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Learning how to show information from a table


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I am learning PHP and have been trying to work out what I need to do to display information on a members page.

// Create connection
$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'db', 'db', 'db');
// Check connection
if ($mysqli->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $mysqli->connect_error);

$getID = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$sql = "SELECT * from users WHERE id = ($getID)";

// What needs to go here?

So for example I have a column with firstname which I would like to print back to the user


Any help would be appreciative...

Edited by redgunner2
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I think what you really need to do is study some tutorials. Your question is extremely basic and shows you really haven't put any effort into learning anything.


IMO you are not ready to start asking for help yet.


At least go through the following tutorial and then see if you have any questions.




There are also numerous tutorials at code academy that will teach you all the different areas you need to know, PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS, etc



Edited by benanamen
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You can't judge that I haven't learnt anything based on me asking for help? I wanted feedback on how others would achieve this so i can compare as I am writing a script to counter XSS for a project, please do not post sarcastic comments to people looking help - After all this is a help forum and not a look down your nose forum.

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You can't judge that I haven't learnt anything based on me asking for help?


Based on what you asked, I absolutely can. When I say "anything", I mean anything regarding the subject you are asking about, not implying you dont know other things.


We are here to help. Your question clearly shows you have not studied the most basic of basics regarding your question. The fact that your throwing in $_SESSION without  session_start further shows that unless you just have not provided the entire code for the page.


Instead of jumping on me you could have just gone to the first tutorial I pointed you to and you would have had your answer and more.


If you look over all my posts you will see I am very helpful and quite knowledgeable.

Edited by benanamen
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If you're just beginning with php, I'd recommend using PDO over MySQLi. It's an easier interface to wrap your head around, and not limited to one database as MySQLi is. Basically, what you're going to want to do is create a prepared statement using the user ID stored in session, query the database using prepared statement, and echo the resulting data to the page.


If you're up for the learning curve, check out a templating system for the data display (for instance, Twig) - it takes some getting used to but if you're just starting to learn, you may as well learn good habits from the get-go.

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