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I am building a restfull service and i would like to out put a error like the following

    "error": true,
    "message": "Validation failed",
    "code": 400,
    "errors": [
            "field": "first_name",
            "error": "The first name field is required."
            "field": "first_name",
            "error": "The last name field is required."
            "field": "first_name",
            "error": "The gender field is required."
            "field": "first_name",
            "error": "The city id field is required."
            "field": "first_name",
            "error": "The postcode field is required."
            "field": "first_name",
            "error": "The email field is required."
            "field": "first_name",
            "error": "The password field is required."

but i cant seem to read the array key as what the vailidation failed on

$validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);

    	if ($validator->fails())

    		$errors = array();
    		$messages = $validator->messages();


    		foreach ($messages->all() as $value)
    			$errors[] = array('field' => 'first_name',
    							  'error' => $value

			$response = Response::json(array(
	            'error'   => true,
	            'message' => 'Validation failed',
	            'code' 	  => 400,
	            'errors'  => $errors


    		return $response;
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I have no idea what your post is.  That first piece of code - what is it?  If it is supposed to represent an array, it's a syntax I am not familiar with.  If it's not, then what is it?  And what is your question exactly?  Output a message like what?

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I have no idea what your post is.  That first piece of code - what is it?  If it is supposed to represent an array, it's a syntax I am not familiar with.  If it's not, then what is it?  And what is your question exactly?  Output a message like what?


Hi where it says  'field' => 'first_name', I want that to be the field the error occured on and also the syntax is the laravel

Edited by Danny620
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When you ask for help here it is a good idea to not post blind code that has no context and for which you have not provided any English translation of its context.  What are we supposed to do - guess what you are trying to do as well as solve your problem?


Why not start again and tell us what you have posted and what it is supposed to be?  Then give us a synopsis of what you are expecting that code to do.

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if your first bit of code is in the variable $response then

$r = json_decode($response, 1);
foreach ($r['errors'] as $e) {
    echo "{$e['field']} : {$e['error']}<br>";

BTW, why are you hard-coding the field name as 'first_name' for all errors?

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if your first bit of code is in the variable $response then

$r = json_decode($response, 1);
foreach ($r['errors'] as $e) {
    echo "{$e['field']} : {$e['error']}<br>";

BTW, why are you hard-coding the field name as 'first_name' for all errors?

Hi Sean,


that is the bit i want to fix


BTW, why are you hard-coding the field name as 'first_name' for all errors?


i want it the be the field name with the error but i dont know how to access the field name in laravel errors can you help?

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