mysql_query(" SELECT CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A WHERE A.AppearanceMatchID = '$id' AND P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID ORDER BY name",$connection); // GET SUBS FOR MILESTONES $get_sub_milestones = mysql_query(" SELECT CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P, tplss_substitutions S WHERE S.SubstitutionMatchID = '$id' AND P.PlayerID = S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn ORDER BY name",$connection); // GET SCORERS FOR GOAL CHECKS $get_goals = mysql_query(" SELECT CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P, tplss_goals G WHERE G.GoalMatchID = '$id' AND P.PlayerID = G.GoalPlayerID AND G.GoalOwn != 1 ORDER BY name",$connection); echo"<Br><h5>Milestones</h5> <table width=100%>"; // SHOW MILESTONES FOR STARTING XI while($appdatam = mysql_fetch_array($get_milestones)) { $appplayerid = $appdatam['id']; $get_starts = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(A.AppearancePlayerID) AS total FROM tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = $appplayerid AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY A.AppearancePlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $starts = mysql_fetch_array($get_starts); $get_subst = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn) AS total FROM tplss_substitutions S, tplss_matches M WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = $appplayerid AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $subst = mysql_fetch_array($get_subst); $total_apps = $starts['total'] + $subst['total']; echo""; if($total_apps == '50') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> played his 50th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '100') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> played his 100th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '200') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> made his 200th competitive appearance for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '250') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> played his 250th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '300') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> made his 300th competitive appearance for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '400') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> played his 400th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '500') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> made his 500th competitive appearance for the Club.</td></tr>"; } else { echo""; } echo""; } mysql_free_result($get_milestones); // SHOW MILESTONES FOR SUBS while($appdatams = mysql_fetch_array($get_sub_milestones)) { $appplayerid = $appdatams['id']; $get_starts = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(A.AppearancePlayerID) AS total FROM tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = $appplayerid AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY A.AppearancePlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $starts = mysql_fetch_array($get_starts); $get_subst = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn) AS total FROM tplss_substitutions S, tplss_matches M WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = $appplayerid AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $subst = mysql_fetch_array($get_subst); $total_apps = $starts['total'] + $subst['total']; if($total_apps == '50') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> played his 50th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '100') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> played his 100th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '200') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> made his 200th competitive appearance for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '250') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> played his 250th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '300') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> made his 300th competitive appearance for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '400') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> played his 400th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '500') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> made his 500th competitive appearance for the Club.</td></tr>"; } else { echo""; } } mysql_free_result($get_sub_milestones); // SHOW MILESTONES FOR STARTING XI while($goaldata = mysql_fetch_array($get_goals)) { $appplayerid = $goaldata['id']; $get_goal_totals = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(G.GoalPlayerID) AS total FROM tplss_goals G, tplss_matches M WHERE G.GoalPlayerID = $appplayerid AND G.GoalMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY G.GoalPlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $goals = mysql_fetch_array($get_goal_totals); $total_goals = $goals['total']; if($total_goals == '1') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> scored his first goal for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '10') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> reached 10 goals for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '25') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> scored for the 25th time for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '30') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> reached 30 goals for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '50') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> scored his 50th goal for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '75') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> reached 75 goals for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '100') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> scored his 100th goal for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '200') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> scored his 200th goal for the Club.</td></tr>"; } else { echo""; } } echo"</table>"; mysql_free_result($get_goals); ?> <hr> Any suggestions or general advice would be greatly appreciated. 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cyberRobot Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 You have quite a few queries which are executed within loops. This has a negative effect on performance. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NiallAA Posted August 29, 2014 Author Share Posted August 29, 2014 (edited) This seems to be the bit that is causing the most delay: $get_starters = mysql_query(" SELECT P.PlayerID AS playerid, CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerNationID AS nation, P.PlayerPositionID as pos FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = P.PlayerID AND A.AppearanceMatchID = '$id' ORDER BY P.PlayerPositionID ASC ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($combstarters = mysql_fetch_array($get_starters)) { echo"<tr>"; echo"<td><a href=\"player.php?id=$combstarters[playerid]\">$combstarters[name]</a>"; if($combstarters['pos'] == 1) { echo" (GK)"; } echo"</td>"; $combpid = $combstarters['playerid']; echo" <td align=\"left\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\"> <img src=\"images/flag_$combstarters[nation].jpg\" border=1> </td> "; $get_comb_apps = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(A.AppearancePlayerID) AS apps FROM tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = '$combpid' AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $get_comb_ins = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn) AS ins FROM tplss_substitutions S, tplss_matches M WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = '$combpid' AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($combdata = mysql_fetch_array($get_comb_apps)) { while($idata = mysql_fetch_array($get_comb_ins)) { $totalapps = $combdata['apps'] + $idata['ins']; if($totalapps == 1) { echo"<td>$totalapps app (debut)</td>"; } else { echo"<td>$totalapps apps</td>"; } } } $get_goals_all = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(G.GoalPlayerID) AS total_goals FROM tplss_goals G, tplss_matches M WHERE G.GoalPlayerID = '$combpid' AND G.GoalMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' AND G.GoalOwn != 1 GROUP BY G.GoalPlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($get_goals_all) == 0) { echo"<td> - </td>"; } while($combgoals = mysql_fetch_array($get_goals_all)) { if($combgoals['total_goals'] == 1) { echo"<td>$combgoals[total_goals] goal</td>"; } else { echo"<td>$combgoals[total_goals] goals</td>"; } } echo"</tr>"; } Is there a way I can do this without executing queries within loops? Thank you in advance to anyone who can help. What this page is, is a list of football players selected to play in a match. Next to them in a column is a list of their combined appearances (full appearances (apps) and partial appearances (ins)) and goals scored to date. Edited August 29, 2014 by NiallAA Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ginerjm Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 You s/b using the JOIN operator in your sql to gather ALL the needed data in just one query. Also - as mentioned - never run queries inside loops. Change your thought process to tackle the queries in one pass and not in a loop. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cyberRobot Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 There may be a way to merge some of the queries to avoid executing them within loops as ginerjm suggested. If MySQL isn't your strong suit, you could look into collecting the information into a multidimensional associative array. Here's a quick example showing the code I've used for a similar issue: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NiallAA Posted August 29, 2014 Author Share Posted August 29, 2014 You s/b using the JOIN operator in your sql to gather ALL the needed data in just one query. Also - as mentioned - never run queries inside loops. Change your thought process to tackle the queries in one pass and not in a loop. Thanks ginerjm. This is where I may need the advice. My knowledge of JOINs is very underdeveloped. I think I went round in circles somewhat just coming to the point I'm at with this particular one. If I may, could I give you the structure of the tables I am working with, and then a description of what I am trying to achieve? tplss_matches MatchID, MatchDateTime tplss_players PlayerID, PlayerName tplss_appearances AppearanceID, AppearancePlayerID, AppearanceMatchID tplss_substitutions SubstitutionID, SubstitutionPlayerIDIn, SubstitutionMatchID tplss_goals GoalID, GoalPlayerID, GoalMatchID In the context of the PHP coding thus far, $id is the current MatchID, which has been requested from the URL earlier in the code. What I want to display is a column of the players who have been selected to start the match in question. I then want to display, in the next column, a corresponding list of each player's total appearances up to and including that match (i.e. prior to and including the MatchDateTime). Total appearances are the sum of any entries for the PlayerID and the current MatchID, found in either tplss_appearances or tplss_substititions. Likewise, in the next corresponding column I want to show the player's goals scored, the sum of all entries match the PlayerID and the current MatchID in tplss_goals. It would look a little like this: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cyberRobot Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 Perhaps the following tutorial on JOINS will help: If you can get the JOIN figured, you should be able to calculate the totals with COUNT. Here's an example of someone using both JOIN and COUNT: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barand Posted August 30, 2014 Share Posted August 30, 2014 Seems like we have been over this ground before Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CroNiX Posted August 30, 2014 Share Posted August 30, 2014 In addition to the above, make sure your db is properly indexed. Old, but good read: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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